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Politics Russia - the Bear has become the world's bully again (China, Iran, N Korea too)

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by rogue49, Mar 3, 2018.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

  2. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet. Donor

    Large City, TX
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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Cognitive Combat - China, Russia, and Iran’s Information War Against Americans

    Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey

    US justice department says it disrupted Russian social media influence operation

    Yes, you may paranoid but they ARE out to get you.
    Essentially, "chaos to the enemy" is their philosophy...and its not just the US.
    And certain groups feed into it more.

    1. we NEED prevention...take is serious and invest into that...constantly
    2. we need to figure out how to punish and strike back. (if they can attack without consequence, then it won't slow, it will grow/accelerate)

    Not a hot war, think of it as a police action...subtle but painful, so they know to not break the trust because they will be "arrested" and "jailed" (not literal, of course)

    We cannot ignore or neglect anymore, there's too much damage and too much provoking anger and hate. It's unbalancing us.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

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  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    FBI searched homes of two Americans with ties to Russian state media

    How long has it taken to get to this point??? :oops:

    This was from 2016 !!!

    The FBI is pathetic for this case. There's GOT to be some type of inside conspiracy/bias element in the FBI for it to linger this long.
    Now granted, with Biden's new "god given" immunity powers and the fact he doesn't have to campaign and be politically sensitive, he can FORCE the FBI players to finally light a fire and shoot from the hip.

    Please let them go full Hollywood on these Russian rats.
    And hopefully they're also drilling down on the LARGE scale influence and corruption of our politicians and VIPs (likely paid thru by cryptocurrency...likely not even Bitcoin, but some tiny Russian ruled one, they pay for bribes thru)

    I've seen how nefarious the anonymous capabilities of the internet are, in just the corrupted take over of a tiny pharma company way back in 1997
    I can imagine what Russia (and China, Saudis, NK, Iran, etc...all the bad seeds) are doing in this day and age, with the tech at their hands.

    If I know them better, they've been getting away with it for so LONG, the arrogant fucks are likely being sloppy about it. (like a real-life, Mr. Robot level conspiracy and activities)
    Layers upon layers of deceit and obfuscation ...just rotting our countries efforts and lawmakers and other VIPs

    Russia is likely JUST one bad player. (a whole world of them)
    God knows what they're doing on the daily, throughout the world. (the US is not the ONLY target, they go after everyone, like Spectre in the Bond movies)

    Now, being a cybersecurity expert, who's done this on a deep-level...Biden's administration can not only go no holds barred on their asses, getting things
    But Harris can do so too, and do it with a justice orient mind and skill...again, no limits, granted by SCOTUS
    This would be a great help for getting to the rot. (the TRUE swamp)

    And it's not if, but WHEN, Quantum Computing comes about at a commercial level, it will break open ANY cryptocurrency coin like a hot knife thru butter. (like the movie Sneakers)
    IF the US or an ally develops it first.

    They'll be lifting a huge rock with the slime of bugs, mold and fungi underneath.
    And then you'll be seeing MANY people getting prosecuted and jailed, making Robert Menendez's trial looks like nothing by comparison.

    Let's hope that Biden/Harris and the new powers and tech can amputate the foul infected legs of this insidious web of lies and corruption.
    It would be about damn time. :confused:

    And anyone, who's taken $$$ for bribes or ethically compromised, or inappropriately biased toward radical groups, is meat for the grinder of justice.

    It's a race to rid us of the rot. :eek:
    Russia being one of biggest cockroaches...but not the only one.

    And PLEASE let it not be slow. :rolleyes:
    Expedite these corruption executions.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    'Knock it off': US announces sweeping crackdown on Russia over disinformation efforts

    That's great! :cool::)
    What took y'all so friggin' long??? :mad::confused:

    This seems to be a pattern with all government activities.
    They're a giant, they have a big hammer...but they're slow as sloths.

    No wonder they got away from the giant with the golden goose. :rolleyes:


    Oh yeah, NYT announced Iran is doing the misinformation too.
    I'm sure China is...NK ?? Yep ...etc and so on...
    It's getting crowded at this circus.
    Next thing ya know, the leopards will start eating faces.

    Make ya a bet it's not JUST misinformation and propaganda.
    They just arrested a Chinese agent in NY govt, doing racketeering, intimidation and influence peddling.

    It's likely also direct influence and bribery, done thru cryptocurrency, NFTs
    (hey, didn't the Trumps just get into this??? Coincidence?? Nah...it ain't new...been going on awhile, the Trumps are just clumsy, sloppy and late to the game)

    I wonder HOW MANY officials, politicians and VIPs have been corrupted and compromised???
    It's like friggin' Mr. Robot. :eek: (but I'm sure the original showrunner and writer knew this...just didn't have proof)

    And that's what it comes down to, PROOF.
    But spies live for fog, ambiguity and obfuscation.

    We're just a bunch of oblivious suckers, waiting for proof. :oops:
    "Pics or it didn't happen"
    Well, they just feed on that mindset...
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2024
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