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Breaking up is hard to do

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by honeywest, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. honeywest New Member

    When that person calls, I say Hello and ask about them, sort of.
    When they tell me they want to do someting with me, I decline in a subtle way.
    I hope they have a good time and thank them before hanging up very, very quickly, but softly.

    I am not doing anything wrong.
    I am polite and friendly, but not too.

    My intention is to move on, to forget.
    Why do I feel so guilty,
    and so mad?
  2. Just remember that they called you. You did not initiate nor invite their call. It isn't your fault.
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  3. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Some things will only get better with the passage of time. They can't be rushed.
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  4. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    You're probably mad, because they refuse to let you move on. Next step might be putting this person on ignore for a while.

    Good luck
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  5. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Maybe "they" haven't been convinced that it's really over? Are "they" getting a mixed message from you? Sounds like "they" might be. Some people need to be told and reminded that a relationship has ended, in no uncertain terms. Your feelings of guilt in ending the relationship and your reluctance to hurt "them" may be preventing you from putting this message across sufficiently. Your anger may stem from "their" inability to understand your subtle hints or maybe the anger is towards yourself for wussing out.

    End it. A quick but deadly stab to the heart hurts less and is more effective, in the long run, than a thousand tiny cuts. If you've made your intentions clear (you are done and are moving on) and feel you've given "them" no indication whatsoever that there is a future for the relationship, stop being polite and friendly when "they" call.
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  6. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Yep, breaking up is so freaking hard to do! You want to end it with out the stress of hurting him or her, just so you don't feel guilty, but in the end you are the one that is miserable. :confused:
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  7. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    • Like Like x 3
  8. honeywest New Member

    They call me only at work now where I have multiple phone lines and no caller ID, knowing I dont answer my phone when seeing their number.

    I did stab the thing to death, and signed my name in blood (and filled out all forms in triplicate!).
    Its alive!!!
    It will not die!!!
    Or maybe hes just a slow bleeder.
    I havent heard from him this week so the whole post might be moot.
    I can breath again.
    Thank you.

    aquafox: I really like that link! Thanks!
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  9. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    Every time I read the thread title I can't help but think:

    There must be fifty ways to leave your lover...
  10. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    pick up phone.
    voice of your previous SO?
    if yes, hang up immideately
    if no, carry on
  11. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Aaah, bullshit. Breaking up is not hard to do. It's as easy as stuffing all your worldly possessions into garbage bags and tossing them into your car's trunk. No, the hard part is convincing everyone involved that it's really, no-shit-stop-calling-throw-away-the-peanut-butter-don't-read-my-*Whatever Site*, over. All relationships, even ones that are about to be put six feet under, require in-yo-face communication. Honest and decisive. Say what you mean, mean what you say. I'm of the belief that copious amounts of delicious alcohol help all those involved.

    Joniemack nailed it, I do believe. She's a genius.

    /dead horse, why did I bother posting here?


    Mmm, I was thinking Neil Sedaka, myself. Song title, even.
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  12. I actually had a girl sing this to me. She had driven an hour, hunted me down in the student union. She wanted her keys back. It was friendly. I sensed it coming on.
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  13. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    That's super creepy. I'm guessing this girl was mildly psycho but fantastic in bed. I'm talking illegal-in-Alabama fantastic.
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  14. Not far from the truth. I'd drive to spend every weekend with her, but those 5 days in between she imagined I was humping everyone in sight. Cool thing was, she recognized that she was making herself crazy with her jealousy and broke it off. We had a lot of fun together. Hope life has been good for her.
  15. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    When I grow up I want to be like you.
  16. Don't. Ever. Grow. Up.
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  17. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    You know what's annoying? Spamming assholes. Didn't you get the hint the first time we banned you?

    You're the kind of party-clown for hire that asks kids to pull things out of his pockets, aren't you? I wonder if you're listed on Yelp.
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  18. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    such a welcoming admin :D
  19. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Sometimes the peacock's gotta spread his feathers.

    Oh, and I should add that I've got pretty good suspicions that the OP was working in conjunction with Eddie. I can't prove it, but there's some good evidence.
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  20. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    ....my god