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Etiquette and common courtesy

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by davynn, Feb 4, 2012.

  1. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    I'll confess.

    I regularly judge other people on first impressions. Sometimes, I'll make all kinds of assumptions about people based on their table manners, too. I'll also judge them on their dress and their looks. I might imagine them having sex and giggle a bit on the inside. I'm bad.

    I'll be pissed off at children spoiling the ambience if I'm in the mood to be pissed off. At other times, I might find them cute. It probably depends how noisy the little bastards are.

    I'll take enormous pleasure at being under-dressed in a good restaurant and knowing that my jeans and leather jacket might be pissing someone else off. I'll think they are being prissy. Another day, it will be my turn to be prissy.

    I'm probably not unusual.
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  2. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Fair enough.

    That, in my opinion, is being judgmental of anyone who assumes unflattering things based solely on one mildly unpleasant chance encounter with them. It's stating that they are violating protocol and common sense, according to you, is it not?

    I say "who cares if they think unflattering things based on one bad encounter as long as they don't use that as an excuse to act out in a way that negatively impacts someone else".

    A recurring theme for me to the point of obsession? See below.

    I understand what an ecological fallacy is. I also understand the research into cause and effect in the studies I referred to, and yes, the inferences do still have merit. Children are impacted both positively and negatively by the lifestyle and choices of their parents.

    Now, go look through the almost 1200 posts I've made, and see if your inference that I have "an obsession" with blaming parents has merit. Three months ago I made comments in ONE other thread about parents enabling certain problems. Now in a second thread I've mentioned that children learn from their parents, either good or bad, and it's an obsession? If a topic consuming less than 1% of your discussions is an obsession, I guess so. If anything, I've had as many or more posts crediting good parenting for positive results as well. Possibly if you read the .34% of my posts that are about poor parenting in a soothing Morgan Freeman voice it would help? ;)
  3. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    As an avid fan of bars, I take offense (like cynthetiq does) at that.

    I've been to a down-to-earth Japanese-themed bar close to Bondi Beach which was simply fantastic for enjoying a drink and having a conversation with whomever accompanied you in a relaxing and quiet setting, with soothing Japanese classical music being played in the background. I've been to a high-class blue-themed bar in Dubai with a very relaxing Jazz background, and enjoyed quite a few evenings with clients/partners there. Perfect for a conversation.

    Just like restaurants, the types of bars that exist are abundant in their variety. A relaxing, quiet bar does not need to be fancy and serve a high-class clientele only. It's about the atmosphere, enjoying the drink and doing not much else.
  4. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I mean when the person (it isn't just with women) has the last few peas, rice, corn kernels, cous cous, pieces of whatever, no longer has anything larger to push against and uses their thumb to assist in getting the food onto the fork. Since I eat Continental Style or Southeast Asian style depending on the restaurant type Western or Eastern I use the knife or spoon to assist in leveraging the remainder to the fork.

    I don't think it is inside the brioche, but on the same plate.

    ^^^ Yes. It would be inappropriate of me to demand forks and knives at a Moroccan or Ethiopian restaurant, and I should eat appropriately with my hands in the correct manner of tearing off some flat-bread and scoop the food with a piece of bread or the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand.

    Knowing is half the battle, the other is 25% blue lasers and 25% red lasers.
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  5. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    My friend's behavior wasn't an issue since I was able to avert her [likely] reaction, knowing her as I do. So any remarks that had to do with her [behavior] were ... what? ... I don't even know. Why respond, until someone said that they feel pity for her? That brought some color to my cheeks. Feel pity for someone who would neglect a child not for someone who routinely spends long hours helping them. I know that no one knew that, but now they do ... so lay off. I'm still here if anyone needs a target.
  6. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    No. How am I judging anyone? Does the phrase "I like green" imply some sort of judgment of people who don't like green? I don't think it does. I won't argue with your opinion here, though, other than to remind you that it isn't a fact.

    Good for you. Opinions are fun. Notice how I don't feel judged at all, even though you expressed an opinion.

    In general that may be true. And if we're talking in generalities, these study results might make for interesting fodder. However, they have absolutely zero relevance in determining the source of unruliness in any actual children you may come into contact with on a day to day basis.

    Children are also impacted by their environment, too, so why do you focus on the parental ability? Parental ability doesn't exist in a vacuum. Do you think that there may be other factors that play a role? I'm not saying that parents have no effect, just that they are just one piece of the puzzle.

    I'm just saying, every time someone posts some half-assed study results about how kids these days are stupid, you always seem to right up near the top of the thread with a comment along the lines of "Uh huh, it's because they have shitty parents." Perhaps obsession is too strong a word, though.
    --- merged: Feb 5, 2012 9:41 PM ---
    See, I read your descriptions of these bars and in think "those are lounges, not bars". That's just semantics though. I fully acknowledge the diversity that exists in drinking establishments.
  7. Alistair Eurotrash

    Reading, UK
    Separated by a common language. When I think of a bar, I don't think of food (apart from bar snacks, maybe). When I think of a lounge, I think of something in a hotel or an airport.
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  8. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I perceive your general tone in discussions like this to be arrogant and judgmental, I'll try channeling Morgan Freeman. Maybe that will solve the issue.

