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Violent Crime and Self Defense

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Hektore, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
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  2. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

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  3. Frankenstein says, Crime Bad, Self Defense Good.
  4. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    Abstract Danger==>necessary for the slide from liking guns because they're cute or to hunt or as a fun object to have around to schlepping one around under the illusion that it will save you from the abstract sense of danger that is necessary for the slide from liking guns because they're cute or to hunt or as a fun object to have around to schlepping one around under the illusion that it will save you from the abstract sense of danger. and so on.

    Abstract Danger is big business. doesn't matter if the statistics that appear to legitimate it are meaningless...it is useful commercially and politically. it keepts the right from being just a laughing stock. it facilitates acceptance of the illusion of Scary Bad Danger posed by the International Bogeyman of the Moment. interpersonally, a sense of Abstract Danger helps people pretend they have a "grip on reality" and to distinguish themselves from the others, who are simply naive. so accepting Abstract Danger is not paranoia, but rather a demonstration of superior intelligence and insight. and there can be no problems of Abstract Danger, no questions about the "grip on reality" that is its correlate for people who, at bottom, love that sense of Abstract Danger and the Evil in the world it represents and don't want imagine either as anything other than Necessary and Eternal. but that's no different from really really liking chunky peanut butter a whole lot more than smooth. an aesthetic preference. nothing more.

    of course should something arbitrary and violent happen chances are you'd be fucked in the same way whether you like the idea of Abstract Danger or not, whether you are strapped or not.

    as someone who has lived way too long in cities and takes no comfort---at all---from all this manly talk about carrying weapons around for "protection" that goes beyond placebo effect, my concern is...say one of you brand fetishists who knows all the best weapons porn finds yourself in that Cowboy Moment, the Showdown in front of Kitty's Taven on a sidewalk in the middle of the night facing down the Forces of Evil or Darth Vader or some other Bad Guy....where do the bullets go that miss? into a passing car here or a kid watching tv in an apartment there? or would they just vanish into thin air because you are a Good Guy?

    i don't care about people who have guns in the country. i don't mind hunters. make-believe cowboys at a rural firing range are a-ok. spraying bullets around in a panic in a city....not so great. i don't want vigilante assholes in any city. and i don't think anyone in a city finds anything reassuring about suburban paranoids wandering around strapped. except maybe the suburban paranoids. but they don't think about "collateral damage" because they don't live in the neighborhoods. in that way, if the shooting were to start, they'd be no different from what they're afraid of.
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  5. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    ^ TL;DR: "Nothing bad will ever happen to me. If it did, there is no way I could possibly do anything to stop it." Very zen. Go with the cosmic flow.


    Roachboy, you clearly have zero idea as to the kind of intense discipline that many individuals put into marksmanship training and combat mindset. I won't bother throwing up numbers you couldn't possibly care less about, but do know one thing: many people actually know what they're doing. Given my previous profession, I've seen the gamut of armed individuals... from the paranoid 'tards you mention in your above hee-haw ignorant diatribe to genuine Leonardo DaVinci clones with smiling wives, gifted kids, assorted musical instruments and clean fingernails. Many piss excellence.

    The "reality" talk reminds me... these crazies with the expensive gun fetish could be far worse: they could have spent all that money on illegal drugs.

    If anything, your delicious commentary reminds me that you should be more afraid of the police than Joe Sixpack with a Glock.
  6. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    i dunno man, there's i wouldn't put it out of reality that there are gobs and gobs of retard gangster/thug/'ard boys wannabes that buy ALL THE GUNS for respect/compensation/actually want to kill someone with zero training outside of their xbox and the owner's manual.
    Joe Sixpack =/= Joe Trained Veteran With Triple Digit Range Hours Of Practice
  7. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Are we still talking about people that do the necessary training / paperwork for concealed carry permits or is this another "well, I blame guns" rant?

    I don't really want to go down the "trained shooter" route with things like "trained driver" and "auto fatalities" stats here in the US. Oh, fap, fap, fap.

    Texting 'n driving and DUI kill a fuck ton of people in the same way a gun does: on purpose through lack of adherence to common sense and laws.

    How many people with legit permits use them every year, again? Some lay-down-and-die pussy look that shit up for me. The reality is super shocking.

    I mean, I get it. It's crazy to suggest that you should have to do anything for yourself. We've got mechanics, bakeries, hospitals, cops and firemen.

    Just lay back, America. They've got it covered.

    No shit, Sherlock.

    I acknowledged that above. I'm pulling a Bodkin Van Horn and stating that if any group has been known to have that horrible do-gooder vigilante vibe, get spooked because people are "out to get them" and fire their pistol wildly, it's your local police. Two dozen of rounds into one woman? NYPD.

    That involves stopping to reload the gun, brother.

    Hell, I think we should take their guns, too.
  8. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    If your gun aim is anything like your rhetorical aim, then I think we all should fear the idea of being anywhere near you if you ever decide you have to shoot someone.
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  9. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    I have to agree. I mean, how far does a person have to go to rationalize a simple fact: I feel safer having a gun around.
    Yippee, good for you. Now shut the fuck up.
    Turning it into a breast beating tirade about how careless and dependent everyone else is a pretty hysterical rationalization. Makes me think you're not really comfortable with your position.
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  10. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    And the usual suspects rally around the same axes. Welcome to TFP Politics spilling out of containment.
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  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Well, you know...it all comes down to rationalizing it to the core of the matter. In any dangerous situation, there are only two choices: 1) lie down and die,* or 2) shoot dead everything that moves.**


    I don't even know why we're still talking about this, especially whilst the Dork-Off thread has been left unattended.

    * even if it requires a cyanide pill: keep one on your person at all times
    ** even friends, family, acquaintances, your date, and/or potential clients: trust no one
  12. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    And the usual suspects rally around their own usual opinion. I swear, sometimes I think you wish this were a static posting board, then you could just post whatever opinion spills out of your head with no inconvenient repercussions...like people responding.

    The 'containment' of TFP politics. Is this one board or two?
  13. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    clearly this containment breach requires an armed guard response.
  14. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    Welcome to yet another person lamenting a discussion when one happens to break out on a discussion board. It's hard to maintain your status as being above the fray if you have to keep reminding everyone in the fray that you're above it. Eventually, you just become the guy whose position in every discussion is "Look at you assholes, going back and forth. I'm glad I'm better than that."
  15. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    Hey, I've clearly got a lock on that position. KirStang needs to find his own.
  16. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    the gun set might enjoy reading this. or maybe not, since it's about the manufacturing of the condition that they repeat with their Alertness of Constant Danger(tm) rather than an affirmation of the Higher Intelligence(tm) required to sense Constant Danger(tm) and buy metal placebos to help manage the anxiety that only the Most Sensitive Souls are afflicted with...

    Dangerization and the End of Deviance: The Institutional Environment


    Constant Abstract Danger(tm) has a history. if you can't access this article, pm me and i'll get a copy to you.
  17. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    Look at you assholes going back and forth. I'm so glad I'm better than that. :)
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  18. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

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  19. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    I still don't get this part of the thread:

    Take steps to avoid danger ~> Rational.
    Take steps to help mitigate damage in case plan A fails ~> Irrational.

    It's like condemning a sky-diver for carrying a back-up chute.
  20. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    The con crowd is already suggesting you shut the fuck up.

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