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TFP Top Gear

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by genuinemommy, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    This thread is all about vehicles. Fancy cars. Crappy cars. Exciting cars. Mundane cars. Fuel efficient cars, and gas guzzling monsters.

    To get the discussion moving...
    Tell me about a car you have driven.
    Was it awesome?
    Was it terrible?

    Is there a car you'd like to drive?
    What appeals to you about the vehicle?

    Share a photo of the cars you discuss!
    (This is a discussion thread. I will remove posts that lack discussion.)

    I drove a Ford Fiesta in 2012. It was a rental. Somehow it felt smaller inside than my MINI cooper. It was a terrible car to drive. I hated it. I thought I might like it. But I didn't. It looked like this.

    I drive a 2004 MINI cooper hatchback. It is a great little car, and has seen me through many adventures and long road trips. Speaking of long road trips, I wish I had gotten cruise control. I didn't realize it was such a helpful option until I didn't have it. The car looks something like this.
    Ever since I got it stuck on a curb in the snow, I have secretly wanted to modify it like this.

    Maybe mommy-dom is starting to get to me but I'm starting to really like the look of station wagons. I want to test-drive an Audi All Road.

    But my next vehicle has to be more fuel efficient than my last. So I'm just not sure what I'll drive next.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2014
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  2. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I drive a Volvo 960. It has some minor issues due to wear and wear, but other than those issues, it's a great car. It handles well and has a smooth ride. I wish it got better gas mileage around town (17 mpg is not great).

    I used to drive a Volvo 940 station wagon, and I miss having a wagon. Someday, when this car needs to be replaced, I'll go back to something more wagon-like. I'm looking at the options Subaru offers, but that Audi looks sweet (if a little out of my price range).
  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    For comparison's sake I have found images of the vehicles you mentioned...
    Volvo 940 station wagon
    Volvo 960 sedan

    These are random years of the mentioned make and models. That reminds me of the 1980's vintage Volvo station wagon that a bunch of guy friends and I took down to Mexico in 2004-ish. I completely forgot about that experience. That car's power steering was shot and it would slide on every turn of a mountain road. It's honestly quite good to see that you like Volvos. I wasn't even thinking of their station wagons.

    Here's what their 2015 V60 looks like. Pretty smooth.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
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  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I'll post a picture when I can. I drive a 2011 Golf TDI. The fuel economy is ridiculous, it's small and has more torque than my hubs' BMW. There's a four door version for families, but I have the two. I've hauled floor-to-ceiling shelves from IKEA, flooring, and moved from FL to Louisiana with my cats and my stuff in it. It's a little bad ass. :)

    Previously, I drove a POS Vibe, a '97 Jetta (1997 was the WORST year for Jetta ever) and a Chevy Corsica. After I destroyed my 79 Volare (I loved that silly car), I ended up with a '75 Olds Delta 88. Think 8 Mile... But baby-shit-yellow with a baby-shit-brown top. My punishment?

    I'll share my hubs' carstravaganza in the past 10 years when I get some more time. His is crazym
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  5. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    Here's my buddy (or a visual approximation thereof), a 2004 5-speed Mazda 3S sedan:





    It had been my idea to insist on getting a 5 speed at the time that my ex and I were looking at cars, despite the fact that I couldn't drive one. I reasoned that I'd wanted to learn how for so long that buying one would force me to do so. Needless to say, that didn't happen for a number of years. The student/teacher relationship between me and my ex was beyond horrible—or she was just a horribly impatient and intimidating teacher—and having an automatic for a second car (her '97 Ford Ranger) and the ability to get around on my bike pretty much decimated whatever motivation I'd had to really learn to drive stick. I finally did get around to finishing the learning process out of necessity one weekend when she was out of town, the Ranger was in the shop, and I had to drive myself to a wedding gig 35 miles away.

    We eventually traded in the Ranger for a 2009 Honda Fit (automatic), which became my primary vehicle. I loved it for its impressive storage capacity (hello, hauling bikes around), but she couldn't stand how it drove.



    When we split up, she ironically took the lower mileage Honda with her and left me with the Mazda, reasoning that I'd be doing a lot less driving than she would (ha!). Less than a month later, her disdain for the Honda won out and she traded it in for a new Mazda 3 hatchback, automatic.

    Lucky for me, I fucking love driving stick, and I love my little car. It's tons of fun to drive—maybe a little too fun, considering I earned my first ever speeding tickets, three of them, during successive road trips to and from the midwest last summer and fall. No regrets.

    What is certain at this point is that my car, with its exterior speckled with bird shit and its back seat coated in dog hair, desperately needs a bath. That's what I get for bike commuting and leaving the car undriven for days at a time. My fingers are crossed that I'll be taking her out for another long drive west sometime very soon.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
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  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    @DamnitAll, we've been looking at a Honda Fit to replace the Volvo when its time comes. I'm attracted to it due to its capacity to haul around everything we need for backpacking.
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  7. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what? Donor

    Central MD
    For this purpose, the Fit would be perfect!
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  8. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    My Tacoma gets me and mine where we need to go, it can carry and tow what I need it to. It's strictly a matter of practicality. Fits 5, 4 comfortably. Gas mileage doesn't suck (too much). 77k on it, so far, and zero problems.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For fun, I drive my bike.

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  9. bobby

    bobby More Than Slightly Tilted ! Donor

    Honda makes good small cars....the Fit may be a fit
    look at the Mazda 3...also very good
  10. RedSneaker

    RedSneaker Very Tilted

    Subaru invited me to OBX a couple of years ago to put their latest Outback through the paces. I fell in love with it. Handles like a dream, great for off roading and super comfortable. Had a blast on the beach and sand dunes.


