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First Kiss vs First Sex

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by CinnamonGirl, Aug 17, 2015.

  1. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I read today that most people remember their first kiss more vividly than losing their virginity, towards the end of this article from the Washington Post about New Year's Eve. Another similar article suggested this is because our first kiss "was an emotional gateway between childhood and adult sexuality that not even sex could replicate."

    Is this true for you? Personally, I'd have to say yes. I remember both pretty well, but there's more clarity with the first kiss memory. I can remember everything almost exactly, down to the feel of the grass and the way he smelled. And now that I think about it, that's true for most of my relationships—the rush from our first kiss is more vivid than the first time we slept together.

    This is not entirely surprising for me. I love sex, but I've always loved kissing even more. I was a little surprised that in this case, the memory of the first kiss trumps the memory of the first time having sex for other people, as well. I'm interested to hear your own thoughts/experiences on this.
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  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Well... I'm a man, so I remember that First Sex a helluva lot more than all the times I first kissed a girl hoping to get said sex.
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  3. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass


    First sex overall and first sex per partner are both very memorable. First kiss, not so much.
  4. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Hmm, that's an angle I hadn't considered. Been looking to try and find what the gender split was on the original survey, but I haven't found a definitive answer yet.
  5. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Great question, don't think I've ever thought about it that plainly.

    I'm assuming we are throwing out the times when we were 5-6 years old and girls made us kiss them, and only counting "real" stuff once you get a bunch older?

    If so, I think the most vivid memory is the first kiss. Mostly because it was something that was less than a minute. Though I do remember specific aspects of the first time I had sex, I can basically recall everything about the first "real" kiss.
  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I remember losing my virginity more vividly because it happened about fifteen years after my first kiss.
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  7. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    For me, my first kiss (not counting very early preteen playing) was a matter of moments and "just happened".

    My first sex was an event that required planning, shopping, making sure nobody else would be at home (or be looking for either of us).

    So I guess I'm saying, sex > kissing
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  8. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Yeah I'm with P9er and the rest of the fellas. I remember the first good old in-n-out much better than the first kiss.
    All 15 seconds of it!
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  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I remember my first kiss much better; I suppose that is because it was a more pleasurable experience! All I really remember about the first time I had sex was that it hurt a whole heck of a lot.
  10. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    My experience was similar, kissing my first girl at 14 and losing my virginity some 16 years later.

    I remember them both vividly, as they were quite similar experiences- Abrupt, awkward, and the female in question wearing an expression of disappointment/disgust/let's get this the hell over with already.

    However, the similarities stop there:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
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  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    While I love kissing, truly...I remember the first sex more.
    Although, mine didn't turn out well.

    I think I enjoy the fond memories of the girls I played doctor with more. :)
    And I do remember them, vividly and endearingly.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  12. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I remember the first kiss, sitting on a bench by a farm pond. I remember the smell of the grass and the sound of the cicadas. It was toward the end of the summer before my sophomore year. I'd seen people kiss but PDA embarrassed me and I either averted my eyes or didn't pay much attention, and neither of us knew anything about how to kiss. It was with closed mouths and dry, and, what's all the fuss about this kissing stuff? I'd seen some porn videotapes but I don't remember them showing much kissing. Well, at least not mouth to mouth kissing.;)

    I remember first intercourse, (which was not my first sex, I'd done oral stuff before) a couple of months later on my fifteenth birthday. I don't remember it being painful, but it might have been, had it lasted longer, ya know? But no bleeding or anything . Kind of anti-climactic for me.

    What I really remember is learning how to kiss a couple of months later with a home for the weekend college kid after a high school basketball game. He taught me how to open my mouth, move my lips and jaw, and use my tongue and teeth, etc. That was a revelation. And with him I got to receive oral for the first time, (my fifteen year old playmates didn't do that) instead of just giving. I had my first non-self induced orgasms.:D I was fifteen, he was twenty, so it was statutory rape for sure, but we didn't care. I never felt "abused or used" or anything like that. But he drank a lot, wanted me to drink, and after a couple of months we split.

