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everyone here is CERTAIN that they can hit chests at 15 yds, right?

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by ronnee, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. ronnee New Member

    12" wide, even while being shot at, right? then WHY can't you hit the 4" brain at 5 yds, dudes? Geometry says that they are the SAME level of difficulty. In fact, due to the muzzle being 3 ft from your chest, 5 yd target (toe to toe measurement) is like the chest at TWELVE yds, geometrically. Also, you do NOT have to hit the brain to "rock his world' with a head hit. :) while he is stunned reeling from a head hit that did not pierce his brain, you can hit him again (many times, actually).

    Now, since you are (sensibly) not going to TRY the brain hit at 5 yds, WAKE up to the fact that you wlll probably miss the chest at 15 yds, too. Practice is not the same thing as match stress, and match stress is not like being SHOT-AT. you will find, tho, that if you compete, and bet, say, a year's pay on each shot, with lots of people watching, that shots that are "easy' in practice are VERY easy to miss when under real pressure! I've fired in a World Champ IPSC match, on Local TV, and my knees were KNOCKING, altho feet were 1.5 ft apart!

    Most cops miss the chest at 10 ft, reepeatedly, in a gunfight, and no, you AINT THAT much a better shottist than they are! and no, you almost certainly aint better at holding your mud, either. So get realistic about the ranges at which you practice, and learn to hit MUCH faster at 10 ft htan you hit at 10 yds. like 2x as fast.
  2. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I'm struggling to find a question here. That said, I can just group a handful of shots in a small paper target at twenty feet using an air rifle, but as an Englishman, I am very unlikely to meet an armed criminal.
  3. Seaver

    Seaver Vertical

    The primary reason is not true dimension, but the head can move in a much quicker and harder to predict manner than the torso. The head bobble as someone walks or runs also adds a dimension of difficulty that is greatly reduced with the true size of a torso. There's a reason in football (both American AND Soccer) you watch the torso as opposed to the head or legs as it's much more likely to give you a feel for true trajectory.
  4. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage


    -+-{Important TFP Staff Message}-+-
    I don't see a discussion here. PM me or another staffer if you can turn this from a rant into a conversation. Until then, this thread is closed.
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