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Is Skyrim worth upgrading my PC?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by MMB737, Nov 6, 2011.

  1. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    If she does, she's keeping them from me. ;)

    Nice video, Baraka. Thanks. :)
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    As an aside, what the fuck is it about hot nerdy girls? Seriously. Give me these girls any day vs. the Kardashian, Snooki, or generally the "look at me; I'm pretty" type.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Amen! I hear you. I used to drool watching G4TV when they would have on hot geeky gamer girls and the techy girls, till DirecTv pulled the channel.
    I don't get to see a lot of geeky girls these days (except YouTube) because of so-called beautiful women such as the Kardashians and the cookie cutter Playboy clones.
  4. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Can you imagine listening to this for ten hours straight?

    View: http://youtu.be/5J5XRl6RKk0

    You'd either go crazy and start swinging at dragons, or quit gaming for good. :p
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

  6. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    Yes, I like gravedigging.

    Also, anyone still playing Skyrim? Was watching Game of Thrones (S2) again last night and watching the Hound cleave a couple poor sods in half made me want to continue with my 2h sword-wielding evil Khajiit.

    Right, off to play.
  7. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

  8. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    Huh, already? But only for the 360 so far, right? They said the Xbox would get the first DLC a month before the PS and PC..
  9. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Yeah, I guess so. I haven't had enough coffee yet and missed that part of the article. I can wait a month. Summer finally decided to arrive here.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I picked this up again after finally finishing Mirror's Edge.

    I did a pretty awesome quest as a part of the main quest chain, and I'm hooked and wanting to keep going. Full steam ahead.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    At least us PC users get the official High Res texture pack! Downloading it now; excited to see the difference. I already have a few graphics mods, but nothing as substantial (the high res pack is a whopping 3 gig download).

    Cool, are you using any mods (if you're playing on the PC that is)?
  12. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Nah. I'm playing this on my PS3, as I barely have the recommended specs for it on PC. I certainly don't have ideal hardware for it.

    The PS3 graphics aren't likely as good, but they're still good, and it runs no problem. Also, this means I can play it on my couch on a big TV in 1080p with Dolby Surround.

    I was never really into mods, etc., with a lot of games anyway. I'm pretty vanilla when it comes to gaming. I don't often go as far as DLC even.
  13. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    I have a good surround system on my PC, and 3 monitors, one of which is a TV. Combine that with my 360 controller and I can sit in the couch as well, hehe. Some games do fit better on certain consoles, but I think Skyrim is much better with a mouse. The game is great no matter how you play it though.

    As for mods, I'm pretty much only using ones who change the graphics. Don't often get into the quest mods and whatnot, as the original gameplay itself is usually good enough.

    Might want to check out Dawnguard; it looks like a decent sized DLC worth the purchase (once it actually becomes available to us non-360 folk).
  14. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I have some time. I just made level 20. I still have a lot of game left. :)
  15. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i got up to ~14 and stopped. it was just too overwhelming. i felt like i had to comb over every nook and cranny of the game and stash any mats i might need later and ended up with a room full of crap i dropped on the ground.
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This was always a danger to me. The trick is to leave much of the miscellaneous quests on the back burner (or ignore them completely) and focus on the main quests. Also: avoid trying to do random things. Go somewhere or be somewhere for a reason.
  17. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    hmm ok. maybe i'll give that a go. i've tried that before in other games though and i end up hitting a difficulty wall because i didn't do any side quests and i'm stuck in a cave getting killed on my latest save.
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    This happened to me a couple of times. That is when you go out and grab a few side quests. When you go up a level or two, go back to trying a main quest. (Also make sure you have an appropriate companion with appropriate gear.)

    Also, I've left caves mostly cleared out, only to return later to finish them off.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  19. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    I've been consistently playing it. I've now completed the Dragonborne quest, and as far as I can tell, have to finally make some choice of sides regarding the civil war. For now, I've joined the Companions, though I've been reluctant to, because I don't particularly enjoy question without Lydia. She and I are now married, and it just doesn't feel right unless she's there.

    Dawnguard, I'm looking forward to, but again, I'm bothered that I might not be able to have Lydia by my side. Sad puppy I may be, but she and I have been together longer than some of my RL relationships!

    Only mods I've used are the graphic body, face and eyes enhancements, the real-stars, and the Lydia does NOT die.

    My self-limiting consists of not using arrows above orcish, and not using block in melee with sword. This is to balance the fact that my stealth is so good that I have to be very clumsy indeed for enemies to see me.

    Now, I'm off to have a look at what this Mirror's Edge is about :)
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    OMG! It's sooo good!

    I think it's my favourite game ever. I don't tend to pick favourites, but no game has left such a lingering impact on me. It's not without its flaws, but I would call it a masterpiece. I'm going to chortle with glee if they ever get around to announcing the sequel. I'm even thinking about getting the six-issue comic to expand on my fanboyism (even though I read it was pretty bad).

    I even had to talk myself down from writing fan fiction!

    I'm getting the impression that the game has a bit of a cult following. I'm going to start here: On-Mirrors-Edge - Guide to the game Mirror's Edge