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Reese 09-09-2009 09:10 PM

When to buy quality.
So, with the economy sucking, I figured I'd make a thread where we could work together and get our priorities straight. What items can we buy cheap and what items just make sense to buy quality.

First, I'd say generic drugs over brand names. It's a no-brainer.

For Quality, I'd say toilet tissue. The cheap stuff may be half the price but you're using twice as much.. Unless you're Sheryl Crow..

Bill O'Rights 09-09-2009 09:37 PM

As far as durable goods go, if you plan using an item on a fairly regular basis, always buy the best quality that you can afford. If I've learned anything in 47 years, it's that the only time I regret buying a higher priced, higher quality item is at the checkout. After I get over that initial "But...this one's so much cheaper!" syndrome, the quality will almost always outweigh the price.

I have discovered that even though I detest Walmart, I actually prefer their store brand coffee to the much more expensive name brands. Really. I never would've believed it myself, but that is some damned good coffee.

telekinetic 09-09-2009 10:01 PM

Always have a good office chair, bed, couch, and shoes. If you're not in one, you're probably in one of the others.

helleke 09-09-2009 10:26 PM

the soaring prices make me some troubles...
it so terrible....
I hope it goes hurry.

Bill O'Rights 09-09-2009 10:46 PM

Excellent point, twistedmosaic. Never, ever, ever skimp when it comes to shoes or your bed. Well, not every pair of shoes has to cost an arm and a leg, but the pair that you wear the most should cost the most.

Redlemon 09-10-2009 07:26 AM

Plastic wrap. It is impossible to get cheap wrap off of the roll without getting it stuck to itself.

Originally Posted by Reese (Post 2701320)
First, I'd say generic drugs over brand names. It's a no-brainer.

Why is this a no-brainer? The active ingredients are identical. Sometimes, the inactive ingredients may cause a different drug absorption rate, but there are certainly generics that work just as well.

telekinetic 09-10-2009 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Redlemon (Post 2701455)
Plastic wrap. It is impossible to get cheap wrap off of the roll without getting it stuck to itself.

Why is this a no-brainer? The active ingredients are identical. Sometimes, the inactive ingredients may cause a different drug absorption rate, but there are certainly generics that work just as well.

Umm...it's a no-brainer for exactly the reasons you just listed? :paranoid: Did you misunderstand him?

Plan9 09-10-2009 08:00 AM

Don't buy cheap mattresses. You spend a ~1/3 of your life on one.

Go for the $3600 memory foam mattress. It'll change your life.

Jinn 09-10-2009 08:05 AM

Beds and couches, because I spent at least 8 hours between the two every day.

grumpyolddude 09-10-2009 10:12 AM

Life is too short to drink cheap beer!

I'm troubled when I see folks buying the absolute cheapest brakes and suspension products they can find, without regard for quality. Skimp on things that don't jeopardize your family's safety!

Also, another vote for quality furniture and footwear:thumbsup:

ametc 09-10-2009 10:41 AM

Pens. I absolutely despise the moment where my cheap ass generic brand pen would not write a single word anymore. There was still TONS of ink and the ball was moving, so I dunno what the hell that pen's problem was. In nursing, your pen.. is pretty much your best friend.

Headphones. I have used cheap headphones and I have used expensive headphones. Both of them break eventually, but the slightly more expensive ones last wayyyyyyy longer.

Non-slip comfy nursing/walking shoes. The non-slip is VITAL. I bought non-slip shit from Wal-Mart for 20 bucks. That shit was NOT non-slip. Those shoes definitely had no protection against puddles of piss and working with someone in the shower involved lots of gentle steps. My mom has some 60 dollar nursing shoes/walking shoes. They are totally non-slip and are comfy as hell.

biznatch 09-10-2009 10:55 AM

Headphones are a big one for me too. I don't think I can go back to earbud style headphones. I find circumaural designs are nice, earbuds make the music sound like it's coming from inside my head.

Manic_Skafe 09-10-2009 11:21 AM

If you're a guy who regularly shaves then either shell out the cash for a good straight razor or at least pick up a cheap one with disposable blades. I'm amazed at how much disposable and replaceable head razors go for when compared to the yearly cost of owning a straight razor.

