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Ever thought you wish you could have been in prison at a certain moment?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by chinese crested, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I've had to work in a few prisons, so no I never want to be in one again. Even if they are serving pudding
  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Tapioca, brother. I could do a dime standing on my head for all that tapioca.


    chinese crested, the reason why this thread isn't getting any useful traffic is because it's really lacking some important features like a short blurb describing the link, your thoughts and a guidance question.
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  3. TheSurgeOn

    TheSurgeOn Getting Tilted

  4. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    We're just used to our 'public servants' being corrupt. I see no irony here... ( I wish I did )
  5. Differences in humour I guess. We were all sniggering like school children. I guess its a touch of look how the mighty have fallen. Even locked up, seems there is still 'spinning' to be done.
  6. Strange Famous

    Strange Famous it depends on who is looking...

    Ipswich, UK
    My house has been burgled 3 times. All 3 guys were eventually caught. None of them received a custodial sentence.

    Huhne and his then wife both will do a bit of time, and have their careers ruined over one stupid lie. People who habitually and deliberately break the law (but dont resort to violence) get EVEYY possible allowance.

    I get the making example of them thing, but just personally - the person who broke into my house and stole my laptop caused me a lot more bother than 2 people dodging 3 penalty points on a license.
  7. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    Used to them being corrupt, but not jailed.

    There needs to be more jail time for corrupt politicians (and Bankers).
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