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Customer Service

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by issmmm, Aug 15, 2011.

  1. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    I work for one of the larger retailers in the US
    I won't bother telling you which one because it really doesn't matter if you figure it out...so what

    My purpose with the thread is to open a conversation ablout how the retail world really works, so ask a question or respond to a post. Expect the truth. Don't expect customer service.
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    What kind of retail work do you do?

    In store? Cashier? Manager? Corporate? Call center?
  3. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I've worked multiple retail jobs...so I don't really have any questions for you. I do find it interesting to talk to people who have a) never worked in retail, or b) never worked in foodservice. Personally, I think all people should be required to have one of those jobs.
  4. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    ask me a question...why are those bitches a Kmart always angry?

    cuz you held up her line so your bastard kid could pick out a Pokemon toy instead of making that fucker pick it out before you got in line
    cuz you waited until being told how much your bill would be before it even occured to you to reach into your wallet and begin too sort your singles from the reciepts from a week ago
    cuz you waited until the transaction was done to offer those fucking coupons
    cuz with 17 clones just like you in line you seem to think that her whole world was built just for this moment
    cuz you know that her manager will suck your ass with a straw to keep you from complaining

    cept me
  5. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    How is it that 50% of the people who work retail are incompetent and 50% are just doing it until something else better comes along?
  6. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    Manager or more precisely assistant manager
    I'm the onre that gets called when some shit customer demands some discount they aren't entiteled to
    I'm te one who has to tell you not to bring your little rat dog into the store

    difference is that I am old school
    I'm not going to tell you that if I let you bring in your little precious that I have no argument when Bob wants to bring in his great dane I'm going to tell you to get that little fucker out of here
  7. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I have a Bullmastiff, you better believe that if I see FiFi in the store, I'm bringing my beast in too! :D
  8. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    it only seems that way because 95% of customers don't know how to ask for what they want they other 5% aare at at the grogery stores looking for 2 x 4's
  9. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Customer service extends beyond retail. Don't ever apply for a such job that's not retail. You're not cut out for it. For instance, I'd never hire anyone that thought that way.
  10. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    That what I'm saying, FiFi pisses and shits just your dog, she sheds like your little puppy.

    I can use the argument that it is unsanitary and my bosses try and tell to use that approach you know be tactful
    My approach is "hey lady, the dog belongs outside."
    oh its cold? so the fuck what you got heat at home/inthe car/ some fucking where else right?
    He's so small and \scared ? so? get him/her out of here

    and for me it's not cuz Borla has a big dog and I wouldn't have an argument, but 'just because yuo're spending money I gotta put up with your shit?' nope
  11. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    I really hope that you don't treat customers like that. It's customer service, you're servicing the customers according to a company's standards, not according to your rule book.

    Bad customer service irks me. I've done it for quite awhile and can count my bad experiences on one hand. I think you might be doing it wrong.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    Customer service extends to all aspects of bussiness and fuck you I am the best my customer would lick my ass in gratitude I'm so good you lose the stautus of customer when you mistreat my people because you have money, you lose it even further when you expect anything more than the implyed agreement that I provide a product and you agree to make the purchase

    let me assume the position of retailer grocer, druggist, shoesales man etc

    I have paid someone on the othe side of the world who has the shoes that make you cream with every step you take, paid someone else to bring them across the world so you only have to drive ten minutes to get to them priced them so that those fuckers down the block can't screw your dumbass over iwth knockoffs for 80% of my price? do you really expect me to make my cashier stroke you as you pay whe I got 25 other MoFos ready to buy the only 3 pairs I or anyone has in stock?
    No FU the one who gets the cream shoes today will be the one says good morning can I have them in a 10, not the one who expects speciall treatment because they can afford the cream inducing shoes.
  13. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    It appears that you truly hate retail, dislike your customers, and I'm guessing that makes for an unhappy work environment. Why stay?
    • Like Like x 1
  14. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    If you were my employee, I'd fire you. That attitude is one of the biggest problems with Americans right now. I guess that you haven't figured out that the entire reason that your employer pays you is to help those customers that you hate so much. You need to find a new career.

    I do customer service too. It's not retail, but it's dealing with clients and their needs all day every day. And people who get your attitude in my office last about a week. Then they're gone, mainly because we understand that your attitude is a cancer. It's bad and it's a business killer.

    Good luck. I'm done here.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    You are a bitter, angry man.

    Something tells me that the arrogance on display here doesn't go away on the job.

    Those customers who don't know how to ask for what they want? Guess what, chief: it's your job to help them figure it out. That's what you're there for. If everyone already knew exactly what they wanted they'd order that shit online and you'd be out of a job already.

    Waitaminute. Shoe salesman, bad attitude... Al, 'zat you?
  16. I truly hope that all of my competitors are just like you. issmmm. My company's prosperity would be ensured!
    (ps. I hope you're running this thread as a farce or satire. You wouldn't last a day working for me! Would you patronize a business that treated you the way you treat folks?)

    besides, you are an assistant manager, not a manager, owner, purchaser or anyone who has anything whatsoever to do with acquisition, pricing or marketing. You are not the man! You are the guy they put in the line of fire so they don't have to be.
  17. sbscout

    sbscout Getting Tilted

    Wow, I don't really know how to comment appropriately, but I'll try.

    If you truly feel the way you say, I cannot believe that the customers don't see it. I, for one, give second and even third chances to retail stores if I have a bad experience, but apparently I am supposed to tolerate your attitude or get out. There are too many retail stores out there to treat customers like crap.

    And, yes, I expect your cashier to treat me with respect, just as he or she should expect to be treated by the customer. The line of 25 other MoFos will shrink down to none eventually. Then what will you do?

    And I'm old school too, but that doesn't translate into being confrontational and rude.

    I hope you have a nice day. :)
  18. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    What I'm wondering is, why do you feel the need to project your bile onto this forum?
  19. ace0spades

    ace0spades Slightly Tilted

    Have you ever given into a completely irrational client just to get them out of your face because you are just totally sick of dealing with their shit? I have these kinds of defeated days when I just have no fight left, it's like 4 in the fucking morning and I have more or less stopped caring whether you're allowed one or two granola bars at snack time.
  20. Fly

    Fly music is the answer
