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How do you feel about hugs?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by RangerJoe, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. kejago New Member

  2. Ah Kejago, it blessed me with its trust. I couldnt help it, but I could share and it knew I cared.
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  3. Ourcrazymodern?

    Ourcrazymodern? still, wondering

    Shared hugs = mutual blessings
  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Even when taken off guard, I can tell you Niner's a half-way decent hugger. Monkie gives great hugs.
    Toaster gives great hugs, too, from ist 6'9 bajillion inches-tall height.
    I, too, like to throw people off balance by giving hugs, but just those who aggravate me with their disrespect for my personal space.
    I'll present the hug in a way that makes it very awkward for them to ignore it, and only in front of other people.
    Personally, I don't like hugs from people that I don't have an established relationship.
    It can be a friendship, a familial situation, or from a patient. Kids give awesome hugs.
    I have one sib I work with that since age 18 months has shrieked my name and come running from wherever she was and leaped into my arms with a giant neck hug... she's almost 4 now, and it's hysterical. She does it in public, too, and people think she's my kid sometimes. Though she's totally the wrong color. :rolleyes: It kills me when the adult educators at work look down their noses and disapprove, however I will never turn down an appropriate hug from a child (barring those kids tht have issues and are hugging me due to boundary issues or to feel my boobs).

    Overall, I'm a ninja-hugger. I like stealth. Don't expect one, don't expect not to get one. I'll choose, thank you very much.
    What I don't like is unsolicited kisses. Bleech.
  5. Smackre

    Smackre Vertical

    Ghutt, Ohio
    Hugs always make me feel weird. My best friends wife is big on hugs. Every time I show up or leave there place shes gotta give me a hug. Its rather uncomfortable.
  6. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    more or less this, with the exception of what culture you're in. Half of my family is Colombian and they LOVE physical contact, but for some odd reason its not uncomfortable when they touch your arm while talking to you and hug you or just lean on you while talking to you.
  7. Innocentmiss

    Innocentmiss Getting Tilted

    I think I'm perhaps in middle ground with this whole hugging thing. Don't get me wrong I love hugs, especially slightly lingering hugs from loved ones. However hugs from 'others' (not your nearest and dearest) are a bit weird, I always feel suspicious wondering what on earth they are doing and kinda end up frozen with a half smile on my face. Although that said I have hugged strangers/ people I barley know but only when they have been taking part in the free hugs campaign thingy.

    On a slightly different note would you ever refuse a hug from your significant other, or refuse to give a hug if verbally requested?
  8. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    I was in a business meeting 2 weeks ago, meeting a guy from Bangladesh for the first time ever (for this guy, not for anyone from Bangladesh).

    As I was introduced, the guy shook my hand, and then stepped closer, and put his other arm around me and hugged me.

    Bearing in mind that I'm 6'3" and he was all of 5'6" at most, it was physically awkward.

    It was not unpleasant, but it startled me.

    After my section of the meeting was over, some colleagues went for their part of the session, and he didn't hug any of them - the Director who set it all up told me that he thought the daughter of the Bangladeshi guy (who was brought up in England and was with him), may have had a word.

    To be honest, he was a lovely guy, and it made my day. Hilarity is important.
  9. 81Malibu

    81Malibu New Member

    I hug all the time.
  10. Ourcrazymodern?

    Ourcrazymodern? still, wondering

  11. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    I love hugs! But I guess it depends on the person. I came from a very physically affectionate family...lots of hugs, play fighting, that kind of thing. I would lay my head on my grandma's lap well into my twenties so she'd play with my hair :)

    I'm not completely comfortable hugging Eden's mom, though, as an example. Actually, the first member of his family to hug me was his aunt, which really meant a lot to me.
  12. RangerJoe

    RangerJoe Slightly Tilted

    At least I'm not alone here!
  13. Poetry

    Poetry Totally Sharky, Complete

    Los Angeles, CA
    Once I hit a certain level of familiarity with one of my (platonic) guy friends, I'm a hugger, cuddler, leaper, and, most importantly, lap-sitter. I need a lot of physical contact-- but only if their girlfriend (if they have one) is truly okay with it. Some of them aren't, and I understand and keep it minimal.

    As for women, I only hug if I'm comfortable with them (rare) or if I'm in a social situation where hugging is expected (ie: in line for a club). Older people, male or female, it's the same thing. I suppose it's a sign of how I'm more comfortable with sexually accessible men (even if I'm not accessing) than any other social group, and how I've stinted my social growth by avoiding groups that I find uncomfortable due to a lack of familiarity and understanding of how to treat people in certain angles and degrees in relationship to myself.
  14. DRP967

    DRP967 New Member

    If its someone near and dear to me, then yes I am for hugs.
  15. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    Hi Chinese Crested.

    The information in a hug. What happened with that poor ape. People sometimes do it too. They 'tell' their lifestory and where they are at, and their expectations for the future, and whether they expect to achieve them. Like the bees which get back to the hive and 'dance the history' of their travels. Some people emanate their story more than others. Sometimes it feels like a blessed sharing and sometimes like an abusive intrusion.

    Take care :)
  16. swordsworn

    swordsworn New Member

    Hug all the time, with pretty much everyone I meet.
  17. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Hah, I've got a funny story about that for you the next time we hang out.
  18. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    Hugs are fine. I have no major issues with hugs. Although I might give someone a Voldemort Hug. Do I really need to post the video?
  19. Saltpork

    Saltpork New Member

    Exactly my take...except for #1...I don't want to hug my family. It's really too much physical contact, though not creepy, we're just not the huggy type of peeps.
  20. sapiens

    sapiens Vertical

    Fort Worth, TX
    I like hugs from close family and maybe a few friends. Whenever I return to the home office, I get hugs. I don't like them. Hugs from colleagues are awkward.