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Fitness: How do you hydrate?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    How do you keep track of your fluid intake on a daily basis?
    What beverages do you prefer?
    How much do you drink in a given day?
    Share whatever you feel is applicable or helpful to this topic.

    I have been thinking a lot about fluid intake recently. Normally I have to consume massive quantities so I don't get headaches, but since I started lactating my fluid demands have increased. Sometimes I find it difficult to keep track of how much I have consumed on a given day. I find myself waiting until I realize I'm parched, and then gulping glass after glass of water. I typically drink 5 liters of water and about 3 10-oz glasses of whole milk daily. I frequently have herbal tea as well. If I have a killer headache, I add Mio Fit to my water. Most sports drinks and coconut water leave me with gastrointestinal distress. Vitamin water is ok but it is too pricey to purchase for regular use.
  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I just watch the color of my pee. I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day, followed by about 40 oz. of sencha green tea. In the evenings, I usually have 20-40 oz. of herbal tea. I keep track of those amounts by using a mason jar to make my tea in.
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Cup or 2 of coffee in the morning...no cream. (or OJ)
    I have a cool glass of water at my desk all the time...refilling it quite a bit.
    Sometimes a can of soda after lunch in the afternoon...but usually a water with my lunch.
    Sometimes a green tea with honey in the late afternoon...if it's cold outside. Or a V8 if it's warm outside.
    Milk or Wine with dinner, depending on my mood. (usually milk 2%...lactose reduced)

    I usually prefer typical tap water refrigerated. (as long as it's not metallic tasting)
    And when I work out, I take a drink from the fountain between sets.
    I do not like bottled water...waste of money.

    But I'm always drinking something...and I don't like straws, prefer to wet my whistle.
    Also, I don't like ice if the drink is already cool.
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  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I don't drink a lot of plain water. I don't see the need, since what I drink tends to keep me plenty hydrated. I sometimes drink Perrier or other kinds of sparkling water out of a preference for bubbles. In summer, I tend to drink more plain water over herbal tea.
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  5. I'm a fish. I drink pretty much nothing but water without much added in. Sometimes lemonade, the occasional soda when I go out to eat.

    I drink when I'm thirsty. I admit I don't really track it too much. I, like @snowy, will note the color of my urine and try to adjust accordingly, but it's not usually a conscious effort.
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I don't keep track, but I pay attention to my pee like @snowy does. I keep meaning to get into the habit of drinking more during the day, because I go through accelerated fluid loss two nights a week (plus once on Saturday afternoon), when I do two hours of intense exercise. On those days, I try to remember to drink at least five or six cups of fluid (usually a combination of coffee, tea, milk, and water) by the time I'm ready to go.

    I tend to use water when intentionally trying to hydrate before exercise and rehydrating after exercise. I'll also sometimes have soup for the extra fluids.

    During my workouts, I only usually get about three opportunities to drink, and it's not helpful to have a lot at those times, so I try to focus on rehydrating immediately after and up to two hours after that. The problem is that I don't want to drink too much close to bedtime, because I hate disrupting my sleep by having to pee before I wake.

    I think I need to boost my hydration overall. I think it may have been a problem on occasion during exercise. I'd hate to know just how much fluid I lose over those two hours. So much sweat....
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  7. i find that if i drink coffee ( which is probably twice a year) it makes me go to the bathroom quite quickly, so i feel like im de-hydrating. i try and avoid coffee at all costs, unless i need a big hit.

    If i do a long run (15-20km+) i'll add some sports drink to my camelbak hydration pack. There's some new digital gadgets out there that guage how much water you've drank from your supply. They're pretty nifty, but the best indicator is your body, since everyone is different. If you're doing exercise, if you feel thirsty, then you're already dehydrated. dry lips and mouth is a very good indicator and you'll most likely find out before you pee.

