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Where do your pets sleep?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by snowy, May 29, 2012.

  1. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Reading some posts in PA inspired this thread. It made me curious as to where people let their pets sleep, and how that location came to be.

    My girls, being cats, sleep wherever they damn well please. Usually, this means the foot of our bed (Tumble), or the highest point in our bedroom (Ruff). Sometimes, Ruff decides she is going to make a nest of whatever blanket fell to the floor, or whatever blanket is hanging over the edge of the bed. Tumble has a nighttime routine in which she must burrow herself under the covers in between us so that we might cuddle and pet her. Once this cuddling and petting time is over, per some internal alarm she has, she escapes and settles down on my feet. Sometimes she goes to get a snack first, sometimes she goes straight to the feet. There are, of course, many other places around the house where they sleep, but our bed seems to be their favorite, especially during the day. It's kind of nice when sick--the cats refuse to give up their usual spots, and so they are very cuddly and friendly to whoever is in the bed during the day.

    Generally, our girls do not pester us when we're sleeping, so long as a) the bedroom door is open a crack and they can come and go as they need to, and b) they have food and water. If the door is closed, and they are stuck on either side of it, they meow quite a bit, and Ruff will stick her paw under the door in order to shake it back and forth. One of their favorite games is to bring us "presents" (their toys) while we are asleep, and they will meow a lot more than usual if the door is closed. As it is, they meow trying to get us to wake up and look at their "gifts". Thus, we sleep with a fan on. It drowns out the cat noise quite well. If they have run out of food, all bets are off. They will jump on us and head-butt us to get attention. If it's Caturday--I don't know how they know it's Caturday--they know we will stay in bed an extra 20 minutes or so to give them special kitty snuggles, unless we really have to get up and go.

    So where do your furry friends sleep?
  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Typically our bedroom door is open. That means that the cat sleeps up in the corner of the bed near my wife's head or shoulder.

    Stanley has his own queen sized bed, which is where he always starts out the night. Many times he ends up sneaking in bed with us. When he does that, he always has to sleep next to me, preferably in the middle. Fortunately we have a king-sized bed, and fortunately if you tell him to "get back in your bed" during the middle of the night he'll usually comply without a fuss.

    On nights where we're just too tired, need a solid night's sleep, or otherwise want our privacy all night, we'll shut the cat in the laundry area and basement (full basement, she often sleeps during the day down there on her own anyway) with food and water. Her litter box is in there all the time. Then we'll shut our bedroom door as well to keep Stanley out. Usually that means he'll stay in his bed all night, though occasionally we'll find him sleeping against our door in the morning.
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  3. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Wherever the hell she wants?

    The bed is taken and I insist she sleep inside, other than that, she sleeps where she pleases.

    She prefers the cold. Usually that means the slate tile by the doors. When the temp exceeds 90, she sleeps in the bathtub. She does laps most nights, checking up on me regularly and alternating between the bedroom and somewhere cooler.
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  4. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    At night,
    Simba sleeps on the floor next to my bed.
    As was pointed out in PA, the cats now sleep anywhere but my room at night. I can't risk being woken up at night with one of them lying across my legs or in my face because I might have trouble getting back to sleep, so I shut them out. They don't fuss or anything and there are plenty of places for them to sleep.

    During the day, the cats rotate from one spot to the next but primarily Muffin tends to like sleeping on a blanket next to the window. Shin Chan sleeps on a purr pad that is on the rocking chair. And Momma Kitty, for some reason, prefers the floor next to Emma's shoes although she will sleep on the back of the sofa, too.
    Simba roams from room to room, the corner by the bookshelf in the living room, next to my bed, inside the closet and back again.
  5. When we got our dogs we purchased a crate and a cage for them. They each slept in one. At first we would shut the doors at night but as they got older we didn't. They would often go into their crate at night when they were tired. They were good boys. I miss them.
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  6. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    We used to fall asleep cuddling our rabbit, but then she started waking us up several times during the night to ask for treats. We no longer have an open door policy. She usually sleeps in her pen or on the balcony. Our hamsters are pretty much trapped in their cages.
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  7. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    IF Zebra could be trusted not to chew on wires or if I weren't such a heavy sleeper, he'd be allowed to sleep with me, however, he is relegated at night to his cage, in my living room. When out, he'll jump up on my couch next to me build a nest out of the covers on it and lay down as close to me as possible or he'll lay next to the heaters (even though they aren't on). he also likes to perch on my grandmother's old plush rocking chair or stool and will spread out there.

