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QOTD #48: How often do you visit a park?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by genuinemommy, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    How often do you visit a park?

    We don't go as often in the winter, but every other season we visit the park at least 3x / week. My girls love parks. But it seems like we're the only ones. The parks are almost always vacant. There are a couple of parks we can choose from that often have people in the morning, but they are in a more densely populated part of town. Some parks are downright scary when they are quiet.

    Pre-kids I would often run through a park or two on my morning run, so I would visit parks more often, but not stick around.

    What are your park habits?
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    When the weather is nicer and Stanley gets more walks we walk through a small park in our neighborhood a few times a week.

    There is a nice forest preserve about 5 minutes from our house. In the summer and fall when it is both warm enough and dry enough he and I will go over there a few times a month and I'll let him run through the woods, which he absolutely loves.
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  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    At the moment, I live right next to a park, but given that it's also a wetland area, it hasn't been great for park going lately. Too wet!

    My city has some very nice parks, and when the weather is nice, we usually frequent them multiple times a week. Our new place is 3 large blocks from one park, and 3 from another. They're generally well distributed throughout town, so most houses seem to be within walking distance of one or more.

    We also like to get out and visit state parks every couple of months. National parks are a yearly thing for us, given that there are only a handful in my part of the country.
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  4. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Keela and I go exploring the local neighbourhood 3-5 times per week because she needs a lot of exercise. As often as not that includes one of the local parks. There are a lot of fun smells for her there. With how squirrelly she gets when she doesn't get out enough it has to be -15 or lower before I'm really willing to call off our daily stroll.

    In good weather we go to the off leash where she can really stretch her legs and run, but that won't be until spring at this point.
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  5. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    It kinda depends on how you define park.

    I live in the middle of Roosevelt National Forest. 100 yards from my home is federal land. Molly and Jackson go for walks in a place where most people go on destination vacations. Formal hiking trails and campgrounds are within walking distance. We tend to go places that allow dogs off leash.

    Rocky Mountain National Park is 5 miles away as the crow flies, more like 30 as the BMW drives. We have a season pass and it's our "go to" spot for motorcycle riding.

    Estes Park has an awesome dog park that includes lake access. Getting the buttheads to leave the water is easier said than done; but nothing tires them out more than swimming in ice water.

    Indian Peaks Wilderness area is 2-3 miles away. We hike throughout Colorado; but this is pretty much our back yard.
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  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    I am a fan of my local stretch of the Appalachian Trail (historic!) as well as Shenandoah National Park, as well as several local and regional parks.

    Sadly, I have not been going very often. My job has me working outside for months at at time and it has curbed my desire to sweat under a pack.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Take my dog to the dog park periodically.

    Every once in a blue moon, I'll go to a big park for the scenery.
    I do like hanging at DC's Mall (if you call that a park...)
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    POPEYE Very Tilted

    Once or twice a year Sandy and I go to the State Parks, not any particular one. Now that I have sole guardianship of my 3yr old grandson we may go more often when the days are warmer last longer
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  9. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    More like a zoo.
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  10. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    There's a park with hiking trails that I like to visit on the weekends in the summer & fall. I think I've only been to a State Park once since moving to NC, but when I lived in Ohio, it was a regular thing to visit Hueston Woods (for camping, hiking, lunch, swimming, festivals, and so on.)

    I can't remember the last time I went to a playground-y park, though. There's a stormwater wetland / splash pad / playground park within walking distance of our house that I sometimes visit in the summer, mostly to loop around the trail on runs.
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  11. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I walk through a couple local parks with my dog on weekends when I have to walk her.

    Other than that, we hit the Botanic Gardens from time to time for a quiet stroll and I like to ride my bike through Gardens by the Bay and East Coast Park when I manage to get to that part of the Island. I also hit the off road tracks on the nature reserves a few times a month when.

    I guess this means I am in a park about once or twice a week. Rather a lot more than I thought when I started writing this.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
  12. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Have kids, so go to the park fairly regularly. Our closest playground also has a half court basketball court and an oval, that gets a fair workout with soccer balls or cricket gear (depending on the season). There is no time of year here when we can't go outside. The Berowra Valley Regional park and Bobbin Head National park are both basically on my doorstep. Lots of accessible walking trails etc. We visit both of these several times a year.
  13. We go to the indoor sports park every week for indoor soccer.

    We live close to playgrounds, so we go as often as we can so the little one can run off some steam.
  14. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    We went to the park today and played in the sand. It was beautiful and fun, but a bit chilly. Totally fun with both girls. Can't wait to go tomorrow.
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  15. I abhor sand. We like going to the park that doesn't have sandboxes. (The house we put a bid on is less than a block from an awesome playground.) My daughter is notorious for bringing home half the sand from the daycare's sandbox. I can't say she can't play in it, but I love that it's closed for the winter.