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Game of Thrones *spoilers*

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by cynthetiq, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Jetée

    Jetée Getting titled

    • Like Like x 2
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    Season finale coming up!

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  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Valar Morghulis.... Season finale tonight!
  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    OMG! I can't believe they followed up Ep. 9 with such awesome finale!

    The White Walkers march!


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  5. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I still want to slap the Mother of Dragons. Hard. And a lot.
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  6. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    I think I was expecting more out of the finale. The ending with the walkers was certainly awesome, but I was expecting more out of the house of the undying and the warlock being killed so easily was sort of a let down.

    Also I was a bit confused as to what happened to Winterfell. Theon said he saw that he was surrounded, and the old man commented about the horn being blown outside as a siege tactic to keep him awake. Yet when the stark kids emerge with the giant and the wild lady there are no stark men inside or outside Winterfell.

    I know Robb said if the pirates gave him Theon he would spare their lives, but I can't imagine the Stark men letting the pirates go if they burned/pillage winterfell as it appeared they did. And furthermore wouldn't some stark men be in winterfell to sort of rebuild it?

    Is this an error or is it going to be explained in season 3?

  7. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    Can I watch?
    Will the white walkers be capable of handling the heat or will they melt?
  8. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    My fucking god. I don't really care about minute details but HOLY FUCK!
  9. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    My understanding is that the producers/writers left this open for explanation in season 3. It is pretty clear who did it (and I'll avoid saying what 'it' is to help with those who don't want to be spoilerfied) to anyone who has read the books.
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  10. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I just think the Mother of Dragons was author George Martin's way of making this world more expansive. Having watched the entire television series thus far and read 2 books (on the 3rd, atm), for me MoD Daenerys Targaryen is a distraction. Every time I get to one of her chapters in the books, I sigh--it's a chore to get through, taking me out of what I perceive to be the story. I don't hold much hope for the television Mother of Dragons either, unless the GoT screenwriters D.B. Weiss and David Benioff really hack and slash and then rebuild her story. Emilia Clarke, though very beautiful, is not an actress with a broad range and I'm finding her a bit one-note, too. All that said, I loved almost every aspect of the HBO series and well as book #2, #3, and book #1, thus far.

    I'm a tad worried about the white-walkers (sp?). People are already calling them 'zombies' and they can't be zombies! At most, they are undead. This will drive me to distraction so I'd best get working on dealing with it.

    Really loved these two:
    TOM WLASCHIHA as Jaqen H'ghar gives Arya Stark (MAISIE WILLIAMS) a coin in the season 2 finale of HBO's GAME OF THRONES:
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    It depends. The actual White Walkers (or Others) are living but "different." GRRM once described them as something like sídhe (Irish faerie folk) made of ice. They do, however, bring the dead to life to serve them. These are wights and include both humans and animals.

    They're also quite loveable in the books. :)

    Valar morghulis
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Ah! Thanks for clarifying that! I got mightily confused with 'White Walkers' and 'wights,' though I had a bit of an inkling about "Others" with a curse that the GoT characters sometimes use: "May the Others have you."
    So then, when Sam and Gilly are saved from certain death from exposure--it is by a White Walker, obviously not a wight. And wights maybe are somewhat like zombies?
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wights are reanimated corpses, though not completely mindless like zombies. I don't want to spoil anything else for you if you aren't done Storm of Swords. Let me know when you are finished, and i will give you my speculation on Coldhands even though you haven't read through to Dance with Dragons.
  14. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    What is dead may never die... and so the eternal wait continues.

    I have found the show very entertaining, they have done a great job with it. Ultimately, I cannot wait for the next book. Unfortunately, I have little choice in the matter. The bastard better not die before he has it completed!

