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  1. A Perfect Circle's album "Emotive"
  2. those of you who like hot chicks with acoustic guitars
  3. Soundtrack of your Life
  4. name of a hip hop song
  5. another young pup
  6. Sarah Harmer & Josh Ritter
  7. Tom Waits - Real Gone
  8. A Perfect Circle - Emotive
  9. Taylor, Larrivee or Martin (or other)
  10. Pearl Jam
  11. Beatle Album Tournament, Round 2
  12. What's your most anticipated fall album release?
  13. Are you into jazz?
  14. Interpol - Antics
  15. Tegan & Sara - So Jealous
  16. A critique
  17. William Shatner's New Album
  18. recommendation on music
  19. Favorite Music Venue
  20. New Wave of American Heavy Metal
  21. Arch Enemy
  22. Anyone Know Where I Can...
  23. From a Basement on the Hill
  24. skindred
  25. Brit Rock vs American Rock: Which is better?
  26. help me compile a CD
  27. Any Phishheads Out There???
  28. Soundtrack to your life
  29. Have you ever used a song to express yourself?
  30. Favorite Beatles Cover
  31. Progressive Rock - Pain of Salvation/Areyon
  32. WIN MX p2p downloading
  33. Beatles Album Tournament
  34. Sexy Music Videos
  35. Whats your favorite artist you're embarassed to admit to?
  36. A song like
  37. Live shows....
  38. Led Zeppelin
  39. Cinnamon Girl
  40. What was Your Class Song
  41. Shanter Sings
  42. A fire inside
  43. Christopher Walken video
  44. Music That Helps You Focus
  45. Soulwax - Any Minute Now
  46. electronic music in the us
  47. Michael Jackson will attempt to Sue Eminem...
  48. Indie Rock - Good/Bad?
  49. Best Lennon album or compilation?
  50. obscene chrismas song
  51. Can someone recommend a good acoustic/lyrics artist?
  52. Goin' To See Gomez Tonight!
  53. Interpol
  54. So I'm gonna see a Do Make Say Think Concert tonight...
  55. Confused about what genre...
  56. Is Nas finished?
  57. Chronic Future - Time and Time Again -- check this out!
  58. Making your own musical instruments
  59. Oldies; what are they?
  60. Thinking of getting a Taylor Big Baby
  61. A Perfect Circle - Imagine (John Lennon)
  62. Recommend a song to the community.
  63. John Lennon's killer denied parole again
  64. So any of ya'll ever listen to Katey Sagal's music?
  65. NIN trent reznor
  66. what is a BGV?
  67. Intermediate Guitarist bored of playing Same Old Stuff!
  68. lazyboy - underwear goes inside the pants
  69. Any Gomez fans?
  70. Review: Massiv In Mensch - Menschdefekt
  71. Help me populate a jazz library
  72. Songs to learn?
  73. Electronic Dance Music?
  74. joss stone or talib kweli
  75. Review: Regenerator - War
  76. I used to be in a band...
  77. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Abbatoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus
  78. Nickelback and Gordon Lightfoot
  79. John Mayer
  80. United States of Electronica
  81. MUSIC on your Christmas list
  82. U2 - Vertigo
  83. Name of this song
  84. Tupac Shakur
  85. Favorite Song To Play
  86. Views of Christian Music
  87. Any of you who have seen a recent Skynyrd concert....
  88. Looking for artist/album suggestions for my son...
  89. Mix CD's
  90. List Your Current Guitar Setup
  91. New Chevelle album
  92. Country Music
  93. London Calling 25th Anniversary Re-Release
  94. Local Music Scenes
  95. Redfield
  96. Thought I"d share this: me playing drums!
  97. Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer
  98. Learning my ABC's...
  99. Billy Corgan in Chicago
  100. The Von Bondies
  101. Most Talented Bassist?
  102. What the Hell is he Saying!? Part 2
  103. Information on The Beatles
  104. What the Hell is he Saying!?
  105. my band on tour
  106. Another Ramone Bites the Dust
  107. Green Day - American Idiot
  108. Best Rhymes
  109. Anyone a music major?
  110. Otep
  111. Beatles: Yay or Nay?
  112. Holy JFC, I love this singer!!!
  113. Greatest Rock Songs of All Time
  114. Electric Guitars
  115. Anyone else out there a fan of Rammstein?
  116. Music links
  117. Shortlist Prize 2004
  118. WinMX question
  119. Halloween Playlist
  120. Most Under/Overrated Album/Band EVER!!
  121. Audioscrobbler
  122. Audioscrobbler
  123. Gin and Juice (Relaxation Mix) - Who Peforms this mix?
  124. Beatboxing
  125. Roger Waters -- New Music
  126. Anyone ever listen to Spiderbait?
  127. The Beta Band break up
  128. Which 10 songs will stop your channel surfing?
  129. Greatest Acoustic Guitarist
  131. Nice free internet radio stations
  132. ipod Question...
