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Everyone is Winging It

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Charlatan, May 21, 2014.

  1. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I just read this blog from The Guardian - LINK - and it offers another take on the idea that everyone, everywhere is pretty much making it up as they go along.

    This is certainly something I have mused about in the past, but I though the quote above, "...one of the biggest causes of misery is the way we chronically "compare our insides with other people's outsides"" is something I need to remember.

    I have been feeling overwhelmed and way out of my comfort zone for a while. I think reading this just gave me permission to carry on.

    How about you? Do you feel that you are just winging it? Do you feel you are specifically qualified and massively confident in all your dealings? Or, do you just wing it?

    Do you compare your inner self with people's outer selves? Does it help to know that they are likely experiencing the same turmoil as you are?
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Fake it 'til you make it.

    It's all an illusion that everyone has it all under control.
    Even the best of us cannot predict all that occurs or what others are going to say...often you have to respond to that.

    That's why you see good politicians...when asked a question they don't want or aren't prepared for...
    They pause...smile...say, "That's a great question...I'm glad you ask that...and..." then they quickly redirect that topic.
    Or they figure out how to answer without really answering.

    Everyone has been put in a situation where they have to make a judgment call where they don't know what's right.
    or where they ask, "oh shit, what do I do now??"
    Even the ones arrogant enough to think they're in control...sooner or later will be stumped.

    It's one of the reasons, why people wear ties...as if you think better with a piece of cloth around your neck.
    But it's because you're given more credibility with it...so that gives you leverage...and time to think...or at least posture.

    And certainly, we all compare.
    Otherwise, why would even the best of us...care about name brands?? They're not all good...or at least always good. You pay more.

    Your people of authority...if they're smart, speak with a tone of authority...even if they aren't in control or aren't sure.
    Why? Because people respond to it...whether right or wrong.

    Hell...many people even make others submit...because they are self-conscious of their own perceived inadequacies.

    The key is to give some confidence...even if you're unsure...because others are relying on you to accomplish and succeed.
    If you don't give that...then they'll go somewhere else. They want assurances.
    So you need to at least project it...until you can figure it out...or get the answer elsewhere. (which is not cheating BTW, RL is not school)

    It's not that you don't know...because you don't know until you "know". You're not psychic. (they don't pay you enough for that...)
    But that you are able to develop a solution and get results.

    Look at it this way...there are strengths and weaknesses from "winging it". Why?
    Because often those who always have a full plan, go in with presumptions...a template that fits everything.
    Well...that may work for the easy stuff.
    But on the hard stuff...it often creates a mess.
    A square peg being shoved into a round hole.

    Real Life is situational.
    You got to be able to "wing it".
    Otherwise, you won't survive...or at least climb to the next level.

    Frankly, sometimes you just have to say, "Fuck it."
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
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  3. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    "Imposter syndrome" is a well-known and very common issue for folks in my industry. We spend our days working with complex systems, where no matter how much you know there's always plenty that you don't. It's very easy to start to feel like you don't know anything, especially when you walk into a new role. When I started in this business I constantly felt like I didn't belong or wasn't qualified to do my job. Eventually I realized that my options came down to figuring out how to deal with those feelings or quit.

    I've learned through experience that I work best when I give myself room to improvise. When I discovered that I can't eliminate uncertainty in life I decided that the best option was to embrace it. I generally like to give myself goals and deadlines, and figure out the details as I go along. I don't expend a lot of energy trying to project some kind of calm demeanour (another one of my operating principles: be honest about what you don't know) but I'm sure to those around me it looks that way. As long as I'm honest about where I am and where I'm going, I don't feel any stress about whether I'm qualified or where I stand compared to those around me. I got to where I am on my merits, I've never misrepresented what I do, as far as I'm concerned that's enough.

