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New season of Mad Men, starts in less than two weeks.

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Borla, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    FINALLY!!! It's been what, 18 months? :eek:

    I may have to go back and watch the last season over again just to get back up to speed.

    But I can't wait. :cool: Who's with me? :D
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    It's been a LONG time. I hardly even remember what the last season closed with. I'll have to go back and watch to make sure my body is ready. BECAUSE IT IS.

    Ready. I mean. God I love you Don Draper. Hopefully this will give me a second outlet for seeing Alison Brie, too. Community AND Mad Men? Be still my heart.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I hear you there, for sure. :cool:
  4. Manic

    Manic Getting Tilted

    I've never seen a single episode. Is it really as good as everyone makes it out to be?
  5. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member


    Even if you don't count the 8th World Wonder that is Christina Hendricks.
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  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I want to watch this just because of Christina Hendricks. Is it worth it just for that?
  7. Manic

    Manic Getting Tilted

    Google says she's hot. That's the one who's hacked cell phone pics got leaked, right?

    4 seasons/52 episodes in 2 weeks. Goodbye life.
  8. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    And then some.
    --- merged: Mar 12, 2012 at 8:26 PM ---

    I like a man with a plan.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
  9. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I've been obsessed with Mad Men since the pilot. AMC and TCM are the only tv channels I watch at home. One for movies, and the other for old movies. ^_^
    I turned into a giggly 12 year old teenage girl when the promos for the beginning of Mad Men came out years ago.
    To me, nothing is better than a show within a certain decade. I love Boardwalk Empire for the simple reason it shows me life in the 30s.
    My love of Mad Men is much deeper, though.
    But fuck Don Draper, he's probably my least liked character. Roger is a sexy sexy man, and Pete is the best character of the entire series. I dunno, I just totally get Pete. Love him. <3
    In anticipation for the shows return which I heard about sometime last May or June, I started rewatching all the seasons I have on DVD. And I went through the seasons for a refresher more recently in January.
    I love that every time I watch an episode, I become more aware of the characters little reactions to things, and I appreciate it more.
    *sighs* just two more weeks... <3
  10. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I am just the opposite. Don>Roger>Pete IMO.

    I think Pete is a little snake and get Don's conflicts.

    And I love Boardwalk Empire. :cool:
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    AMC and TCM are my two favourite channels out there. If the television providers would ever offer a package where you could choose at least some of the individual channels those two would be my first choices.
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  12. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Miiine too ^_^ The only reason my house still has cable tv, is for those stations. :p
    Though, admittedly, I still enjoy watching Iron Chef once in awhile....
    But I digress!
    Boardwalk Empire is the shit. The ending of season two blew my mind. I really didn't see it ending that way! :O Fantastic show.
    I know why I dislike Don. All of the men on the show are sexually promiscuous, but some are more gentlemanly than others about it. By that I mean, Don is a pig. A filthy whore of the upper class. The relationship with the teacher threw me over the edge with Don. When it happened I actually sighed out loud at the tv. Haha. When that affair became a prime storyline on the show, I lost interest in Don. That storyline had nothing new to show the audience about Don. Just a reminder that he will never change, and he's too stupid to realize that affairs will never satisfy him, or make him happy in the long run.
    Roger, however, cheats with style. A classy whore with classy taste. :cool:
  13. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    I can understand preferring Roger to Don (I don't, but I can see it). I don't know how anyone could prefer Pete to....anyone. He's easily my least favorite character on the show, though I'm sure part of that is attributable to the fact that I have a difficult time disengaging Vincent Kartheiser from his role on Angel, where he was equally (if not more) obnoxious. The guy just has a weasel-y little face. Obviously he might be perfectly nice in person, but the roles he's picked have been pretty atrociously unlikeable.
  14. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Mad Men is the first show I've seen Vincent in. So I guess I'm lucky.
    Pete is awesome because he's one of the most honest, most reliable, most responsible, and most decent man on the entire show. His character is young and naive, and cocky, and vulnerable, and too proud for his own good. But he's the best ad men of the bunch. AND, he's the only man on the show that respects his wife. Yes, he cheated, twice. But the second time, he was very very guilty, and had the balls to say something to his wife. And, he made amends. More than the other men have done. Yay for Pete!
  15. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Three more days. :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  16. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

  17. wolf Evil Grin

    Right Behind You
    I am still shaking uncontrollably with excitement, Joan, where are you, I've missed you!
  18. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    The only thing I've seen of Mad Men is the award shows where they won, the promos for the show, and a behind-the-scenes special they had on AMC about what it took for the wardrobe and props department to outfit that era. That was pretty interesting.
    I have no interest in watching another soap opera, though.
  19. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I thought it was a great episode last night. They did a good job of drawing you back to the story lines that were left off ~18 months ago without you having to rewatch everything in the recent past.

    I love how they slowly progress through the time period and now we are seeing more civil rights stuff show up too. This show is just SO well done.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I knowwww right?! :D
    LOVED Pete's maliciousness. I knew that'd happen at some point. He loathes Roger, since day one. So its amusing to see him stuff it to Roger, who's become as useless as Cooper. Pete's a workaholic, he always wants to be at the top of what he does. I like that his character also constantly shows the same struggle I have, which is either work life or personal life is good, never both at the same time.
    Interesting fact: Jon Hamm produced that episode, and is directing the next episode.
    And dammit I still want Harry Crane shitcanned, he's an annoying little leech, always getting by by the skin of his nose while doing stupid shit. But he's a representation of all I loathe in people I work with, and I think that's why he's there. You know, those people you wonder WHY the fuck they're there, with so much power, while you grind your way to nowhereville....*sighs*
    Loving the civil rights stuff too. I love decade/era based shows that show glimpses of history.
    Interesting also to see Joan's hostile bond to her mother. I didn't expect that from her. Poor thing also got quite the verbal beating from her coworkers when she showed up eh? I hate gossip. -_-
    I'm still wondering what is going on between Joan and Roger. I mean, she kept the baby, so he must know its his. Have they talked about it? Last we saw, he was told it was "taken care of." What the hell did he say/think when he saw the baby bump months later?
    It was fun to see Megan go from being the sweet understanding secretary to the sex kitten. Rawr. And I'm actually surprised that Don is still digging her, so far into the marriage...sexually, I mean. Surprised he hasn't started another affair....he's definitely thinking with just his dick right now. And it was kind of funny to hear him say that in the episode, when he said he doesn't care about work, he's just there cause she is. He's such a little boy of a twit -_-
    Hmmm, who else am I missing? Peggy, I guess. But nothing really happened there, did it. Besides her rapport with Don is now gone. And she's turned quite bitchy at work. But I don't really blame her for that, not with the way season 4 ended, and her feeling unappreciated for her work.
    Next week's episode looks juicy.. :D
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