Sure you'll get nicked and it takes a bit longer but you'll also have a much better shave that lasts longer and costs you a hell of a lot less. The Art of Shaving is a good place to start.

ratbastid 09-10-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights (Post 2701323)
As far as durable goods go, if you plan using an item on a fairly regular basis, always buy the best quality that you can afford. If I've learned anything in 47 years, it's that the only time I regret buying a higher priced, higher quality item is at the checkout. After I get over that initial "But...this one's so much cheaper!" syndrome, the quality will almost always outweigh the price.

Seconded hardcore. And it only took me 35 years to learn that! :P

clavus 09-10-2009 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Reese (Post 2701320)

First, I'd say generic drugs over brand names. It's a no-brainer.

Sure, for things like aspirin. Think twice about complex, bio-manufactured pharms.

People say "the active ingredients are the same." Would you apply that argument to other things you stick in your body? Drink a pint of Guinness pulled in a pub, or suck the moisture out of a hobo's beard? The active ingredients are same.

Oh, no, you say. "The FDA regulates this stuff." They do... as much as the FDA can regulate overseas manufacturing in places where they put poison in kid's milk to make an extra ten cents per gallon.

Just my two cents from a guy who is close enough to the industry to be paranoid.

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

Quality: Dish washing detergent. I found that the expensive stuff cleans a LOT more dishes than the cheap stuff.

MSD 09-10-2009 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by ametc (Post 2701534)
Pens. I absolutely despise the moment where my cheap ass generic brand pen would not write a single word anymore. There was still TONS of ink and the ball was moving, so I dunno what the hell that pen's problem was. In nursing, your pen.. is pretty much your best friend.

Best $20 I've ever spent was doing this

Trim 1/8" off a Mont Blanc ballpoint refill and it fits right into the Pilot G2. It's one of those things where you won't believe the difference, or even that there is a difference, until you try a really good pen.

Originally Posted by clavus (Post 2701567)
Sure, for things like aspirin. Think twice about complex, bio-manufactured pharms.

People say "the active ingredients are the same." Would you apply that argument to other things you stick in your body? Drink a pint of Guinness pulled in a pub, or suck the moisture out of a hobo's beard? The active ingredients are same.

Oh, no, you say. "The FDA regulates this stuff." They do... as much as the FDA can regulate overseas manufacturing in places where they put poison in kid's milk to make an extra ten cents per gallon.

Just my two cents from a guy who is close enough to the industry to be paranoid.

In what way are you close enough to the industry to be paranoid? I've never had a problem with generics and the ones I get are manufactured by the same companies as the name brands.

mixedmedia 09-10-2009 11:56 AM

Ladies and gentlemen,

Never, never skimp on stockings.

Everything else can be acquired on discount or at the thrift store. :)

ratbastid 09-10-2009 12:01 PM

Also, $2/lb shellfish from a guy on the corner at the beach?

All in all, I've had better nights.

clavus 09-10-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by MSD (Post 2701577)
Best $20 I've ever spent was doing this

Trim 1/8" off a Mont Blanc ballpoint refill and it fits right into the Pilot G2. It's one of those things where you won't believe the difference, or even that there is a difference, until you try a really good pen.

In what way are you close enough to the industry to be paranoid? I've never had a problem with generics and the ones I get are manufactured by the same companies as the name brands.

I agree 100% about good pens. There's a huge difference.
My wife and some friends work for biotech companies. It is absolutely unbelieveable how much care (and expense) goes into manufacturing bio-meds. They are not compiled by mixing chemicals. They are grown by living things and processed and refined. It's an incredibly intricate process.

Like I said, aspirin - OK. But if I had cancer, I'd want the real deal. Not something made in China that is "supposed" to be jut as good.

dippin 09-10-2009 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by clavus (Post 2701663)
I agree 100% about good pens. There's a huge difference.
My wife and some friends work for biotech companies. It is absolutely unbelieveable how much care (and expense) goes into manufacturing bio-meds. They are not compiled by mixing chemicals. They are grown by living things and processed and refined. It's an incredibly intricate process.

Like I said, aspirin - OK. But if I had cancer, I'd want the real deal. Not something made in China that is "supposed" to be jut as good.

The standards for generic drugs are not any lower than for brand name drugs. And brand name drugs are just as likely to be produced abroad as generics.

In fact, I have never come across a single study that found any difference in outcomes between generics and brand name.

More importantly:

Worried about generics?

"From 2004 through 2008, for example, generic drug companies received slightly fewer FDA "warning letters" about problems complying with good manufacturing practices than did brand-name ones, according the Generic Pharmaceutical Association (GPhA), a trade group based in Arlington, Va. That's particularly notable, since there are far more generic than brand-name drugs on the market. "

spindles 09-10-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by grumpyolddude (Post 2701516)
I'm troubled when I see folks buying the absolute cheapest brakes and suspension products they can find, without regard for quality. Skimp on things that don't jeopardize your family's safety!