    No matter where he is outside his cage, as soon as I stand up he's running around my feet, making it hard to walk...lol he seems so happy doing that I can't help but stop and stand until he is done.and sits by my feet. He truly is half cat/half dog.
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
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  8. Lucifer Slightly Tilted

    The Darkside
    Our three cats usually sleep on the bed with us, although they do vary their positions quite a bit. Finn usually sleeps on Seamaiden's side, either at the top of the bed as close as he can to the side without falling off, or down at the foot. Spoon will always sleep on my side either curled up beside my head or at my feet. She is usually at my feet when I wake up and then she comes up the bed to nuzzle my face, sometimes if I'm going back to sleep, she'll curl up close to my face. Jib usually sleeps at the foot of the bed, but sometimes he will want to sleep between us under the covers, which is fine, except sometimes he kneads us in the night and his claws can scratch, and both of us sleep naked.
  9. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    My two cats have very different sleeping habits.

    Eva, my little one, sleeps under the couch or under my bed during the day. Since she usually sleeps through the day, she's pretty active at night. She will come and cuddle with me periodically through the night - usually wedging herself in behind my knees or curling up on the pillow next to mine. Usually, when I wake up, she is wedged up next to my legs and ready for some lovins, unless she's hungry.

    Chrissy, my older cat, tends to hide in the closet or sleep on my bed during the day. She tends to stay on the bed with me at night - sometimes wedging herself up against my head on my pillow (this is usually when I have showered right before bed and she spends some time grooming my wet hair), but most times near the foot of the bed or taking up the space next to me (queen size bed). She likes to be close, but not always touching.

    I always leave my bedroom door cracked for the kitties to come and go and play as they please.
  10. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    We have one little dog. During the day, she mostly sleeps in her favorite chair, in the sunniest room of the house. When we go to bed, she comes and sleeps with us. She does occasionally nap in other places, just to shake things up a little-- including every now and then, in her own bed.
  11. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Benjen and Leia both sleep with us, although it didn't start out like that.

    Benjen used to sleep in his crate, which is nice and roomy. I have a "bedtime song" that I sing to them, and Benjen would go straight to his crate when I sang it. We tried him out in the bed, but he was so excited about not being in his crate that he wanted to play and pounce on us.

    When we got Leia, we tried putting her in the crate at night. She HATED it. (I'm not sure if I've talked about how we got Leia on the newer TFP, so the Cliffs Notes version is that she was severely neglected and abused by our neighbor, then spent about a month in the animal shelter before she came home to us. Separation anxiety like WHOA.) She cried so much, and so pathetically, that even Lordeden 's heart thawed a little, and he let her sleep in the bed.

    The next time he went out of town for work, I brought Benjen in, since I'm more patient with waiting for him to calm down. It took a few nights, but he finally understood that the bedroom was for Sleepy Time, not Play Time.

    So, now, they both sleep quite happily with us. Leia sleeps in the middle, although she'll cuddle up to either Eden or me during the night. Benjen starts out either at the foot of my bed (he has to be touching my feet or my legs), or at the top, in the middle, with his head resting on my pillow. He usually jumps down to sleep on the cooler hardwood at some point during the night, always right next to my side of the bed.

    They're really good about not waking us up, unless we have the windows open-- then they'll bark at the garbage truck, or the neighbors going to work in the morning.
  12. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    Our golden is seasonal in her sleep.
    In the wintertime our bedroom is about 60F. She likes to get in bed when we go to sleep, get curled up against the back of my legs, and be half covered by the comforter. She gets upset if we get in bed without her and she can't get a good spot!
    She has an open crate with a sheepskin and in the summer she will either be there or next to an open window to catch the fresh breeze and monitor outside scents.
    She usually makes nightly rounds around 0230 just to check on everything.
    --- merged: May 29, 2012 at 7:26 PM ---
    What every man fears hearing after the wedding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2012
  13. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Our cats used to have the run of the house, but having 2am cat chasings inside put an end to that - now they have a "bed" made up in the laundry (on top of the linen cupboard). Their litter tray is in the laundry too. They get shut in there when we go to bed.

