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baggy pants law

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ralphie250, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i agree with plan9. i personally dont care what people wear and where they wear it. as long as it dosent affect me.
    tattoos are more open now than they were years ago.
    i sont care if the person helping me, teaching my kid, or fixing something has tattoos or piercings. as long as they are good at what they do. who gives a shit.
  2. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Just what are you trying to insinuate, buster? That my dangling participles are on view when I bend over?
  3. jewels

    jewels New Member

    My guess this middle-aged guy has a kid in school that wants to wear his pants this way.

    Understanding that clothing is, of course, just another means of expression, would those of you in this thread that have kids feel comfortable with your pre-teen son wearing his belt below his ass? I mean, really? Or would you make sure he's got a black-belt or Golden Glove in hand first?
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    i wouldnt want my kid wearing her pants like that. to me it seems disrespectful. my parents taught me better that that, but that was a different era.
  5. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    "Time to face the strange cha-cha-changes..."
  6. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

  8. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I'd be fine with it. It would be a good lesson about the speed and arbitrariness with which his fellow humans turn into petty assholes. It's a good thing to know.

    "Remember how those people who were nice to you the day before you started dressing differently suddenly started treating you like shit when you started dressing differently? Yeah. People can be stupid assholes. It makes them feel better. If you ever find yourself treating people like this over petty things like the way they dress, remember what it felt like to be on the other side of it and knock it the fuck off."
  9. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    Yeah, I'm not that far over the edge. I don't sit on the porch yelling 'get off my grass! Damn kids!' I don't really care what you wear or how funny it may look, but if your ass is hanging out of your clothes, that's both rude and offensive. I restate "No one wants to see some ones ass
    hanging out of their pants." You can't tell me it's comfortable, they're always pulling them back up when they bag down to their knees.

    I think the 'bell bottoms' are a stretch, but I see where you're going with the ankles and knees. I agree that propriety has changed over time and will continue to do so. I just don't see this as part of it. If you want to walk around in swim trunks and wife beater, go for it. If you're just trying to show off your ass, wear yoga pants. But if your going to wear pants, wear them around your waste, not your ass. This is almost as stupid as the girls who wear their bras on the outside of their clothes.. What the fuck is that?? Hey look at me, I spent my welfare check on a $200 bra, I'm cool.

    I'm personally in favor of walking around naked, just to get rid of whole fashion garment industry. But hey, we can't do that, think of all the poor Chinese, Taiwanese and Indian children that would be unemployed as a result.

  10. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    This may belong in a brand new thread but what about the flip side of this? The textile industry respoded to our kids need to look like idiots by giving our boys what the asked for, I don't blame them, there was money to be made. But what about the girls? They want their clothes to hang off their ass too, right? But it still had to be feminiine and hug her hips.and the Half-a-bootie pants were born also giving birth to the muffin top.
    I find the muffin to as upsetting because it makes a perfectly attractive woman look overweight and slovenly.
    do we like this?

    two btw's

    1 Half a bootie pants is my own name because I can't remember the real name of them, if someone can please give it to me. I wanted to find a pic to contrast this one

    2 Who had bets on how long it would take before someone turned this into a mars v venus thing?
  11. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    I believe it is the source and point of the trend. Perfectly normal middle class kids trying to look like ganstas. Why would they want to? Because the real Gangstas scare the shit out of them, so they emulate them to blend in and go unnoticed in school. Then they see the repulsed response from adults and it's a two-fer. Gangs aren't picking them out to harass and adults try to ignore them. It's teenage wonderland.

    We aren't really talking about 'saggy' pants here either. Loose fitting comfortable clothing is one thing, pants hanging under your ass is another.

    I'm not offended, it makes me laugh. I love coming out of the liquor store and faking a lunge toward the gaggle of 'wanna be ganstas', watching them trip all over themselves trying to run. That's some funny shit. But my entertainment aside, Grandma doesn't want or need to see anyone's ass hanging out of their pants. And while a law banning baggy pants seems extreme, it also speaks to the state of society when a law has to be passed so people will use a belt. What happened to parenting? What happened to mutual respect? What happened to respecting your elders? What happened to having pride in your appearance?

    Frankly, I think Darwin will come out the winner in this one. If you're an idiot, it's best not to tattoo "I'm an Idiot" on your forehead. If you're not a Gangsta, don't act or dress like one, you'll get shot. If you respect those around you, you will be respected in return. If you think you are gaining respect by portraying an experience you've never had, or think you'll gain some kind of 'Street Cred' by dressing like a poor child with no clothes that fit. Well, you're just in for a lot of disappointment in life. Right or wrong, people will judge you by how you look. So if your look is impoverished inner city modern, then people will respond to you in kind.
  12. Ourcrazymodern?

