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Any former Totseans here? &t All Hail the Temple Of The Screaming Electron

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SigilofBaphomet1567, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Being a former disciple of the temple before its great demise I was just wanting to see if there are any other drifters from the original totse or totse2 that found there way to thetfp?
  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    A friendly heads-up. Starting multiple threads about the same topic/subject at the same time is kind of frowned upon. If both threads become active it's difficult for folks to follow what was posted in which thread. Some worthy discussions might be missed, even if one or both threads die out.

    For example I just posted a comment & a question (a worthwhile one IMO) on your other TOTSE thread. Since I don't know which thread might become active, I'll repeat the question here--What was the age range for the dedicated (consistently active) members at TOTSE?
  3. I know ive been bouncing off the walls lately plus being excited running around here, im bout settled in now haha, but thanks for reminding me that's all it usually takes, I blame it on my a.d.d. :p
  4. oldtimer56

    oldtimer56 umime

    East Texas
    Passed thru TOTSE a few hundred times. Kinda forgot about until now.