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  11. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    We have a subaru forester 2001 model. Getting a bit old, but still drives really well. Unfortunately, the boys are growing and the back seat space in this model is pretty crappy. Pretty good fuel economy and able to fit quite a bit in the back.


    We want a seven seat for the next car and are looking at either a Hyundai Santa Fe or a Holden Captiva.



    I'll have to come back later to talk about the cars I've been in/driven :)
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  12. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Mazdaspeed3. 2009. I've owned it since May 2009 and have put over 100,000 miles on it since then. 6 speed manual, turbo, hatchback, it's just a great car altogether. I love it! Made a 4000+ mile round trip with it to/from Utah last January and February, and it did great with some snow tires. Best car ever! Zoom zoom!
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  13. My first vehicle was a '91 Saab 9000S hatchback. My family got it for free from our landlord at the time, and it did basically nothing but nickle and dime us the whole time I had it.
    Only picture I could dig up of me in the vehicle (Please forgive the hair, I was 17 and didn't know any better):

    If you look closely at that picture, you'll notice the wood in the center of the steering wheel. The airbag had previously deployed, and instead of replacing the necessary components, the previous owner had just outfitted a piece of wood in the steering wheel instead. Not legal, not safe, wasn't worried about it too badly.
    It was a stick. I miss driving that thing. I will own another standard drive vehicle eventually.

    We traded in that deathtrap for some credit against a PT Cruiser that my mom purchased. As she got a new vehicle, I inherited her old one, a '96 Chevy Corsica.
    That thing was a tank. I could throw it at almost anything and it would just keep going (well, almost. see below).
    Unfortunately it had the good ol' DexCool issue and as a result would empty the contents of its radiator approximately once a month, which I had to keep refilling.

    This was its fate.

    Whoops. I was 20 and acting like an idiot. Nothing more to say about it.

    Then, in April of 2011, I obtained my current vehicle, a 2000 GMC Jimmy.



    The 4x4 capability of this thing has come in handy a hilariously large number of times up here in the UP. Well worth the money.

    I love this thing, and I plan to drive it until the wheels fall off. It's already halfway there; sometimes it doesn't like to start and the transmission slips a bit under heavy load (then again, it had 177k on it when I got it and have put more than 12k on it in the past 3 years).

    Depending on where I end up living, my next vehicle will either be another SUV, or a smaller car of some sort.
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  14. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    This isn't a photo of mine, but it's close enough. My favourite car that I've ever owned was a 1986 Jeep Cherokee. When we bought it, it was about 10 years old but it drove like a dream. We were able to haul kid, dog, canoe and all the stuff we'd need to the cottage. In winter, it made getting over snow easier and the 4x4 drive train allowed me to get up some pretty hairy logging roads for some great fishing and camping.

    We sold it because we were trying to be a lot more fuel efficient. It was expensive to run.


    Next to that, I'd have to say it's a neck and neck tie with my 1971 Vespa Sprint Veloce (again this isn't mine but it's a reasonable approximation). I don't currently drive a vehicle, but I do still own my Vespa. It's being stored at my brother's place. One of these days, I will get my Singapore license and seek out a Vespa. It will be an indulgence but, fuck it, we all need one of those every once in a while. In the meantime, I spend my indulgence money on bicycles (better for my health).

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  15. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    I've only owned one vehicle, personally, and currently don't drive.

    From my very bad memory, this is the kind of van I owned when I was 17. (not sure what brand it was)


    My van was mostly grey and had a Southwestern-type of mural on the sides, and iirc, had a couple of wolves somewhere on it.
    It drove like a boat and was quite fun.
    Unfortunately, sexy woman was not included.
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  16. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    This thread is so much fun! Thank you everyone for contributing! I'm laughing my bum off (and about to wake my daughter) with all of the great descriptions of the older vehicles.

    Today I caught myself daydreaming about this car. The Saturn Sky.
    My sister-in-law has one. I haven't had a chance to drive it but this car just looks super sleek. I don't think I'll get a chance to play around with a car like that for a long, long time. No place for my littlegirly's seat...
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  17. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I really, really, really want an Audi TT. I saw a beautiful TT RS a couple of weeks ago, and regret not taking a picture. It was orange and had a custom orange license plate (an option in my state) that said TicTac. So cute! Every time we pass a TT on the road, I drool. What's great is that my husband can't make his usual muscle car argument with the TT. Essentially, he states that powerful RWD sports cars are a waste in the PacNW due to road conditions. The TT is either FWD or AWD.

    Sigh. Someday.
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  18. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    This is what I drove in high school:
    A 1993 Oldsmobile Eighty Eight Royale. In powder blue. With dark blue plush bench seating, and blue plastic and fake wood paneling on the dash. It was my baby and I loved it.
    This gives you a little peek on the inside:


    I loved that care more than anything, but it was a POS. The alternator broke twice, once on my birthday, the entire fuel line rusted out into my gas tank, and the engine failed twice. We pumped a lot of money into it, then finally unloaded it for maybe $300. It was my baby.

    Now, I drive a 4 cylinder 2006 Ford Escape with AWD.
    (this is the V6, but close enough).

    I love this car so much. It got me through some ridiculous winter with little to no effort. Plus, having the smaller engine makes it more fuel efficient.
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  19. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    My mother really loves her ~2004 Ford Escape. It's a good car to drive and holds quite a bit. I like it. I looked into the Escape Hybrid, but its fuel consumption is far worse than I expected from such a small car.
  20. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    I love mine! I get about 25ish mpg on the highway, and about 20 city. So not too bad for an 8ish year old suv!

    I love how much it holds. I moved my entire apartment (minus futon and dresser, which I sold to the next tenant) home from school in one trip. And varied around lots of people in Toronto! :)
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