Tyres - don't forget tyres!

dippin 09-10-2009 02:57 PM

Forgot a biggie, especially as it relates to people who use computers frequently like us: hard drives.

Besides quality, hds from better companies will usually have better warranty and customer service.

Martian 09-10-2009 03:33 PM

It's fun to compare the perceived vs actual relationship between quality and price.

Which is really what this thread is about, I guess.

Sometimes more expensive does mean better, but I would never assume it to be true.

Really I think it breaks down as any big ticket items are worth buying quality, even when it costs more. Disposable or cheap items are less so. Cars and furniture, be discerning.

mykockle 09-10-2009 05:39 PM

Cheap: HDMI cables... buying $60 monster cables is SUCH BS! Buy some cheap-o $5-7 ones off of newegg or something. I PROMISE you'll see no difference

Quality: REAL Converse Chuck Taylors. For the love of all that is holy, skip the look-a-likes... oh god... please!!

MSD 09-11-2009 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by clavus (Post 2701663)
My wife and some friends work for biotech companies. It is absolutely unbelieveable how much care (and expense) goes into manufacturing bio-meds. They are not compiled by mixing chemicals. They are grown by living things and processed and refined. It's an incredibly intricate process.

Like I said, aspirin - OK. But if I had cancer, I'd want the real deal. Not something made in China that is "supposed" to be jut as good.

Oh, specifically bio manufacturing? I'll accept that. At the very least, I'd want something that's been proven by the manufacturer, made using the same equipment used to produce whatever I'm taking.

Originally Posted by mykockle (Post 2701731)
Cheap: HDMI cables... buying $60 monster cables is SUCH BS! Buy some cheap-o $5-7 ones off of newegg or something. I PROMISE you'll see no difference

If a cable is available at HDMI Cable, Home Theater Accessories, HDMI Products, Cables, Adapters, Video/Audio Switch, Networking, USB, Firewire, Printer Toner, and more! and you buy it anywhere else, you are a sucker and I will find you, point at you, and laugh at you. I say this as a pro A/V guy. The only thing Monster has going for them is their no-questions-asked warranty. Someone left a guitar cable behind after a performance, I gave it to my brother, and he's on his 2nd replacement just due to use.

Zeraph 09-11-2009 02:32 PM

If I'm going to use it for a long time I always go one step down from the best quality. Seems to be a generally good rule of thumb to get the best bang for the buck.

FuglyStick 09-11-2009 02:56 PM

don't skimp on hookers. if she isn't an 8 or better, you might as well beat off.

noodle 09-11-2009 03:05 PM

When the impact of the quality matters.

e.g. safety, comfort, the impact on your happiness/quality of life/loved ones.

Lasereth 09-11-2009 04:14 PM

Oddly enough the only thing I can think of right are water hoses. If you're ever in the market for any type of water hose, buy a quality no-kink hose, not the $8 hoses. You'll thank me later.

Poppinjay 09-12-2009 12:59 AM

Go with a cheap bed. Yeah, you spend about eight hours a night on it, but you're unconscious.

Target generic polos are ten times better and much cheaper than Macy's generic polos.

When it comes to marriage, you absolutely must sock away a year's salary to spend on a mid-life crisis.

yournamehere 09-12-2009 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Reese (Post 2701320)
. . . . First, I'd say generic drugs over brand names. It's a no-brainer. . . .

Not necessarily. I'm not exactly sure of the exact number - and I'm too lazy to Google it right now, but generic drugs are required to stick to something like 90% of the original formula. While it's true that in many cases, generics and brand names are identical, it's not a no-brainer. My wife has taken thyroid medication for a year now, and recently switched pharmacies (which bought from a different manufacturer) - the newer generic had her climbing the walls - very different potency or absorption rate.

Also, she's a chronic pain patient, and back before she quit all narcotics, she used to get a generic Percocet called roxicet, which worked well. A generic called oxycodone, which is supposedly the same thing, didn't work at all.

I'll agree with all the bed comments.

I'd say buy cheap kids' clothes - they'll grow out of them before they wear out.

flat5 09-12-2009 09:26 AM

I've been wearing the same pair of shoes for over three years.
They have insoles because of trouble with my feet.
I buy my shoes at a low price store. They cost me 32 Euros.