    /selfish reader
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  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    He is actually barely old. Born in 1948. In his 60's but that shocked me as Martin certainly looks older. Could be the beard.
    I had the same thought. He says he's only written 200 pages of the latest installment! When I heard that all I could think of was, "Hurry up (before you croak)!"
    --- merged: Jun 8, 2012 5:27 AM ---
    Will do. I'll read them all. I'm pretty sure HBO will keep it going for a few years more. I'm enjoying the journey and it behooves (sp) me work-wise. Win-win.
    Coldhands, yes. Was he not the leader of that herd that surged by Sam in the GoT season 2 finale?
    Again, very helpful, thank you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2012
  16. B

    b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I thought I had posted in this thread before! Oh well...
    I won't read the books. Many of you already know I'm not a fantasy novel reader at all, its just not my thing. But I was pushed into watching the show after it was all my closest friends would talk about last summer.
    Season 1 was a whirlwind of confusing names and lots of fucking. I feel like a half-wit when I say I was overwhelmed by it. After rewatching episodes 1-4, it made more sense, even if the fucking names confused me to hell. It doesn't help that I'm absolutely terrible matching names to faces. I might recognize a face, but will never get the name right. And this show kind of depends on that skill. Let's just say I had to rewind a LOT -_-
    Even so, great show. Disgustingly gory (not to mention the sheer idea of using chamber pots makes me want to vomit, and I'll bet you none of the male characters would ever shower. yeuch! ((Speaking of, I laughed when Tyrion (Sp?) and his witty concubine came to King's Landing, and she talked about how bad it smelled)) haha), full of shocking sexual moments, and full of action. Very fun show to watch.
    I watched season 1 all at once, and just did the same with season 2.
    I am still determined to not read the books. I'm 90% sure its not my kind of thing. But my curiosity has already kind of done some damage on my perspective. For example, I thought Sansa (Sanza? I don't know) was older than Joffrey. But poof! Season 2 comes and she's only JUST getting her period. Whoops. AND, my jaw dropped when I found out that the actor for Joffrey is 20. 20!? He looks and sounds fracking 12. What the hell. I understand like most books written in that period time is no rush. Obviously it can't be, when it takes a week to travel to the next nearest city. I just wish the show put a better focus on time past. Like, at the end of season 2, how many days/months/years have passed? The characters always simply say "its been so very long!" (Lady Stark is the queen of that dialogue). And ages. I know ages are a tough subject to bring up in acting. Especially because teenagers are usually played by people 20-30 years old, but still......viewers that don't read the series (like me) are so damn confused about the lineage and consistency. Baraka and I talked about that the other day, actually. I was shocked to find out Robb Stark is supposed to be a lot younger than he looks. It really threw me off.
    Ok, I'll stop babbling now. I admit, its nice to watch the series and have no idea what's coming. I don't get the opportunity to be surprised by shows that often.

    One more thing. I found these last night:


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  17. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock

    Yeah I was in sort of the same boat while watching season 1. I didn't understand the relationships and was confused most of the time. Plus, I didn't want to go online and research the characters because then I would read spoilers. So it was sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't sort of thing. I started watching season 1 over again and I'm noticing things that I didn't pick up on before, like Lady Stark sending Jon Snow disapproving glances etc.

    Since we are taking about wights I just thought I would throw in I was sort of dissapointed in the LOTR movies when they left out the barrow-wight. After I read the books I was looking forward to how they were going to show it in the movies. I understood why they cut it out since they also removed Bombadil and it also wasn't that necessary to the storyline, but it would have been neat to see.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2012
  18. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    I wouldn't have watched season 2 Game of Thrones without reading the books despite my exact words to my book(s)-reading son: 'I'm never going to read the books so tell me please if (so-and-so) is still alive at the end' of the most recent installment. I also declared during the mega-hype run-up to Game of Thrones' season 1 debut that I would never write about it because it is 'too dense.' And it is a -bitch to write about for exactly that and the reasons non-GoT books people are citing. But there's no denying the show is a pop-culture success and folks wish to see the goodies surrounding it whether it be Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) shirtless on a Clydesdale in Rolling Stone or the Stark kids singing over the the opening credits on video. Thus, I've been shin-deep in all things Game Of Thrones for several months now.

    I'm on my 3rd ASoIaF book (book #1--I had to go back after starting 'late'). It has not seemed to me like a fantasy novel series in the traditional sense. It's world is similar to what ours may have been with fantasy elements tossed (quite adroitly) into the mix.

    As a final note, as a fan of the HBO series, I enjoyed it far more as I caught up with it by reading the books. They are distinct entities yes, but they enhance one another.
  19. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    I tend to be displeased with the film versions after reading the book. I agree with you Fangirl that they do enhance each other in a special way that doesn't always happen.
  20. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    As my coworkers say, "I'm not a book person." when it comes to those times when they are just watching the series. This helps them from getting bogged down in the Harry Potter syndrome as they like to call it because well you know the books are different than the movies.