    I've spent a very long time cultivating a mindset that allows me to work with the variables I can control and let go of stress over the ones I can't. I think that's really the best anyone can do.
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  4. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    You can drive yourself crazy comparing how your life really is to how others present their lives, not how their lives actually are. Doing so on the internet is even worse because folks can seriously misrepresent themselves with little or no chance of being caught.

    The image presented:
    "I have a great job making lots of money, and I sleep with at least two different women every week."

    In reality:
    "I reached my current position by ruthlessly backstabbing those in my way and totally asskissing those who could help me advance. I have to constantly pursue new women because no woman will stay around once she figures out--which happens very quickly--that I'm a totally selfish asshole."
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  5. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    It is so true. I need to keep this in MIND as I apply for positions.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I wing it sometimes. Usually, though, I do at least some homework. This is because I have a lot of anxiety if I don't. I'm a big scripter; I will stay up late running through all the possibilities, eventualities, and probable outcomes. It's just something my brain does. I try to short-circuit that by planning appropriately. However, there are some things in life that can't be planned for.

    Teaching is a great teacher in this respect, especially substitute teaching. Usually, I have 25-30 teenage bodies in a classroom to manage. Inevitably, there will be something that will come up that I haven't considered--the DVD player won't work, or there aren't enough books, or someone is being a turd. Worse yet, the lesson falls flat (seriously--teaching, to me, is like being a stand-up comedian; I am working that room, trying to make some kind of connection). In those situations, I am forced to be flexible and wing it. My generally positive outlook on life really helps here. My mantra for my teaching is this: "We do the best we can with what we have." It applies across myriad situations: the day-to-day in the classroom, the substitute situation where I have no idea how to teach calculus, or the unruly student who has something going on that is out of their control (it's always important to remember that students are doing the best they can with what they have developmentally).

    What annoys me is when others don't trust that I've done my homework, or that I know what I know, so I can wing it. Shit, I have more college education than 88% of people in this country. I'd like to believe that that base of knowledge and experience lets me wing it better than most people.
  7. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I tend to be early and over-prepared for most everything. It's just part of my personality.

    Professionally, I work in a "learn as you go" field. Regardless of how well I am prepared, there is always someone or something adding some ideosyncracy into the mix. I'm not inclined to fake it, I dunno; but I'll figure it out, is a perfectly acceptable response.
  8. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD
    I am a hack in everything I do in my chosen profession: entirely self taught with no formal training beyond three classes at a community college, a handful of day-long seminars and a long list of online tutorials. There will never be a time when I can't learn more, and there will never be a time that I don't want to improve what I do.

    I am not one to brag, but I know I am damned good at my job. I know this because the people I work with, and for, let me know it.
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  9. arkana

    arkana Very Tilted

    I am always extremely prepared to wing it.
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  10. Lordeden

    Lordeden Part of the Problem

    Redneckhell, NC
    I am in a constant state of "winging it". I've never ran a business before but I took a shit-ton of business classes in college that I barely remember in the altered state of consciousness I was constantly in during college. I fuck up non-stop but I figure out what I should be doing and try to do that.

    In IT, you are constantly winging it. With virus/spyware changing everyday, no fix will ever work twice with the same results. I lie and then google if I am stuck. People who are paying you, don't want to know you are winging it. My tech knows we are always winging it but know there is always a way to fix it.

    I think if I ever stopped winging it, I'd be worried... or rich. If I'm rich, I can hire someone to wing it for me.
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  11. Herculite

    Herculite Very Tilted

    I'm not sure winging it is being used properly. Being adaptable and using what you know to face new challenges isn't the same as not having a clue and just doing what ever you can pull out of your arse.

    I get thrown curve balls in work which I've never seen before and was never covered in any book or lecture, BUT I use all that to come up with what I hope is a good solution. I just had to do that today.

    Personally I'm very introspective and self effacing so even though my outward image, I've been told, is competent and arrogant. Interestingly though I don't ever "spin" like the original article. I don't have a press secretary. I don't TRY to project competent or arrogant to cover my self effacing inner dialog.

