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Dentist :(

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Innocentmiss, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    Ok so last November I crunched on a stone, (yea long story my lil bro made me a stone sandwich!) and a bit of my tooth fell off! It had been filled at one point and within a day the filling came out too.
    I have been on my local dentist waiting list for 9 years so can only get emergency appointments. So finally got an emergency appointment on 15th April. That 15 min appointment led to an 'emergency' appointment last week for a root canal treatment. So last Thursday I trundled off to the dentist happy that months of toothache were going to soon be at an end. Not so - They used 4 cartridges of anaesthetic as they couldn't get me numb - then decided I was lying and must be numb because its impossible for me not to be?!?!? I screamed/ wiggled as it was sore, causing damage to the rest of my tooth. They invited me back the following day to extract said damaged tooth and proceeded to give me 6 cartridges of anaesthetic - still failing to numb me correctly. So they filled my tooth with some sort of temporary clove tasting putty and sent me on my way! Unfortunately by the time I got to the car I couldn't open my mouth - so I went back in - I was told it was completely normal but they would proscribe me antibiotics.

    Over a week later I can still only open my mouth wide enough to get my little finger between my front teeth and I am having difficulty eating and sleeping. My local doctor has referred me to a specialist but says I may not have an appointment till mid August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My questions 1 - Am I immune to anaesthetic? Is this possible? The dentist certainly acted like I was bat-shit crazy! (I have had general anaesthetic before and it required 4 times the normal amount to get me to sleep and I woke up several times?)

    2 - What is wrong with my mouth what did the dentist do? Is it an expected side effect?

    3 - What can I eat......I don't want any more pasta and soup type stuff causes me tooth pain!
  2. Last edited: Jun 22, 2013
  3. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    Scotland, but its a small rural area with a ratio of 1 dentist for six thousand people! (When I last needed the dentist I travelled overnight to the nearest large city n went to their A&E!) Can you have an infection but no pain? I've also had a serious course of antibiotics before my appointment last week in-case I had an infection.

    I'm just a bit stressed out and hungry n fed up plus I should be going travelling in just over a months time.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    If it's your first time dealing with a root canal, dull pain and soreness are normal afterward. The same with extraction. Depending on the person, the pain can last no time at all or quite a while. Personally, it takes my mouth about three weeks to get over having a tooth filled and a month or more for a root canal or crown or extraction. For me, a large part of it is the wrenching, the drilling, and especially the vibrations of the drill. Here in the States, you likely would've been given Vicodin for the pain.
  5. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    There is a small percentage of otherwise normal people that do not metabolize local anasthetics the typical way.
    For these people (and you appear to be one of them) giving local is pretty much useless. I can't remember the exact metabolic issue because I learned this stuff a long time ago but it's the outcome that matters in this case, not the process.
    Any chance you can travel to a larger center where they may have more options available for treating you?
  6. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    In reference to your jaw pain and tightness, it's possible that your struggling during the procedure caused some dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). That is something you can see a medical doctor/physio for, not just a dentist.