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Musings & Meanderings that Make You Go Hmmm ... (possibly NSFW)

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by kramus, Dec 21, 2017.

  1. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    If there is a better place for a thread based on musing and casual speculation, then move it hence.

    I don’t have any drinking companions to share my drivel with. Occasionally I may type a text into my phone, or attach some run-on speculation to art I post. Usually such stuff never sees the light of day. So I had a “what the heck” thought of putting these musing into a dedicated space. Perhaps like-minded folk will bring their own 2 cents to the campfire, so to speak, and post their own thoughts here. I’m thinking the thread is less a dialogue than it is a place where you share things that make you go hmmm ... Or not. We shall see.
    I’ll start:

    Intuition space. That was my trigger thought. It seemed worth considering.

    A piece of art that is open, surprising, satisfying, and speaks in unscripted ways is better for being that way.
    I’ve often realized the power of artistic trust. There is wonder and whimsy in abundance when I don’t plan and plot and iron all the mystery out of my art.
    Poetry is the creative build, the dance between the inner world weaving through that which lies outside of ourselves and our own inner being. Art is concretely realizing this dance in a sharing manner. A beautiful mystery may come from that dance. Mystery growing in the light that gleams through the fitting, the interfacing of poetry and art. And when there are gaps, cracks, an imperfect fitting - the mysterious light generated by poetry and art can be an alchemical wonder.

    “Night Bird” 24”x14” pencil 2005
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  2. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    • Most forms of energy are actually vibration or waves moving at different rates.
    • Matter is a vibration slowed down enough to attain its "material status"
    • Interactions between matter and energy that are not engaged in a life process are less finely attuned to each other than those that are mediated through the process I think of as "life"
    • There is an exceptionally delicate dance or weave that life mediates via biochemical action - a couple of examples are proteins engaged in molecular exchanges on the surfaces of a cell, or chemical energy exchanges along a neural pathway.
    • This mediation in some ways almost functions like a transformer. It "steps down" raw energy waves through material processes until the energy can support and generate life through delicate and sophisticated biochemical interactions
    • Life has a tendency to organize the materials around it to generate more life. Through the lens of Deep Time, which supports evolution and ever-increasing complexity in life interacting with itself, meta evolution takes place. By this I mean secondary effects such as sexual dimorphism and territorial imperatives influence life. This shows up in life's continued development with an emphasis on speciation and sophistication within the species
    • This sophistication has resulted in an unexpected but amazing thing. Species have developed enough that they now interact on more than purely biomechanical levels. They play with the environment and each other. They have emotions. They think and reflect in an inner world of the mind that can be in some ways separate from the physical world they live in. They live in time, learning behaviour from experience and applying that learning to situations that are entirely new to them.
    • People are the "magic animal" in their ability to bind time with culture, dedicated teaching, arts and letters, and now in the fields of computation and the digital world.
    • These things that life has added to the universe are like new dimensions wrought from Deep Space and Deep Time through a wonderful alchemy. The dimensions of emotion, of the arts, of social life, of the inner realms of dream and thought and ideas. Inner realms that when shared and expressed further transform and add to realities in a flux akin to a dimensional set of ripples in the material world we all share

    “Over the Deep” 2017 95F527BE-BC52-4EB2-B2CE-9B965AEE1BDC.jpeg
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  3. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    that is some wonderful artwork
  4. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    Thanks ralphie :)

    “Sun Bird, Moon Bird and a Seated Whargle”
    The plain old round moon has always seemed full of stories to me. That battered visage with billion year old craters tells such a story about deep time that I sometimes shiver at what our sister planet whispers to us from the sky. And as for whargles - well whargles is whargles, is all I can say about whargles.
    Sun Bird, Moon Bird, and a Seated Whargle 800.jpg

    “A Frog Regarding the Moon”
    Frogs is cool. I wonder if they get a bit of a bad rap because we usually see them clumsily toddling about, or sitting still in some dank place we would never settle down on. But they are so fluid in the water, they literally transform completely throughout their entire life cycle, they have multiple ways of breathing and they can stay alive buried in cold mud for months or even years. Not to mention those beautiful eyes that carry their own froggy wisdom nurtured over many millions of years.
    A Frog Regarding the Moon 800.jpg
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  5. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    The Earth has evolved over an enormous span of time under the steady regard of both the sun and the moon. The dynamic balance between the Earth and her neighbours has had an inseparable effect on the development of life. Tidal surge has worked our planet with billion year old fingers, water washing stone into sand - creating the very earth from which life was unlocked.
    The waxing and waning of the moon is our first clock, dating from before we were aware of time at all. We feel the moon’s pull in our blood. Knowledge of the great dance between planets and the sun lies deeper than the surface skin that we see with our eyes. It wheels inside our very cells day and night.
    We cannot look directly at the sun. The face of the moon we see is due to reflected sunlight, outpouring energy made visible on the ancient face of our small sister.

    "The Turn of the Moon" 11"X8" pencil
    Turn of the Moon 2004 800.jpg
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  6. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor

    It is not our planet, we belong to it.
    We will return to it, becoming again the soil we initially grew from.

    We are equals among the myriad representatives Gaia has brought forth in all her brilliant and beautiful variety - the plants, animals and insects. We ought to be aware of and worthy of the honour of being in this place she has created.

    We are knit into the incredible ancient and complex fabric we constantly learn more of every day. There is a rightness here on the planet that birthed us, that nurtures us, that carries us along. This planet that dances with it's sisters in our solar system. That shares with all the other unique planets, suns, dust and energies a place in our galaxy.

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  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I've always really liked your art, amigo. Good stuff. Keep posting it.
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  8. kramus

    kramus what I might see Donor


    Our lack of sight defines us.

    That definition of ourselves is constantly refined and outright changed by scientists, physicists and mathematicians, by philosophers, writers and artists. Their work shows us what we don't see, where we lack sight. They make visible the negative spaces and dark matter and energy that interweave what we think is the whole of the perceivable universe. The mesentery negative knit into the core and on through the edges of humanities awareness are yet other dimensions to be lived.
    I remember reading somewhere that Mozart once said that the heart of music lies within the spaces between the sounds. Preach.
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  9. You have an amazing talent, kramus. I wish I had an iota of your artistic abilities! :)
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