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Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by snowy, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    As I've been in a rush to get things done before I head back to school, it's left me wondering how other people clean.

    What do you clean every day? What do you avoid cleaning? What's your favorite thing to clean? Your least favorite? Are there chores you dislike so intensely that your SO does them instead? What are your favorite cleaning products, or do you eschew them entirely?

    I vacuum, clean the kitchen, and do the dishes every day. We live in a house that's almost entirely carpeted with two cats. I vacuum at least the high traffic areas/public areas every day, and everything else every other day or so. My husband thought it was a bit absurd until I showed him the cat hair in the dirt cup. I have a really nice Dyson vacuum, so it's not hard to vacuum at all. I just did today's vacuuming and it took about 7 minutes to hit all the high traffic areas (our house is fairly compact).

    I avoid cleaning the garage. I did some of it earlier this summer, just to try and get things organized. I'm still trying to figure out how to get my husband out there, organizing his stuff, as the bulk of the things contained in the garage are his things, and what's really willy-nilly all-over-the-place are his tools. We used the garage as a kind of landing spot when we moved into this house, so a lot of stuff got shoved in there, and we've been so busy with grad school that there hasn't really been time to sort it out or organize it meaningfully. There is a semblance of order in there now, but it could be better. I also don't like putting away laundry or cleaning the cat box.

    My favorite thing to clean would probably be the kitchen. I am kind of obsessive about it, having worked in the food industry. I can't cook if the kitchen is dirty, so that's why it's a chore that gets done every day. It helps to have a small kitchen. I also find we're more willing to cook at home if we have a clean kitchen, which helps to save money.

    As I said, I hate cleaning the cat box and putting away laundry. I've yet to fully fob off putting away laundry on my husband, but he takes care of the cat chores. This has two advantages for us--I don't have to do it, and he is the kind of person who can walk right past a pile of dirt and totally ignore it, so this way he has a chore he knows he has to do every day and it's hard to ignore the odor of cat shit in our small house. With the laundry, he insists that he fold the towels, as he has a particular way that he does it. I'm not complaining.

    I clean most things with: Dawn, hot water, vinegar, baking soda, salt, and lemon juice. However, there are some cleaning products I find incredibly useful. OxiClean, for example, can be used in your laundry, in your toilet, in your sink, and does a marvelous job of getting soap scum off of fiberglass tubs (fill tub with enough hot water to cover soap scum, add OxiClean, let it sit until cool--it will come right off). It also works well for cleaning and freshening the dishwasher. I also really like BioKleen's products. They make an enzymatic cleaner called Bac-Out that is useful for carpet stains, laundry stains, freshening stanky laundry, and animal odors of all kinds. Their All-Purpose Cleaner is also really great for when you need a spray cleaner for higher surfaces or around the house; I bought a bottle of concentrate a couple years ago and have used less than 1/4 of the bottle because it's so concentrated.

    Tell me how you clean!
  2. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    I've hired someone to do it for me. I don't miss it.
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  3. Misguided

    Misguided Vertical

    Hyborian age
    Our kitchen is cleaned everyday. In the two years we've been here, we've managed to reduce the amount of stuff we have by 50%. There are two things that we can't seem to keep up with. First, my business is remodeling kitchens and bathrooms. You cannot imagine all the stuff I have to do the work and second is our backpacking/camping stuff (how does the word stuff get the blame) we have.
    OxiClean is a must as well as vinegar and baking soda. And we do have a house keeper service to do the rest.
  4. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yeah, that's not really an option for us. It'd be about $100 every 2 weeks for a basic service. I'll definitely consider it when we have stable incomes and children, though! I've seen the difference it can make in stress reduction. Plus, there are some things I enjoy cleaning--like the kitchen. I like the sense of reward and fulfillment from seeing my hard work. I felt really awesome on Monday morning, as we'd gotten home from a short trip to a friend's wedding. and stuff was strewn all over the living room. In a little over an hour, my house was ship-shape. Again, I'm glad I live in a small house.
  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Ooooh, I'm pissy today, might not be the right time to answer this, but I'll give it a shot.