    As far as the puzzle that forms a child's eventual values and characteristics, I'd argue that for most children their parents make up the biggest puzzle piece. If you believe otherwise in most cases, so be it, I don't.

    And to address the last comment, it is either pure fabrication or pure misconception. I invite you to find any threads other than the two I already mentioned where I am at the top spouting off about bad parents. There might be one or two, as anyone with as many posts as I have will obviously cover a wide range of topics, but I assure you there aren't enough for any reasonable person to think it's an obsession of mine. If anyone but you feels I am obsessed with calling out bad parents in my posting, please set me straight and show me where I do so.
  9. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    The implication being that the line distinguishing respectful from disrespectful exists somewhere between the bit I quoted and the bits from your original post that included derisive statements of inhumanity and barbarism.

    I disagree.
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  10. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    I won't take responsibility for your perceptions.

    I believe that there usually isn't a lot of explanatory value in taking ideas that may be true on a general level and applying them to individuals.

    I already backtracked from the word obsession. Still, I think that if you condition on threads concerning poorly behaved children, the probability that you pop in early on and strongly in favor of the "bad parent" hypothesis is pretty high.
  11. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I'm fine taking responsibility for them.

    I disagree, but that's fine.

    Please provide examples, since this thread wasn't even about poorly behaved children.

    I find it incredibly narrow minded to judge me that way when you are using basically 2-3 posts out of 1200 to reach that conclusion, when literally 99%+ of my posts are on different subject matter, and in fact I have far more posts about positive parenting than negative. It's almost like you are assuming unflattering things based solely on one or two chance encounters you perceive to be mildly unpleasant.
  12. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I had a friend who ate like that. I asked him if he ever closed his mouth while chewing, and he said it made the food taste better. I asked him how a sprinkling of knuckles would improve that flavor.

    We are no longer friends. I can't stand smackers or open mouthed chewers.

    ( this was not the only reason we are not friends, but it's definitely a part of a larger picture of someone who doesn't think at all of others or propriety )
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  13. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Cayvmann, "I asked him how a sprinkling of knuckles would improve the flavor." I had to laugh! If I'm ever in Central N.C. perhaps we could hook up for dinner. ;)
  14. Bodkin van Horn

    Bodkin van Horn One of the Four Horsewomyn of the Fempocalypse

    So do you just disagree with the notion of the ecological fallacy then? The average family size (the generalized way of characterizing something like family size) in the United States is 3.2 people. Are you also shocked that you've never met a family with 3.2 members?

    I'll admit, it's a pretty small sample. I can only think of this thread and the two you mentioned. The subject doesn't seem to come up all that much.

    And this thread is about poorly behaved children - grown children, but poorly behaved nonetheless (see your first post in this thread for references to poorly behaved grown children and their at-fault parents). Because apparently adults aren't responsible for their own behavior, their parents are.

    You shouldn't take things so personally. I haven't taken anything you've said to me personally. I don't even know you, but I'm sure you're a swell guy. If I told you I wasn't perfect, I doubt it would be the first time the notion had crossed your mind.

    Even so, you're confusing the issue if you think the number of posts you have is relevant. Why would they be if they have nothing to do with this subject? To be clear, I don't have qualms with your opinions on positive or negative parenting, just your apparent eagerness to attribute the characteristics of people primarily to the quality of their parents. I think that model is too rough an approximation of reality because it fails to explain the fairly common occurrence of siblings having wildly different life trajectories despite having been raised by the same parents.
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  15. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    maybe he was? you'd be surprised how few shits one can give when you're hungry enough. then again, my ideas of manners are basically exactly what he was doing when i'm among peers, but act the angel when i'm around superiors
    since having a moral/social high ground became the thing that all the cool kids happened to want (shortly after the first pokemon movie came out)
  16. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Disagree with you there. I wouldn't argue for any particular party to be the biggest piece of the puzzle in the development of a person, I'd say it's the entire social environment to which the child is exposed to that molds them. The biggest puzzle in forming their character and values may be the parents for some, their cousins/extended family, or their completely unrelated friends in others.

    What it boils down to is the different times when a person is most susceptible to outside influence on him/her. Many a kid is almost completely formed by their group of friends (though they will never acknowledge this) during adolescence, and even the best discipline and moral values taught by your parents can be eroded with enough exposure to the wrong people camouflaged as friends/BFFs. The biggest puzzle here would be the friends, no?

    Social environment, not only mom'n'dad.
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  17. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Sure, I'll try not to smack.

    Unfortunately, coming from a family with 6 boys, I tend to eat fast... I'm working on that.
  18. mixedmedia

    mixedmedia ...

    Just for the record, there are other (health-related) reasons why a person might need to chew with their mouth open. Other than boorishness.

    Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk
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  19. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    It still boils down to my first post, and I've reasked the question and it was ignored.

    In the original OP, if Og's reasons for not showing proper etiquette in an environment socially considered to be one where people should be reasonably polite and respectful to each other were not: 1) he was never taught by his parents, and/or 2) he was too selfish at that moment in time to care what others thought, what were they?
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  20. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    The OP made it sound to me that it went far beyond the chewing alone, but I guess davynn can correct me if that is wrong.