YaWhateva 09-12-2009 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by yournamehere (Post 2702294)
Also, she's a chronic pain patient, and back before she quit all narcotics, she used to get a generic Percocet called roxicet, which worked well. A generic called oxycodone, which is supposedly the same thing, didn't work at all.

Roxicet is oxycodone and acitominophen. Oxycodone is the active drug in Percocet. There is a difference between just oxycodone and oxycodone with acitominophen.

ametc 09-12-2009 01:50 PM

OH. Socks. I hate synthetic socks. I prefer all natural socks because they breathe wayyyyy better. Good socks aren't that expensive at all, either.

Purses. I bought a cheap ass purse that was priced way more than it was worth and the handles broke on me while I was using it. Target purses are alright quality.. but Walmart purses always break on me. Designer purses have never broken on me.

snowy 09-12-2009 02:39 PM

This is going to sound strange, but rubber gloves. No, seriously--the Playtex brand gloves last far longer than any store-brand rubber glove I've tried. I've been using the same pair of these gloves for a few months now: http://z.about.com/d/housekeeping/1/...eatlengths.jpg They've definitely stood up to a lot, and I like how long they are. Worth every penny.

thirdsun 09-12-2009 02:55 PM

If it's something you are going to use to make your living or otherwise supplement your income in some way, don't skimp. Better to invest in quality equipment or tools or software than to go on the cheap and have something that is constantly breaking down or having to be replaced, especially when a job or contract might depend it.

filtherton 09-12-2009 03:00 PM

If you're going to ride you bicycle a lot, don't skimp on the saddle. Especially for gents.

cheese 09-13-2009 12:33 AM

Bed, sleeping on a 1300 sealy Euro perfectrest pillow top.. its amazing..

Sheets. 600 thread count at least. not to spendy about 70 at target for a queen set.

Pillows. Man a good latex foam pillow. my wife had one and i always thought it was dumb, then i relised every morning i work up with it under my head and my polyfluff pillow cast aside. i bought one changed my life.

Underwear. Honstley i use to be a $9 3 pack hanes boxers kinda guy. then on a whim i bought $20 3 pack of jockeys. Love em, although its not hard to get me outta them :P

Redlemon 09-13-2009 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by cheese (Post 2702534)
Sheets. 600 thread count at least. not to spendy about 70 at target for a queen set.

Screw thread count. Get modal sheets. Modal sheets will change your life. Look at Ratbastid; he got modal sheets, now he has two wives!

Seriously, though. Modal sheets are like a gentle, cool hug all over your body. I use these: Bed Bath & Beyond - Pure Beech® Sateen Sheet Set, 100% Modal, 250 Thread Count. We've had the plum color for a couple of years, it still holds the color.

snowy 09-13-2009 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Redlemon (Post 2702572)
Screw thread count. Get modal sheets. Modal sheets will change your life. Look at Ratbastid; he got modal sheets, now he has two wives!

Seriously, though. Modal sheets are like a gentle, cool hug all over your body. I use these: Bed Bath & Beyond - Pure Beech® Sateen Sheet Set, 100% Modal, 250 Thread Count. We've had the plum color for a couple of years, it still holds the color.

We had the same pair of sheets (but in camel), but they wore out in about four months. They just couldn't stand up to my SO's constant tossing and turning. I liked how comfy they were, but they just didn't last the way good cotton sheets do, and I'm not going to pay $80 to replace just the fitted sheet every 4 months.

Redlemon 09-13-2009 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by snowy (Post 2702579)
We had the same pair of sheets (but in camel), but they wore out in about four months. They just couldn't stand up to my SO's constant tossing and turning. I liked how comfy they were, but they just didn't last the way good cotton sheets do, and I'm not going to pay $80 to replace just the fitted sheet every 4 months.

I wash mine alone, that seems to help. My first set got very pilly, but they were washed with other stuff (I think including towels).

ratbastid 09-13-2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Redlemon (Post 2702572)
Screw thread count. Get modal sheets. Modal sheets will change your life. Look at Ratbastid; he got modal sheets, now he has two wives!


yournamehere 09-13-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by YaWhateva (Post 2702403)
Roxicet is oxycodone and acitominophen. Oxycodone is the active drug in Percocet. There is a difference between just oxycodone and oxycodone with acitominophen.

You are correct. But she was taking oxycodone w/ APAP, which means "with acetaminophen." My bad for being lazy on the typing to save time.