    Ourcrazymodern? still, wondering

    It's too bad it gets too cold/hazardous throughout much of our environment to do without clothing. Legislating against some form of it becomes us.
    Steve-o (sp?) has "your name" tattooed on his ass.
  13. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    I think you're overlooking what the trend emulates. I'm a Gangsta, I'm impoverished, I've been to jail. What in any of that is redeeming? Maybe our youth should start wearing Jack boots and Swastikas. They're just another group of murdering twats that scare the shit out of people. Why not? I truly hope your kid survives his first walk home from school looking like a gangsta. I can almost promise you his $200 sneakers won't or his wallet. Oh, and just a small detail but, they aren't treating him like a piece of shit because he dresses differently. They are treating him like a piece of shit, because he's dressed like a piece of shit. Yes, people can be stupid assholes. One of the best examples I can think of, is dressing up like someone who slings drugs, runs from the law, robs your friends, breaks into your house, has no respect for anyone outside of their clique and would just as soon shoot you as look at you. Yes, people can be assholes.

    While I don't argue the pettiness of mankind, prejudice against this trend is anything but arbitrary. Particularly to those who've lived in the inner city. My first response to seeing a baggy panted wigger (or is that wigga, now) in suburbia was not to laugh, but to check my pockets for a weapon, because shit was about to happen.

    I say, drop them off in South Central. Anyone who makes it out intact can keep the clothes.
  14. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I'm not going to argue with your cultural observations, beyond saying that they sound slightly ridiculous to me. I will also point out that you seem unreasonably passionate about the fashion choices of children.

    And did you really just admit that you enjoy scaring random children when you don't like how they're dressed?
  15. issmmm

    issmmm Getting Tilted

    Ok I know that some of you will take offence, some of you won't get the point I'm trying to make, some of you won't even understand, but here goes

    stop it with the urban gangster implications

    I'm not saying that everyone of you are saying it but I can't help but hear "Black Guy"

    America, espesially suburban America seems to think that areas like the one I grew up in (Chicago's westside) as a wasteland of intelligence and morality. Perhaps you don't mean to but the way you express youselves on subjects like this and how it ties with crime seems to imply that all but a few people in our neighborhoods are criminally minded. I tend to hope that you don't mean to lump us all into one group and you realize that we have churches, culture, education, etc.
    It sounds as if you think that the common gangster is a pillar of our community.

    I'm droning on and the TV is sapping my attention right now so I'd better close so

    In a few years you guys will be in the minority and America will do the same to you. we are having the debate now as to who will be the prototypical white guy

    My vote will be for a mash up of Eminem, Pauly Shore, and Bernie Madoff

    I know this has little to do with baggy pants but it looked like it could head in that direction
    • Like Like x 2
  16. As a black male in his 20s, I find it funny and retarded that a bunch of white guys are trying to explain to each other what dressing like black people means.

    People are forgetting about whole bright pink skinny jeans and shirt 3ls of Mario, who have on sagging pants. Yes that right there is a "gangsta". Not everyone in sagging pants is on welfare, in 200 dollar kicks, slanging, banging, or anything of the nature. Its fashion because its popular. Why do females wear shoes like stilettos that mess up their feet? Why do people wear skin tight clothes in the winter in Northern states? Why do men wear baseball caps with tux to proms? A lot of people do dumb things in the name of being popular. Some might not like it, but trying to make a law of fashion of people not showing skin just silly. But then again, showing off all their chest to everyone and nobody having a problem.
    • Like Like x 3
  17. ace0spades

    ace0spades Slightly Tilted

    This is a silly law. That is all.
  18. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    The fact that we're having this discussion at all is ridiculous, which is incidental to this ridiculous law.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Ourcrazymodern?

    Ourcrazymodern? still, wondering

    issmmm? I hope to be the prototypical white guy if I can figure out what that is. All I have so far is my junk & my heritage.
  20. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Are you seriously using race as qualification? That's just as asinine. Lemme ask KirStang if he can comment on the martial arts ability of all Asians.

    And just wait until we start talking about bungee jumping, something else that stupid white guys do that black guys can't understand.

    How easily you forget that I'm also black.

    /skin color wasn't and isn't the point; instead socioeconomic status, subcultures and badass-this-year emulation fads