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Fascination with women´s body and doubts

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by thename, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. thename New Member

    I am a men.
    I have always adored women´s body, whatever their height, weight or aspect. However, in the last few months, i have feel a fascination for them. I started crossdrssing, painting my nails, puting make-up on, all those sorts of things. I took a liking to it, and now do it on a daily basis.
    It feels a lot more comfortable than dressing like a men, and I feel a lot better when using anal masturbation than using my penis. And yet, i feel no attraction to men but i feel it to women.
    Could you help me with this? I dont know what i am feeling.
  2. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Maybe you like cross-dressing, and that's the end of the story. Some men do.

    Maybe you have some gender fluidity. You should explore, experiment. You might want to seek for some support or resources in the community, if there are any to be had.
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  3. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

  4. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    My daughter likes to dress up like a boy. She's even got a boob-smashing thing so she's flat chested in her outfits. It's weird to me, but you go with the flow.

    Maybe find a meet-up for cross dressers. Talk to other people who do much the same thing. I got the impression watching some 'documentaries' on HBO and Cinemax that most cross dressers are straight.

    In the end, whatever works for you.
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Levite said it better than I can.

    Go with the flow, as long it doesn't become an obession. I admit to being a bit envious that women have many more choices in clothing than do men (which can be both good & bad), but I'm not wanting to experiment with crossdressing.
  6. thename New Member

    Thanks for the replies. I will do all you said.
  7. thename New Member

    Well, here i am. I followed your advice and searched for support in my community. However, there are no groups intent end for this matter. Do you think I should seek professional help?
  8. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Whereabouts are you? Are there perhaps resources in a nearby community?

    What about experimenting? If you have a partner, does she know about your cross-dressing and anal masturbation? Would you feel comfortable sharing with her? Maybe it would be good for you to incorporate this into your sex life. If you don't have a partner, maybe add this to the list of things you're looking for in a woman. You might do well with a bisexual girl, who could kind of work with some gender fluidity in the bedroom and the rest of the relationship. Or, hell, who knows, maybe you might end up finding some satisfaction in exploring with a tranny or genderqueer person or something of the sort. These days there are a lot of options.

    As for professional help, I dunno. A little therapy never hurt anyone, and maybe having some safe space to talk and explore your feelings, you might get some clarity. But if you go, go for the sake of better self-knowledge, not because you feel like there's something wrong with you. Because there isn't.
  9. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I know it's not intentional coming from you, but that's a really antiquated and offensive way to refer to trans people and isn't at all appropriate to use.
  10. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    Quote from RuPaul

    As a fan of RuPaul, and quite honestly I am, I'd side with him on this. People look way to hard to be offended these days.
  11. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Here's the short version of the explanation a trans friend gave me:

    There are two very distinct and sharply divided communities. The first is largely populated by people who suffer from gender dysphoria and seek professional medical help to transition to another gender. The second (sadly larger group) is largely populated by people who overall don't have gender dysphoria, don't seek to transition, and also branches out into stuff like trans-ethnicities and the like. If you've heard the term "bunself" that second group's where it came from.

    To the first group stuff like "tranny" or "shemale" is like "fag". They'd rather it not get thrown around so much and will probably say "transgender's preferable" but unless it's being used seriously as a slur they consider things like healthcare, custody, not getting beaten to death, and legal protections against discrimination to be far more pressing issues. The second group... here's a comic about how they literally invented a slur just for trans* people that feel dysphoria and seek medical treatment. They're the bunself-squirrelkin group you see on TumblrInAction.

    TL;DR: It's an insensitive term that is sometimes used as a slur but aside from a particular subset of outrage-addicts it's pretty far down the priority list when it's clearly not meant to be a slur.
  12. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    So, in the queer community with which I was familiar in LA, the folks I knew used "transgender" to refer to and individual who had switched gender identification, and may or may not also switch gender role and dress, may or may not take hormones, have surgeries, or other such physical modifications in order to support their new/true identity.

    "Tranny" was used specifically to refer to an individual whose gender, while fluid, was not of primary concern, who was an effeminate male who took hormones, had hair removal, often had breast implants, but retained a penis and testicles, and typically dressed as a femme woman.

    Such individuals were often Asian/Pacific Islander or Latino/a; and while "transgender" individuals (usually caucasian or black) tended to be middle class, educated, political, and largely interested in monogamous domestic relationships, "trannies" tended to be lower class, less educated, less political, and more interested in a party lifestyle.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2014
  13. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    And on my end I've been told things like "transwoman" is transphobic and "trans woman" is proper and the opposite. Seems like there's nothing even close to approaching a consensus on some vocabulary.
  14. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    As far as I can tell, usage seems to vary widely from community to community, and sometimes even within segments of the same community. By all rights I probably should've included a caveat about being aware of that and not intending offense, but TBH, I was just tired and spaced. But whatever, my point remained the same, whether we're going with transwoman, trans woman, tranny, ladyboy, intersexed femme, hijra, fa'afafine, bakla, muxe, or whatever other terminology one prefers.
  15. thename New Member

    I don´t feel there is something wrong with me. I live near Oporto, Portugal.
    I don´t have a partner currently, i dont really know any bissexual or homossexual people so, what do you guysthink i should do?
  16. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    Yikes-- I know nothing about sexuality and society in the Iberian Peninsula. Anyone else got some advice to help our friend out, here?
  17. Guppy New Member

    You would be surprised at the number of people who crossdress. I read where most are not gay. It is a desire to feel free from everyday stress and feels good. Just what I read. I seen professionals who were married but wore womens cloths. I read up on different web sites because I have seen several men in women's cloths but were happily married
  18. thename New Member

    Hi again. Sorry for the delay, but I´ve been short on time recently.
    First, I went have been on therapy for a month, twice a week.
    I really like my therapist, and I feel it´s so easy to talk to her. I really feel like we are advancing
    and he advised me explore my body in different ways.
    Following her reccomendation , I went to a CD meet-up near the city and meet some people. I meet a girl who I can really identify (Like Cayvmann daughter) and we started to experiement in the bedroom. I feel really good right now.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
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