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Politics What is happening????

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by pan6467, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    my eyes hurt from rolling so much... :rolleyes:
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    NOT "nuff said.
    Say something...repeatedly
    Say it LOUD :mad:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I’d recommend “business politics”
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Killing of Sonya Massey - Wikipedia

    I'm sure by now most of us have seen the body camera footage of the confrontation that led to Sean Grayson shooting & killing Sonya Massey. It seems pretty clear he overreacted with deadly results.

    What has come to light about his past makes me wonder how he was ever able to get a job in law enforcement. Was the Sangamon County Sheriff's Dept that desperate for deputies, or was Grayson the type of person they liked to hire?


    DUIs, abuse of power, deception: Sean Grayson's alleged misconduct
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Yes to both.
    Many authority groups are scrambling for people due to lack of funds and interest.
    And many authority figures are ex-military, etc that are looking for the thrill of power. (HR just wants head count so the can satisfy grants, funding and legal requirements)

    Besides, many just put on a mask at the start...no one can tell otherwise.
  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Chuck Schumer rolls out 'No Kings Act' to eliminate presidential immunity

    No one is above the law!

    The GOP will likely nix it...but...there IS a chance, since they don't want a non-GOP prez to do anything they want.
    Not everyone would be as rational and polite as Biden is as prez.

    The GOP has allowed the bull into the china shop with Chump...giving him carte blanche.
    And SCOTUS has created chaos and disaster in the future.
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  8. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Part of that doesn't work for me, & could cause political fights that would prevent anything from getting done.

    "If it is passed, the legislation would make it clear that Congress has the power to determine “to whom federal criminal laws may be applied," not the Supreme Court, according to the bill's outline provided by Schumer's office."

    That could turn into the kind partisan divisions & voting we saw during the two NPD Trump impeachment proceedings.

    It's moot. The Dems don't the votes to get it passed. The Repubs aren't about to shoot themselves in the foot should Trump get re-elected.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I understand LEAs wanting people who are ex-military, esp if they also have LE experience. What I don't understand is how someone with Sean Grayson's record could get hired.

    Parts of his employment record can be explained, parts can't. I would also think people in LE know two DWIs are huge red flags in the sense that most likely means Grayson had a habit of driving drunk.
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Busted: New report makes Trump's claims of ignorance about Project 2025 too much to believe — MSNBC

    Y’gotta remember, it’s not just the prez you’re voting for
    But everyone that they bring in with them.
    All the cronies
    All the sycophants

    They aren’t just “yes” people
    But it’s a mindset…even to obsession.
    This is NOT an exaggeration or hyperbole.
    But they all have agenda…a full plan.

    They’re just watching and waiting
    Looking for an in, one of “their own” to win.

    Barbarians at the gate.
    And yes, they are the equivalent of barbarians
    Have ya READ the plan???

    We have to convince the citizens to not vote in the Trojan Horse.

    Because if Chump wins, it’s not if, it’s WHEN…
    Hordes of radicalized conservatives swooping in
    Kicking out the established

    Kinda of like Invasion of the Body Snatchers
    But their minds are already set.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Joe Biden in shock warning America is heading for a 'bloodbath' if Trump loses election

    Speaking of barbarians at the gate... :oops:

    All I know is this, if Chump loses (I hope...I'm biased), and he pulls the same crap...the MAGA forces will have a great surprise. :confused:
    The force of the US military come into play.

    1. They're now prepped (the authorities) ...and won't be surprised like last time.
    2. Biden has got his immunity powers now (as will Harris too, as prez elect)
    3. They know who not to trust now (ex: segments in the Secret Service and FBI)
    4. The pentagon doesn't like Chump, his cronies, or ultra-right nationalists
    And so on...

    These people have often never seen the military come into play...there IS an effect when you spend as much as the next 15 nations combined. (it is VERY powerful :eek: )
    Biden know how to use this.

    That and the MAGAites and ultra-conservatives are crazy and sloppy.

    Biden right now is starting to announce it...so build buy-in. A wise move on his part.
    And much of Congress will support any action.

    Hope it doesn't happen.
    BUT, if it does, it would be nice to take them down a peg for their audacity and treason. :mad:
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    The fewer magatards around to procreate the better off we would be.

    I'm totally in favor of using deadly force very quickly to quash any violent uprisings by people unhappy with Trump losing the election. I've seen & heard some of the people who support Trump and are willing to resort to violence. They would need to be shut down quickly, firmly, and very emphatically.
  14. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  16. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    The fact that they're writing hundreds of Executive Orders,
    rather bills that might or might not be introduced in the House or passed if they reach the Senate,
    says a lot about their tactics.

    Of course EOs can be challenged legally, but that ties into another point: Project 2025 will be working to add their judicial appointees, which will be on top of what NPD Trump had already done to the judiciary. The conservative and ethics-be-damned SCOTUS and federal Judge Aileen Cannon are just two prime known examples. Project 2025 would continue the work Trump started at all levels, & much of that would fly under the public radar.

