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Dota 2

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by highjinx, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach

    i was reading kotaku last week and i read a diary on someone playing dota 2. for those that don't know, dota is a mod made for warcraft 3. it's a top-down view strategy game that's REALLY complicated. you have 108 heroes you can be, all with their own stats and 4 cooldown abilities, and then you have "creeps", small infantry computer controlled units, spawning every 30 seconds in waves and running along the 3 lanes of the map toward each of the 2 teams bases. the game is a mix of farming the creeps for xp and gold, levelling up your abilities, buying all kinds of mmorpg kind of gear with the gold, and making pushes against the bases and buildings.

    league of legends and heroes of newerth are copycats of this.

    anyway, valve, makers of steam and tf2 and half life, have taken on literally porting all the code for the game and making a direct translation into a new hd version.

    i got a beta invite a few months ago, and stopped after i got my ass handed to me. but now i've played it some this week and i think im going to dive in until guild wars 2 comes out at least. when you figure it out and do ok it's very rewarding.

    anyway, i think i can dish out a beta invite or 2, and if everyone who gets one gets an invite as well, we can chain them. let me know if you're interested.
  2. Punk.of.Ages

    Punk.of.Ages Getting Tilted

    Y'know. I was just thinking about giving DOTA 2 a try today. I've never been super good at LoL, but I've also never given it a solid chance or put as much play into it as I'm sure is necessary to get good.

    I'd be down to give the beta a shot.
  3. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    cool, ok. here's a funny article of someone's first experience. mine was just like this too. it's oddly compelling though' the difficulty makes you want to figure it out.
    A Beginner's Guide To DOTA 2
    post or pm me your steam handle and if i have an invite to send i'll shoot it over.