    It's weird looking back at it now, that I sucked cock before I learned how to kiss. How out of order is that? But twenty five years later, I'm still orally motivated. I love kissing and sucking various body parts. And my guy is a superb oralist, having been trained by me.:D
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
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  13. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
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  14. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I remember both OK. The kiss preceded the sex by around three weeks. I was around thirteen, and had been friends with this girl at Hebrew school for a year or so. She and I didn't go to the same junior high during the day, only shared Hebrew school on Sundays and a couple of afternoon/evenings a week. She was a cheerleader, and though she was way brighter than she pretended to be, she was very much playing it shallow and sharp-- what you might call a Mean Girl these days. In retrospect, I understand that had we gone to the same school, she wouldn't have given me the time of day-- I was at my most rebellious, asocial phase of adolescence at that time. But because we were outside the usual context, she was willing to be friendly with me.

    We had flirted a little, and we eventually began confiding some secrets to one another, including stuff about sex. She made it clear that she wanted to do some serious sexual exploration, but didn't want the reputation to go along with that. I was horny, used to being a quiet loner, and more than eager to oblige her. We struck up what today would be referred to as a friends-with-benefits relationship, but because there was no such concept back then, and we had been thoroughly inculcated to believe that sex had to go hand in hand with being in love, we played it like we were having a secret affair. We hooked up semi-regularly for a few months, then she started to cool off a bit, probably when I got too emotionally entangled, and then fortunately for me, my mom moved us to California.

    The first kiss was exciting. It was my first kiss, not her first kiss. She taught me how to French kiss, because I had no fucking clue. I only knew what I had seen in movies or TV (of the '70s and early '80s), so I thought there was a whole lot of smacking lips and switching angles of kiss-- I didn't even realize you opened your mouth. So I definitely owe her for that.

    The first sex was plenty exciting at the time, though in retrospect, it was just the acme of un-romantic. We were very much learning about one another, and pretty much used one another as anatomy lessons-- "What do you do with this? How does this feel? Show me what you like." Though she was a virgin in the sense of never having had sex with another person, fortunately, her exploratory impulses had relieved her of an intact hymen long before I got there. Good for both of us. So that first time was pleasurable for us both. Short. Very short. But pleasurable. Whereas she had taught me everything about kissing, I taught her some things about sex, because, in anticipation of having sex-- way in anticipation, long before she even hinted that she might want to hook up-- I had already read The Joy of Sex (numerous times, since my parents owned it), and Gray's Anatomy, and some self-help-ish book about intimacy and sex (can't remember the title or author). So I at least had some theoretical game.

    It was nice enough, and all, but there was no spark. There never was. I didn't know it until I hooked up with my first real girlfriend, when I was about 16. That was the kiss and the sex worth remembering. That was when it was more than just the excitement of actually getting to see a girl naked, touch a real naked girl, actually have sex. That was when I felt my insides turn over and go loopy at the touch of someone else's lips....
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  15. I don't really remember the first kiss. I think it was mostly because I was super young and I really only remember the part afterward. After his kissed me, I smacked him and then he went crying to mama. Sigh. Boys.

    I remember the first sexual experience. It wasn't really that good either, but at least there were no tears after.
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  16. POPEYE

    POPEYE Very Tilted

    I don't remember either one, I was stoned outa my mind.
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  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I remember both, but I have to side with niner on this... I remember the first sex a lot more.

    The kissing was good. The relationship ended horribly, but lessons were learned.
    The sex was awful (from the act to the circumstances and location). There was no relationship, but lessons were learned.
  18. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I don't remember anything specific about either event. I can tell you roughly when in my life they occurred and who they were with. I know that I enjoyed myself and I think the young women involved did too (or so I was led to believe at the very least).

    I wonder if that says more about me, or about the events in question.
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Man, it's sad that there's often so much fraud & awkwardness :confused:
    with something that is so significant in life (and can be fun too)

    Why are there so many people who do it wrong?? (and other that end up being the negative recipient)

    That's what they should teach in school Truth & Sincerity (since so many parents muck that up too)

    A kiss should be nice.
    Sex should be good.
    Either can be awesome.
    KISS principle
  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    It's hard for sex to be good when you feel like you're being torn in two.