    We've already seen what conservative state governors and attorney generals can accomplish, with Texas and Florida being two clear examples.

    Private companies, large and small, could implement Project 2025 policies. Taking them to court might be an option, but what happens when the state and the courts also support P2025?
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Cellphone Bans Can Ease Students' Stress and Anxiety, Educators Say

    I agree with this fully.
    Very smart.
    1. Students on cells are undisciplined and distracted.
    2. Students are making it more difficult for teachers to teach and maintain control and attention.
    3. They do NOT need it, all the generations before this didn't have to deal with it, and they were fine.
    4. Developing minds are MORE vulnerable and don't multitask or juggle ideas as well.
    5. Last, it is already VERY chaotic in the world with a very fast pace...this doesn't help either learning or being able to deal with things, they get overwhelmed easy.
    The last is something significant that affects ALL, but especially students...and youth.
    I've noted the idea of "Future Shock" before...
    The concept made by a famous intellectual futurist back in the 70's...that we are going TOO fast, switching gears TOO much and have TOO many options (good & bad), that it is overwhelming our brains.
    • While our brains evolve slowly through genetic inheritance, the pace of our society, tech and information has gotten extremely FAST and it's growing faster.
    • TMI, too much information - all the choices and options given to us, even the good ones, can be overwhelming (how many choices do you have to make a day??? Just on bills and budget alone, for example. Even just ordering coffee)
    • All of this is now GLOBAL, coming in from all over the world now. There was a time near past that you didn't hear about outside the nation...before that, your state...and before that, just your town.
    • And the pace of it ALL...Coming at you FAST, alerts, popups, ads, videos, colors, data, info, talking heads, music...hell, even the new cool views of vids twist the angle and perception of what you're watch.
    • The burden of evaluation of EVERYTHING, what's true, what's false, what has bias...is someone hustling you...contracts, legal docs and emails galore...what's what??? You just don't know which way is UP.
    All of this adds together...and wears us down. Like thinking of Jeopardy in a marathon run. Your brain is mush by day's end.
    And if you're a wise grown up...who's experienced and capable, you learn by trial and error...to back off, get R&R, turn things off. It's triggering you. You're on edge, etc...

    But kids, first they're developing...both physically and socially. Much less any education and orientation.
    They haven't learned to hold back. How to say, STOP. Be proactive in self-care. And so much more.
    They're a ticking timebomb with all this TMI and Future Shock.

    So why don't we put the breaks on for them???
    First, get rid of their cells during school. Attention and absorption is their priority. This IS their job and responsibility.
    It will also help not distract, inherent increase in discipline. And help the teachers teach.
    And lastly, it will REALLY help their mental health. Cool down the engine, keep them from being overwhelmed with TMI (much less all the "what ifs" and trials they're going thru with other kids)

    It's a win-win scenario.

    They'll have MORE than enough time to use their cells, outside of school and when they're adults.
    And teach them, before they get fired by the boss....too much cell use is NOT going to be accepted or liked.

    Lessons Learned. In more ways than one. :)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Parents can’t function they’re so stressed, surgeon general warns
    Well, that makes complete sense...do ya blame them??? :oops:

    Idiots...that's because America has allowed the complete burden of obligation on typical adults, NOT business or government.
    ESPECIALLY for parents...who have the burden of not just themselves, but however many children...with the added chaos, logistics, mental health advocate and bank for EACH child.

    We're fee'd to death, it's the business model now, where everything is itemized, a fee for all, no way to keep up with all the changes. (which all come winging by, by email, in arbitrated legalese)
    The responsibility for most services falls to the client, not the vendor...we have to keep up on "how to" for repairs, who to go to, what's our terms, and again, we're fee'd or fine'd for anything that's a hiccup.
    Auto processes, automatically suck money our of our accounts without thought to impact, because we've signed up for autowithdraw, convince by the vendor it's to our benefit and convenience.
    Utilities are out to bleed us, only to have any dispute have to be done by some govt dept which caters to the vendor.
    Insurance, doesn't cover everything, there's a fee for everything, a percent NOT covered, we have to annual coverage fee, and anything that the overprice healthcare providers want to charge us for TONS of $$$
    Inflation, which has increase our food and product costs by over 25-30%...again, not just for the adults, but for ALL the kids.
    Cost of housing, either owning or renting, and it's total cost of ownership with rising costs for maintenance and upgrades...or rent which finds any way to fee and fine you for any "subservice".
    Now instead of having just TV, we have to pay for each streaming service, which all the kids want all the services, to watch all the shows they want and their friends want...and you say yes, for your sanity.
    Ticket prices have gone out of control. Plane prices have too, Gas is still high as the pandemic...and the supply chain has add costs too.
    We no longer go to court, but have to agree, to use the service, to arbitration...which caters to the vendor, not you...so there's no complaining.
    Speaking of complaining, all customer service, has gone to bots and automated voice or constant chat boxes....and if you do get a person, they say sorry to everything but can't do anything, unless their mgr says yes.
    School systems are slowly going bad, because teachers aren't paid well, dealing with bratty students who now have every benefit of the doubt for them...and most teaching is to cover standardized tests.
    Kids ...they don't know how to communicate face to face anymore, get outside and off their phones...but parents are expected to support any interest the kid wants in conjunction to the community expectations
    BOTH parents usually have to work...so $$$ goes to daycare or sitters. Wages have stagnated and CEO soup du jour is to layoff everyone in a crapshoot method, to maximize their margins.
    And overwhelmed with tons of choices.
    And expected to constantly multitask.
    And the pace of things have gone faster and faster, global, chaotic dynamic, bouncing back and forth, up and down...with tons of media and ads added in.
    And, and, and...

