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Why aren't you playing Kerbal Space Program yet? It's free

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by MSD, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. Spiritsoar

    Spiritsoar Slightly Tilted

    New York
    I am going to immediately share this with my Civil Air Patrol cadets, they'll get a kick out of it. Thanks.
  2. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Version 9.0 is out. Stability is improved, struts are available, and the vertical speed indicator is not on a logarithmic scale, making it useful.

    There is a donation link up and any donation of $7 or more will count as a preorder for the finished game. I love the game and the way the developers have gone about introducing and releasing it, and I will be donating significantly more than I usually pay for games (I haven't bought a game that wasn't on sale on Steam in probably 5 years) next paycheck.
  3. Devoid

    Devoid New Member

  4. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Might give it a look ;)
  5. EyeSeePeeDude

    EyeSeePeeDude Getting Tilted

    Nellis AFB
    Loaded this up last night. Eventually hit 157k in altitude, but dropped straight back down (with a chute, of course). Guess I should do a bit more research next time ;)
  6. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    The trick to orbit is that you go sideways in addition to up. Try 4 liquid tanks and an engine, put a few boosters around the stack on radial decouplers, get up to about 20k then tip 90 degrees in any direction and burn until you're around 40k and going 2350km/h. Baby's first orbit.
  7. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Version 0.10.0 is out! Joystick support, a completely new terrain engine, and movable winglets that help you steer among other things. The next release will have better flight instrumentation and orbital calculations to prep us for extraplanetary objects in the subsequent release.Unfortunately, the sticky launch pad bug is worse if anything, and won't be fixed until the next release.

    HarvesteR mentioned on the official forums that he's a little ahead of schedule and will probably have a 0.11 experimental release out soon that makes the atmosphere much more realistic as opposed to the 34500m wall that's there now. Decay-free orbits will start around 70000m.
  8. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    I forgot about this one. Just updated it last night. Im about 15hr into a flight. Wish there was time compression. Highly elliptical orbit, ranging from about 40-600k distance. Sadly I jettisoned my second stage when I thought my orbit was good and dont have any power on my module, so no way to re-enter.... guess I just launched another manned satellite. Ah well, try again and remember to leave some fuel to bring them home.
  9. Shagg

    Shagg Vertical

    Los Angeles
    I've gotten into orbit a few times, I just can't seem to de-orbit. I need to learn how to kill my velocity arount 80k altitude.
  10. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Version 0.10.1 is out. Control surfaces are redesigned and the atmosphere now extends to about 68000m with a realistic falloff rather than the ball of soup it was before.

    Shagg: to deorbit, the simplest way to do it is burn retrograde until your velocity drops below stable orbital velocity, then wait for reentry.
  11. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    Been trying to smooth out my elliptical orbits to be more circular. Tough job, too much burn and I endup doing a re-entry on the next pass.
  12. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

  13. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I hadn't played with this in a couple of months, and decided to fire it up again today. Version 0.13.1 is the current one.

    Some new features, from 0.10 to 0.13:

    - Fuel feed lines are part of the default parts list. This allows you to mount additional fuel tanks on lateral struts, and jettison them when they're empty.
    - Kerbin now rotates, and orbits the sun. It's also now possible to achieve a solar orbit. I don't know if it's possible to actually fly into the sun -- I'm kind of interested in trying, but that would be a big time investment.
    - The game now features time compression, a sorely needed addition.
    - There is now an advanced SAS module. I don't yet know what benefit it provides over the base model.
    - A liquid fuel engine featuring vectored thrust is now available.
    - The game also now features RCS modules for attitude control. They require their own supply of fuel, but dramatically increase maneuverability (and stability, when combined with SAS).
    - The game now features a Mac version. It won't run on my Macbook, which is probably more of a blessing than anything.

    And the big one:

    - Kerbin now has a moon. Called mun, it orbits Kerbin at 12000 km. It is possible to fly to and orbit the moon, and with the right parts, to land on it. I haven't achieved this feat yet, and I'm not sure about getting off of it again.

    It's notable that version 0.13 is the last free version of KSP that will be released. It will remain available on the site as a demo. For access to future updates (including the full game, once it finally gets there), you'll have to pay. It's a whole $7 US until Monday, at which point the price skyrockets to $10.
  14. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    Now that 0.13.1 is out, I'm going to make a new thread. It's practically a new game at this point.

    To answer your questions:

    -ASAS uses AV-R8 winglets (and RCS if turned on) to maintain attitude. When your rocket starts wobbling, remember this: It's not unstable, it's doing the rocket dance (warning: your rocket may literally dance its ass or other pieces off.)
    -You can fly into the sun (Kerbol) with stock parts but it's not easy. With stock parts, your best bet is to fly out past Mun's orbit and slingshot past both it and Kerbin at or near syzygy.
    -If using stock parts, use winglets on radial decouplers as landing legs and blow them on takeoff to reduce weight . A full RCS tank with 8 nozzles can get itself and the capsule back from the Mun.

    I suggest that until a version with more stock parts is released, that everyone try KSP Silisko edition. NovaSilisko is one of, if not the most dedicated developers for addon parts and mods, and he did a great job of balancing the stock parts and adding a few more to give you a wider selection, retain the feel of the game, and make it a little more "realistic." One of the biggest improvements over stock is, as he says, that the super heavy stock decouplers make no sense and discourage staging, which is the exact opposite of how real-life rocket building works. There are a bunch of "reserved for future use" parts that you can safely ignore for now unless you want to build things that look cool but don't do anything.
  15. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I apparently may have misunderstood how the regular SAS module works, then, as I thought it used whatever attitude control you had in place.

    So what, if any, is the advantage of the Advanced SAS over the non-advanced version?
  16. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    downloading...... :)
  17. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I just switched to Silisko today, as I felt the default parts list was a bit spartan. I'm having a hell of a time getting to Mun though -- I can't get enough burn time out of my rockets. Adding more fuel increases weight which necessitates more thrust which requires more fuel. It's a problem, but not insurmountable I'm sure.
  18. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    300,000 meters... managed to line up a pile of fuel ontop of a single rocket and it's my best yet. I tried a handful
  19. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    2,544,940 :)
  20. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Is that straight altitude, or in an orbit?

    Getting up is easy. Getting into a stable orbit is a little more challenging. And of course the easiest way to get to Mun (or so it seems to me at least) is in a straight shot, although I suppose a highly eccentric orbit would work too.