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Where are you when your thoughts are clearest?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Freetofly, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. curiousbear

    curiousbear Terse & Bizarre

    Wow! So I am not crazy and it is very common!

    Showers, Driving, Toilet, Workout

    During Showers - Mostly new ideas, new ways to solve problems
    Driving - Mostly solutions to problems (work focused - may be it is my warm-up and cool-off to and from work...)
    Toilet / Workout - new ideas mostly work, sometimes way beyond my job, like as if I am a scientist. I like it because it is in a way a break for me from regular thinking...

    Lately I realized I am wasting my free time on sexual thoughts... It really hurts that I am wasting time on it...
  2. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Walking the dogs late at night.
    Like Fly, the right setting 'indulging in the weed.' My perfect spot would be here at night, alone:

    Also, not indulging , driving top-down to anywhere on country roads.
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  3. wyopen

    wyopen Getting Tilted

    1. On my mountain bike if the trail isn't too technical
    2. First thing in the morning while still in bed (if I'm alone)
    3. In the shower (if there isn't a shower massage)
    4. In the mountains
  4. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    Walking... nice, long walks. I can go off into fantasy worlds, or work out the solutions to nagging problems.

    I used to walk to and from work... about 3 miles/45 minutes each way. It was mostly along the river, and through the woods... wonderfully peaceful. I saw wildlife (deer, foxes, even a river otter which I'd never seen before). It was a perfect time to gear up and plan for the day, and to wind down after work. Along the way, solutions to problems just seemed to become so obvious.
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  5. Obviuosly, not this morning. It's heavily overcast and is misting. And that weather is inside my head. Sunny days = clearer thoughts.
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  6. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I don't know yet, I'd have to think clearly to establish the fact. The closest I come is during squats. Unfortunately the clearest thought I have is "Crap this is heavy".
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  7. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    As an Ohioan, I think you and ZS are both nuts. There is NOTHING nice about Ohio snowfalls (except for the past few years they come in spurts and don't seem to last as long as they used to).

    I used to do my best thinking while holding groups or working on a client's drug usage. Then when I worked on rock at the lapidary club.

    Now, it's hard to say, maybe while I am here at TFP, or elsewhere in internetland. Maybe while I am driving, watching/listening/with someone that intrigues my thought processes. I just truly have had a hard time focusing and maintaining attention to things that do not interest me, since the surgeries. I find my mind wanders a lot more than it did, which bothers me. I always said I didn't care if my body went bad, because it was just a carrier for my mind, but that if my mind went then I would want death.

    All well I digress.
  8. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Where am I when my thoughts are clearest? Usually on my bicycle on a trail or country road somewhere in the sun. Or running in a similar setting.

    Sometimes long drives are good for thinking, too.
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  9. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Wherever I am when I consciously decide to focus. I've learned NOT to try to solve problems when I'm in a situation that I need to be aware of my surroundings, like on a bike or driving a car in traffic. But on the interstate or in times of little to no traffic, I tend to think more. I need to drain my head in the shower, but I think ALOT. So I've learned when to turn it off or on out of necessity.
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  10. I just LOLed
  11. Cavi Mike

    Cavi Mike New Member

    Seattle, WA
    My thoughts are always clearest when I'm the furthest from a pen and pad.
  12. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    typically its sitting on my front porch, (since i dont have a back one anymore)with my coffee, or sitting in the deer stand with no noise
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  13. Candle

    Candle Vertical

    Winnipeg, MB
    Immediately post-orgasm or during exercise. I'm sure those two facts are related.
  14. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Freetofly ... beautiful thread.

    Me .... just as I wake up in the morning. Just before those dang thoughts which remind me of where I am supposedly a loser or a winner. Those moments before the thoughts of who I am supposed to be kick in. I hate it when I remember who I 'am'. Kind of makes mockery of my positive pre-wake thoughts.

    There's also some weird moments in the RPG game "Skyrim", where I've just entered an underground Cavern, and Lydia's leaped back and gone 'Uhh?', and I've been like " 's okay, dear, ... you wait here and I'll stealth/snipe." I am mission-focused and ready for extreme action. That's the moment when I get an Epiphany regarding the needs of my psychotherapy or music students. Things make sense, because I am in an entire world in which things are organized to make direct sense. There's a dragon to slay, and there's a thing to take to someone else, who'll tell me to take it to yet another person. I am in the groove of purposeful impetus. That slingshots my 'real' life problem-solving skills. Until Skyrim, it was 'Unreal Tournament' which got me in the zone.
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  15. wyopen

    wyopen Getting Tilted

    Imagine if you have an orgasm while exercising!
  16. Cavi Mike

    Cavi Mike New Member

    Seattle, WA
    I thought sex was exercise?
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  17. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    Thank you Zen! It interesting how the mind works for different people and times. Nothing like slaying a dragon! :)
  18. sara_wifer Vertical

    lol i had bed time aloone before exams at high school, it makes me smarter for them or more clear headed.
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  19. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    I don't use a stand, I hunt from the ground, but deer season is great for having time to sit and think and really focus.
    Part of the reason that I love deer season so much.
  20. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    This is going to sound weird, but in addition to the shower and driving, I find I think clearly while wiring equipment racks at work. I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to wiring, and taking what could easily be a tangle of wires and molding it into various geometries and levels of symmetry (not just being OCD, every cable/signal pair has its own limitations and requirements to minimize interference and signal loss) is relaxing.
    The thought of "Fuck, I hate squats" in that moment between the downward and upward motions is probably not only the most clear thought that goes through my head but also the most pure and honest expression of emotion there is.
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