    One thing people should remember when checking the colour of their pee, is that the pee is diluted with the water is the toilet, so its really darker than it really looks in the toilet.
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  8. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Do you have a bathroom scale?
    I have found the most effective way to maintain my hydration is to weigh myself daily.
    Your body mass weight really doesn't change day to day.
    Changes in daily weight are mostly fluid related.
    In the summer when I am cycling in the heat, I can get dehydrated. I can often pick up on it with my weight rather than waiting to feel woozy, nauseated, and lightheaded.
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  9. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Mine is just habit. I rarely have to catch up.
    32 oz of half herbal, half green tea most mornings, several mugs of water or herbal tea throughout the day.
    At least one Powerade Zero if I have yoga or Crossfit. Mostly.
    8oz of Trop50 in the morning. Random 16 -24 oz bottles of Ozarka throughout the day.
    My body is really good at telling me if I'm nearing the time that I need to consume some fluids.
    I used to drink 1.5 gallons of just water a day. I think I was over-hydrating and just peeing off everything.
    So I listened to my body more. I eat a lot of soup and vegetables that have a lot of liquid, too.
  10. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    Ideally, like this...


    But most days, that's a stretch.

    My hydration beverage of choice is water. I carry a bottle with me all day but am not as good with remembering to actually drink from it consistently—I'm working on that. Sometimes the bottle will be close to full by the end of the day, but I'll refill it for boot camp and finish it off by then, along with a second bottle between the end of class and bedtime if the class has been particularly taxing.

    I think my biggest problem, aside from not being particularly bothered by feeling thirsty, is that I get wrapped up in whatever I'm doing at work and don't want to bother interrupting myself with having to get up to pee, which I know isn't good, either for my hydration or my state of mind. It's also easy to mistake dehydration—with its accompanying headache—for hunger, so I'm quick to snack on something rather than satisfy myself with water, which is what I should be doing. Working on that, too.

    On weekends I'll make two or three cups worth of French press coffee to enjoy with breakfast. Hanging out at home I'll make tea to warm up if the house is cold.
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  11. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I have a big water softener/filter system in my house and fill up water bottles from that.

    I still don't drink enough water (or liquid) in a day, but it is a lot better than it was. My urologist gave me a container to pee in and during a 24 hour period, you should produce 2.0 liters of urine. I was at 0.6L and 0.9L when I was trying to drink more. It's been a while since I have tested that, I think I will do it again.
  12. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member


    Coffee is known to be a diuretic. So you feel like you're dehydrating, because you are dehydrating.

    In keeping with my overall K.I.S.S. fitness philosophy, I don't really measure my fluid intake. I do drink plenty of water, and I try to avoid having too much of the sugary or soda drinks. I do have a weakness for coffee but I try not to drink it past noon because it messes with my sleeping patterns if I drink it too late (I'm getting old I guess).

    I just kind of go with what feels right. I figure if I'm too dehydrated my body will let me know. This is also my philosophy on eating (eat when you're hungry, and stick to healthy meals) and my results have been good so far. I like making it easy for myself to follow these things -- eating and drinking properly are necessary to fuel the activities I want to do, but they're not a goal in and of themselves. Simplify.
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  13. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    I usually drink tea in the morning (12-16 oz or so), and follow that up with glasses of water throughout the day. It's a lot easier for me to stay hydrates at home and when I'm working out than when I'm in class or on clinical. In the clinic, it's really hard to take time out to go get a drink or use the bathroom when you're responsible for a patient's safety, and joint commission rules in healthcare require water bottles to be in break room areas only, so I can't carry a water bottle around with me.

    When I work out, though, I tend to over-hydrate. This is a reason I try to work out every day.. it kind of makes up for the rest of the day when I'm less able to get fluids in. I keep a cup in the bathroom and usually drink a full glass of water every time I use the restroom - fluid out, fluid in. This works well when I'm at home and start the day with fluids (tea + water), but isn't as effective if I'm dehydrated after being in class, because I don't use the restroom, therefore don't get water with that glass, and the cycle perpetuates itself.
  14. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    One of the annoying side effects from dieting and exercise is that I basically have to pee all the time.

    Your body holds onto less water, and I drink a crap ton of water. I don't keep track of it though because I know I'm getting enough, either iced tea or usually just water. I go with the old saying if you feel thirsty you waited to long to drink.
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I found this out over the past week when I cut out crap food, including a ton of carbohydrates from grains. I replaced a lot of it with vegetables and legumes, and I find that my hydration cycle with exercise requires more water.

    I'm somewhere between 2 and 3 litres, not including food, especially on exercise days. I know the "eight glasses of water a day" is largely overrated, but considering how much sweat I lose when I exercise, eight glasses ain't gonna cut it.
  16. Rookery New Member

    But I'm always drinking something...and I don't like straws, prefer to wet my whistle.
    Also, I don't like ice if the drink is already cool.
    -Well said.