  133. new mike patton album streaming!!
  134. new Dillinger
  135. Artist Experiences
  136. Help With A Song...
  137. musicplasma: music relational diagram site
  138. Must know song from movie: Girl Next Door
  139. Toxic Cover
  140. iPod song totals
  141. California songs...
  142. Learning Guitar
  143. Directories for downloading?
  144. In a musical rut - your recommendations please
  145. Quick Bass/Guitar amp question
  146. Best soundtracks
  147. Video for 1985-Bowling for Soup--Must see for children of the 80's
  148. Good prog/power metal?
  149. The Official VMA 2004 Discussion
  150. Laura Branigan dead at 47
  151. megadeth !
  152. Metal summer
  153. Untitled - being ignorant about musicians.
  154. Best Guitar Riff?
  155. Favourite punk bands with female singers?
  156. Sarah McClachlan/ Butterfly Boucher
  157. VH1's The 100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock
  158. sound as weapon
  159. Western Waste
  160. Recommend a jazz trio
  161. Walkmen > aasdflje
  162. Australian Music
  163. Help me put together a 80's Big Hair Album
  164. Drive By Truckers - The Dirty South
  165. Touareg Commercial
  166. Anyone tried iRate Radio?
  167. You Have Bad Taste in Music
  168. I love avril Lavigne.
  169. Lacuna Coil's lead singer:Super Duper Hot
  170. Pearl Jam @ Benaroya Hall
  171. The Polyphonic Spree
  172. Curse of 27
  173. *sigh* Bryan Adams
  174. Dave Matthews Band?
  175. Singin' the blues
  176. Office Max Song
  177. Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time
  178. Clay Aikin = Sexiest Male Singer? wtf?
  179. Orbital's newest (and final?) release: The Blue Album
  180. Summer Anthem
  181. so my band shot a video...
  182. Scissor Sisters...
  183. Coventry - Phish's last show...
  184. Tom Waits in Berlin
  185. The horrors of modern rock radio
  186. Another Great in Bad Shape
  187. VH1's "Most Metal Moments"
  188. New Kenny Wayne Shepherd
  189. Crosby, Stills, Nash (and Young)
  190. The Black Crowes
  191. Johnny Hollow
  192. Pissed off at Megadave (rant)
  193. Review: "Genius Loves Company" by Ray Charles and Various Artists
  194. Metal
  195. The Disco Biscuits--any fans on the TFP?
  196. Hoobastank's coming... :)
  197. Porcupine Tree
  198. Language cross over singers
  199. Looking for a song, have some lyrics...
  200. Joy Division
  201. Best Driving Music
  202. This Or That (the music edition)
  203. Vote For Change tour
  204. So I picked up KEANE yesterday for $9.99...
  205. Johnny Cash question
  206. Gregorian Chants
  207. Jamie Cullum ... :)
  208. Anyone else heard of the Twelve Girls Band?
  209. Mixers
  210. Rick James Found Dead
  211. Best radio station
  212. Build me a playlist: Work Sucks
  213. $100 to blow on iTunes - help expand my music knowledge
  214. Buying an Electric Guitar
  215. Free Tix to ATL concert tomorrow night details inside
  216. acoustic sets
  217. Tribalistas
  218. Glenn Danzig gets punched in the melon. (video)
  219. Other Rob Zombie type music?
  220. Promoting Independent Music
  221. Best Amp Ever
  222. Glass Casket anyone?
  223. Cryin, Loving or Leavin- your song
  224. Best Filesharing / P2P Program?
  225. anyone know this band? Isley?
  226. music as therapy
  227. SPAMSPAMSPAM for my music, i'd like some feedback
  228. Bastard Pop
  229. Industrial
  230. classic rock: a comprehensive listing
  231. Bumblefoot
  232. Norwegian Music
  233. I have a confession (electronica related)
  234. THANK GOD! A new Taking Back Sunday CD
  235. The B-52's Live
  236. Prodigy - Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned
  237. New Megadeth !
  238. Best Songwriter ever
  239. Best Current Singer / Songwriter
  240. Rob Zombie - Past, Present & Future
  241. What happened to Metallica?
  242. So..Cali natives....Michael Lord?
  243. New Prodigy Album - Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned
  244. july 31st boston
  245. 69 Love Songs -- The Magnetic Fields
  246. Music Majors
  247. Indian/Indian Fusion
  248. So...um....CD Doctors....
  249. My Guitar Hero
  250. Most Talented Drummer?