    What do you clean every day?
    I clean the bathroom counter, litter box, and straighten the kitchen every day. Laundry three times a week, minimum.

    What do you avoid cleaning?
    I hate cleaning toilets, the shower, vacuuming the stairs.

    What's your favorite thing to clean?
    I actually don't mind handwashing dishes sometimes. And sweeping. They're both a little mind-numbing and let me see my progress. Laundry is okay.

    Your least favorite?
    see the second question

    Are there chores you dislike so intensely that your SO does them instead?
    There are supposed to be some that he does, but he doesn't do them, so I have to. I hate the toilets. I also can't stand scrubbing out the refrigerator.

    What are your favorite cleaning products, or do you eschew them entirely?
    Don't use a lot of products, Nature's Miracle on the cat box or puked up stuff, Swiffer on the hardwood, Clorox or Lysol wipes.
    I have asthma, so that limits what we can use.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I hear you. Hubs is super sensitive to smells. I can't use the wet Swiffer--makes hubby tear up, sneeze, and whine like a baby. Clorox wipes are tolerable, but barely, so I can only use them if he's going to be out of the house for a while.
  7. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I use the green ones only... or typically the Target generic ones, they smell less.
    I use peroxide, too, when I can't use the wipes.
    Oh, and Windex wipes to get the flossing shit off the bathroom mirrors and wall... that's disgusting.
    I'm nauseous thinking about what this place is going to look like when I'm gone for a year.
  8. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I don't know if this is true, or not, and I usually hate these types of posts on FB, but I'll post it in case it works...

  9. Yeah, after our second child we decided having regular cleaning service was definitely needed. We pay 70 every two weeks. 80 if we want the fridge clean . The problem is they sometimes send the two young girls (24ish) to clean and they are horrible. But when they send the three old ladies....its like walking into a brand new place!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. FreeVerse

    FreeVerse Screw Tilted, I'm all the way upside down.

    Suburban Chicago
    Before my health issues began and I "moved home", I made more than a decent living and was able to afford a desperately needed housekeeper. My allergies make it damned near impossible to use 90+ % of the cleaning products on the market, or be anywhere in the vicinity when they are used. I'm allergic enough to cats that being seated anywhere near someone who owns them can have me breaking out in hives and unable to breathe. Unfortunately for everyone, the hypersensitivity doesn't contain itself to the things I'm allergic to, and I can't take anything - over the counter or prescription, for allergies unless I have time to devote to climb into bed and sleep for 14 hours. Non-drowsy or otherwise - doesn't matter.
    So. Cleaning - steam steam steam, with as little product as possible. Alcohol in a spray bottle and paper towels are my cleaning "go-to" for anything they can be used on(bathroom, kitchen). For wood and the like, Old English seems to be missing whatever it is in Pledge and Endust that bother me.
  11. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    Dishes get hand-washed every night. I'm learning to not resent doing it as it's a regular part of my night-time-me-time routine. After the boys and (usually) Mrs Moose are asleep, I'll turn on Pandora, usually to my Enter the Haggis, Peter Gabriel, or Hard Rock Strength Training channel, and wash up.
    Laundry gets done most days.
    I try to straighten up the living room pretty much every day. Especially with the Destructor Boys living here.
    Most anything else gets done.....once in a while.

    Our primary cleaning agent is a spray bottle of vinegar with a few drops of Thieves Oil. But that cream of tartar thing sounds really cool and we're going to try it!
  12. ThomW

    ThomW Vertical

    [Blush] I don't clean—enough—because I'm obsessed with my own work and live alone now. Well, I do clean eventually. But I need a therapist, which, in my case, is ironic.

    So, thanks for the topic. I felt dismissive toward it at first, but realized that, ha, I needed that.
  13. flat5

    flat5 Vertical

    Amsterdam, NL
    Ha. I have a cleaning person come every week for up to three hours but usually for one hour or so.
    I have a small clean apartment. Cost is about TWO EUROS a week!
  14. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

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