The two drugs are both generic Percocet. One worked; the other didn't.

Lasereth 09-13-2009 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by cheese (Post 2702534)
Bed, sleeping on a 1300 sealy Euro perfectrest pillow top.. its amazing..

I have to comment on this!!!!!

Me and my wife bought a $1250 Sealy pillow top bed and it is basically ruining my life. I awake with my back hurting, I can't lay on my stomach or my side or my back if I use a pillow (I have to sleep without a pillow a lot of times), and it doesn't offer any sort of support when you lay on it. The problem is that it's so squishy that my neck is at an extreme angle when laying on a pillow. The sales guy told us that Sealy didn't make non-pillow tops anymore so we bought it without wanting a pillow-top because my wife's old Sealy has lasted like 15 years with no aging at all. Biiiig mistake. $1250 mistake actually. Pillow top is terrible!!!! Even if you have a firm mattress, the pillow top ruins it and makes you feel like...well, like you're sleeping on pillows.

I know this is completely subjective but damn I am so miserable with this bed. We don't want to throw away a $1250 mattress but I don't know what else to do. Some people like firm mattresses, some people like softies. I'm a firm mattress type of person and I didn't realize it until now. :(

yournamehere 09-14-2009 11:14 AM

I will also never buy another pillow top mattress - ever. The pillow top part of it wears out and depressions form within a year or so, and it is never included in the mattress's warranty.

MSD 09-15-2009 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by cheese (Post 2702534)
Underwear. Honstley i use to be a $9 3 pack hanes boxers kinda guy. then on a whim i bought $20 3 pack of jockeys. Love em, although its not hard to get me outta them :P

If you wear boxer briefs, Under Armor are great for support, and 2(x)ist is great for showing off your package (it's basically marketed toward gay men, but nothing says us straight guys shouldn't be able to show off.)

ratbastid 09-15-2009 05:54 PM

I'm definitely not a pillow-top fan. lurkette has us buy the softest, squishiest thing we could find, and so we did, but we both wake up hurting now. Stella, by contrast, has a very firm bed, and whoever sleeps on it wakes up feeling great. Sometimes when lurkette's back is hurting her (a chronic thing that flares up occasionally), she'll send Stella to sleep with me, and spend a few nights in Stella's bed. Does wonders.

I'll never buy a mattress for softness again.

yournamehere 09-16-2009 10:51 AM

The best thing to do for a mattress, if you like the pillow top concept, is to buy a regular mattress, and cover it with a memory foam topper. It should fit under the mattress pad or fitted sheet; they come in thicknesses of 1"- 4". Same effect; except when the topper wears out in 3-5 years, you don't have to buy a whole new mattress - just buy another topper. They're all over ebaY.

We bought a Sleep Number bed, and the only difference between the one we bought and the next higher model (another $1000) was a 3" memory foam topper. We bought one on ebaY for $125.
ps - great beds, but the remotes don't last long. Both our LED readouts don't work. Luckily for me, I like it at 100 anyway, so I just keep hitting the + button till it stops.

canuckguy 09-16-2009 11:33 AM


lady 10-06-2009 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by ametc (Post 2701534)

Non-slip comfy nursing/walking shoes...

//also a nurse ;)

also a good quality pillow, mine cost $100 but worth every penny. i haven't had to go my chiropractor or registered massage therapist since i bought it :D

snowy 10-07-2009 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by ratbastid (Post 2703932)
I'm definitely not a pillow-top fan. lurkette has us buy the softest, squishiest thing we could find, and so we did, but we both wake up hurting now. Stella, by contrast, has a very firm bed, and whoever sleeps on it wakes up feeling great. Sometimes when lurkette's back is hurting her (a chronic thing that flares up occasionally), she'll send Stella to sleep with me, and spend a few nights in Stella's bed. Does wonders.

I'll never buy a mattress for softness again.


Boy, am I glad we didn't buy a soft mattress. We got a GREAT deal on a Simmons Beautyrest (a must because my guy is an incredibly restless sleeper) that had been a floor model at a furniture store that went out of business. It is incredibly firm, but because of the pocketed coils, it supports your body quite nicely like a softer mattress would.

I love that bed. Even if we had paid full price...I still woulda bought it!

Xerxys 10-07-2009 01:23 PM

^^ You people are weirdos! All of you!! My mother would have us all sleep on the floor had it been all up to her.

Put me in for the softest mattress possible. Now that I switched beds, sleeping on a queen is not very appealing.

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