    Being that I am my own harshest critic I think is why others see the competence and arrogance. They see the final product.
  12. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I just try to have a better story than the next motherfucker. More comprehensive at least. I work in an industry full of bullshitters and on paper I'm less qualified than most of them, so I have to up my bullshit game substantially just to get past the credibility disadvantage that comes with not having a PhD. I'm good at calling people out in the name of science though, and I can sling a pretty solid "Here's why other people who aren't me might think you're full of shit." email.

    But yeah, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing most of the time. I don't think it matters. I can bullshit with the best of them and that counts for a lot with respect to getting paid to do a job. I give people what they want, or tell them what they want and give them what I got, which I genuinely believe is what is correct. A lot of scientists think they want to do science, when what they actually want to do is tell stories. Because that's how you make a career as a scientist is by telling good stories.

    It's kind of nice knowing that most people are just waiting for someone more authoritative to tell them what to do. You just gotta be able to be authoritative.
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  13. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    This is very true.

    I am happy to let someone else take charge, but I hate the vacuum that comes from indecision and lack of leadership. I often end up in charge of things by just being the one who steps into the role.
  14. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Totally. Sometimes it's nice to be able to take charge. Other times, I'm like "Why do I keep doing this to myself?"
  15. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    At my last job there was never an upside to taking charge of things. All it did was open you to unwelcome slings and arrows.
  16. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    At my job it's even odds whether its worth it or not. I've definitely turned initiative into a promotion. But I've also turned it into unappreciated headaches. It's usually worth it if I can help someone else get better at their job. The real bullshit comes in when doing the right thing is counter to institutional momentum. Might as well paint a target on your back. The nice thing is that I'm cool with getting fired over having integrity, though I doubt it will ever come to that.
  17. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I am currently up against some of this in my dealings with one of our local offices. "That's not how we do things." Ugh.

    How about your get your head out of your ass and take a look around at what the rest of the world is doing and stop treading the same ground into a massive rut?
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  18. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Exactly. People who "have been doing this for twenty years" are frequently doing it how it was done twenty years ago. Fuck that shit.
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  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Another difficulty is EXPECTATIONS. (and perspective)

    Many people and powers want answers...black & white.
    They want plans...they want dates...they want minutes...they want it ALL. (they want it NOW)
    And if you don't...then you're just not doing it right...or enough.

    So you want to give them what they want...you're likely sincere in this.
    It's just that you're not the Wiki of whatever you do. (you're not a machine or databank)
    And even if you are the Subject Matter Expert (SME) ...it's still not enough.

    So you end up having to develop a politician's ploy...of being able to answer...without answering.
    Until you can get the answer.

    You're forced to wing it...even if you DO know more than everyone else.
    Even if you're DAMN good at your job.

    The powers, clients, etc...all want their warm & fuzzies fulfilled...not to feel things are not being answered or addressed.
    So you have to dance the dance...until you can give them the FULL thing.


    I just encounter this the other day..."they" gave us restrictions on what we can do..."give us the real solution...not work-arounds"
    So we're doing what we can, with whatever resources and time we're given or have...along with all the other tasks we have...
    Then someone from the outside, without being in sync with us, whips up a solution to a problem in 3 days...or our 10 weeks.
    But theirs is a mask...a transformation...not the REAL correction. (and not legal either...as in bound by law)
    However...then the "perception" is they can provide a solution in the fraction of the time.
    All to the expectation that the whims of the powers or client have at that time.

    Damn, the things you have to do to save face or keep your position/project/business.
    Real life, real time.
    Do YOU have an answer??
    Sure, I wing it.
    You're forced to.

    Image what you have to do when you're President??
    And you've got the media, opponents and 300+ millions people with life desires and biases to fulfill.
    Now you're just experiencing a "mini" version of this.

    What's the tap-dance you did today?? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: May 23, 2014
  20. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Hah! That was my shitty manager in a nutshell.
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