    The vet told us not to leave food out for them - they get a measured amount each day - she said to take away excess food (if they don't eat it all), but that rarely happens, so we don't have to think about that. They do have a water bowl in there, though.
  14. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    ha! Nice. I should probably point out that the dogs get kicked out of the bedroom when it's Play Time for us ;)
  15. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    I am allergic to my cats but only so much that if they are brushing against my face or touching my eyes after petting them I have issues. They do get bathed every month or so and brushed very regularly. With good vacuuming I tolerate my cats just fine. They generally sleep in a chair, in the windowsills, on the backs of the couches, in their cat perch or inside there scratching posts. When it is warmer they often prefer to sleep on the cool kitchen floor, bathroom sink or even the tub. I have only briefly allowed my elderly cat in my room when becoming acclimated to a new house. I dislike pet fur in my bed and king sized comforters are a pain in the butt to wash, I would rather minimize that. It is not only better for my sleep but I believe it is probably better for their sleep as well as anything by my feet is at risk of being kicked off the bed.
  16. Pixel

    Pixel Getting Tilted

    Our 2 cats sleep wherever they like, as long as its downstairs. Our 2 Great Danes have their own room downstairs and sleep in their crates.

    I really cannot talk up crate training too much. It makes house training so much easier and contrary to most peoples beliefs, the dogs actually prefer it when they are puppies. Ok, they may prefer it secondarily to curling up in your bed beside you, but that wil most likely lead to accidents in your bed or smooshing your new little puppy.
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  17. Ayashe

    Ayashe Getting Tilted

    I have seen man an older and well trained dog voluntarily hide out in the crate for a rest. The beginning can be rough with dogs but once they become accustomed to it, they do fine. My former dog actually became upset one day when I left her out (accidentally) you could tell it was emotional behavior because she got into food, shredded it all over the house but did not eat it. She was pleased when I realized my error, returned home and kenneled her.

    Of course the bonus is that when the occasion comes a dog is unable to hold in their messes, at least they are well contained in an easy to clean location.
  18. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    The weather's warm now so Lyric, the stray female cat I inherited 6 months ago, sleeps at night on the enclosed porch in one of my wicker chairs. She's big and gray and has more hair than I've ever seen on a cat. Very prone to vomiting hairballs. Need I say more as to why she's not allowed free access to the furniture in the house at night.

    Coda, my daughter's male cat, is in and out and is often gone for days at a time. It seems he's being fed by a few of our neighbors and no longer feels any loyalty to me, his main provider. My daughter's had him for 3 years and has purchased a total of 2 bags of dry cat food and a bag of litter in support of his upkeep.

    Neeka, the female chihuahua, is with me when my ex is too drunk to care for her properly (which is almost all the time now). She has a favorite pillow on the couch she likes to sleep on or sometimes she'll curl up on the recliner. Occasionally, I'll bring her into bed with me where she'll immediately dive under the blankets and tuck herself in the crook of my knees.

    When my SO is visiting, she enjoys snuggling up in his crotch. (unfortunately, so do I)
    Last edited: May 29, 2012
  19. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Tumble surprised us last night by wedging herself in between us. Sometimes she just really needs a snuggle, I guess.
  20. CaptainOver

    CaptainOver New Member

    We have two dogs and a cat. Big dog sleeps on a doggy bed at the foot of the bed. Little dog sleeps in her little crate at the foot of the bed as well. We tried giving her freedom but she does not handle that well. A few months after we got her she hopped up on my wife in the middle of the night and pooped on the blanket. After doing that twice she was somehow still alive so we now keep her in her crate at night and she does much better. She will actually go and sleep in her crate during the day so she definitely likes it in there.

    The cat gets to sleep with the kids. I can't stand having my feet immobilized and she loves to sleep right on top of them so we close the door to keep her out.
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