    You wonder WHY they are stressed??? :rolleyes:

    Oh, and you now announce that their stress is a national crises.
    So now they feel guilt/burden to reduce stress....NOT for themselves...but to not have a crises.

    How about some KISS R&R
    A fair wage for work.
    And some benefit of the doubt from vendors
    (no only inflation is a problem...no, that's just the tip of the iceberg...the media just highlights only that, because it's easy)

    No wonder they're suffering from Future Shock.
    The brain is numb and overwhelmed.
    There's no breathing room or a chance for a breather.

    Ponder all that for while scientists and politicians. :confused::mad:
  19. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    “Incident” Shows How Officers React When a Police Killing Is Caught on Tape — The New Yorker

    The video within is long but fascinating.

    And very unfair…we see the blue line at work.
    Yes, police are at risk every day.
    It’s what they are paid to do.

    But that doesn’t mean negligence is justified
    Nor deadly mistakes and overreacting
    It’s mostly this…not foul play or racism.

    But you have a gun…
    Jumpy will happen in the chaos.
    There may consequences. Death is permanent.

    You see here, five shots quick.
    Not by bad intent, just nervous energy…twitch a finger.
    It’s done, death or harm.

    What’s worse, taking the gun away…knowing it’s not been drawn. (Altering the scene and evidence)

    Cops, reflexively and instinctively, telling tales, even to themselves.
    Like a bad kid, who knows they’re in trouble.
    A twisting of reality.

    And OVER supporting each other, despite what actually happened. Like a team sport.

    Then others coaching cover up,
    Say nothing, repeating “the camera is on”
    Or think the best option, to turn them off.

    Many deviations of protocols and regulations
    Not keeping track of what’s what and who’s who
    Being “human”.

    Then at last, the skewed narrative and findings after the fact…light penalties for poor actions.
    And NO punishment for those supporting cover ups.

    Why did the guy pull away from the cops and starting to run. IDK.
    He WAS completely legit.
    But, IF this WAS a trend from cops, irrational exuberance…
    Then perhaps that’s why he was jumpy and scared himself…of the cops and “what ifs”

    Frankly, even as an older white guy, I don’t muck around with cops. They can mistake and misunderstand as ANY person. And overly official and aggressive.
    I know, they can “get me” too. (But not as much as non-white and younger)
    So I’m slow, quiet, cooperative and polite.
    Don’t wanna trigger them, don’t want them to bristle.

    It’s like crossing the street…
    Doesn’t matter if you have the light, are in the walk and totally have the right.
    You hesitate and look both ways and while you walk.
    Because you WILL lose a “battle” with a bus. (Or truck or car) Fair is irrelevant. Especially when you are dead.

    I doubt the cops are going to realize their instinctive behavior…kids don’t either. Humans being human.

    What they need is MORE training…repeatedly and periodically.
    And do NOT turn off the damn cameras.
    Do NOT alter the scene.
    And train to hesitate…don’t draw fast, even scared and nervous.

    And start going after the cover up coaches.
    They deserve some penalties
    Just as if you helped cheating.

    There’s too much benefit of the doubt too.
  20. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX

    My response to the above ^ definitely belongs in Politics.

    The following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article.

    "The rescheduled September 4, 1949 concert was free from violence, but marred by the presence of a police helicopter overhead and the flushing out of at least one sniper's nest. The concert was located on the grounds of the old Hollow Brook Golf Course in Cortlandt Manor, near the site of the original concert. 20,000 people showed up. Security was organized by the Communist Party and Communist-dominated labor unions. The men were directed by the Communist Party and some unions to form a line around the outer edge of the concert area and were sitting with Robeson on the stage. They were there to fight any protestors who objected to Robeson's presence. They effectively kept the local police from the concert area. The musicians performed without incident."

    We would be wise to follow the example of self-reliance. We would be wise to follow the example of self-reliance.
    • Agree Agree x 1