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Politics The Donkey in the room...the Democrats today

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by ASU2003, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    A freshman Democrat brought receipts to the GOP's hearing on D.C. crime — MSNBC

    Now THIS is what Dems should do…
    Stop being polite, stop being quiet
    Call the GOP bad out
    Shout it out

    They’ve been letting the shameless get away with everything.
    Or if they investigate, they put up a report with no consequences or continued power on it.

    WTF happened to the Jan 6th committee???
    They gave a report, then whiff…nothing.

    The Dems need to start playing hardball.

    One side lobs grenades, the other whiffleball. :rolleyes:

    Call them on their shit.
    Damn the other side is making crap up on y’all
    They making mountains out of molehill.
    Y’all are making ditches out of mountains.

    At least a few are doing it. Like here.
    The rest… snooze fest. And that includes Biden.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The case against Democrats bed-wetting over Biden — POLITICO

    This description fits the Dems to a T (no pun intended)

    Good to the point article
    I like their attitude

    It’s going to be a long time to election day.
    Lots can happen. Lots of work to do.

    They need to be like Biden
    Joe Cool and be the adult in the room.

    Stuff to do. Things need fixing.
    Chill and be real.

    Ignore the news and its horse races.
  3. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    How can the Dems quit playing nice, and be the adults in the room?
  4. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Wally, how come grownups are mean ?

    Well Beve, sometimes it seems like they're all mean but they've already done a bunch of dumb stuff and just want you to avoid that.

    But how can I learn if I don't do some dumb stuff too ?

    Your just supposed to listen to their stories and believe them.

    Yeah, I spose Wally. But I still think if I do dumb stuff I learn a little better.

    Ya know Beve, that's true, it's like saving money for a new baseball glove instead of dad just buying it for you.

    I'm not super worried about Biden. Mostly he seems coherent. Barring tragic health events I think he can hang on.
    The opposition, I know is fully off the rails, disconnected to reality, with a mountain of evil intent and, with a cadre of idiots and opportunistic grifters and evil doers following him.
    I also feel like the majority of the voting public is still preceptive enough to know this.
    It often dosn't seem like it but it's always people making the most noise that gets air time.

    Worry and hand wringing is reasonable considering we're in the biggest cult/mass delusion event we've seen in a long while. Nobody alive has actual experience with the last mass psychogenic psychosis disorder.

    https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/9...ple lose,regardless of data proving otherwise.

    Stress opens a door to poor judgement. There's a lot of real stress going on and a lot of false invented stressors being yelled about on the news channel with the most viewership.

    Real stressors like loosing some practical use of mega dollar coastline realestate, more than usual catastrophic weather events across the states etc. may help focus turn from the invented ones which usually drive people together like a bucket brigade to a barn fire.

    Stories about "that Mexican or, that LGBTQ at the food bank took some extra time to help me get formula for my baby/ find my family space at a shelter/ help me haul a truck of trash away from my hurricane destroyed house, maybe they ain't so bad."
    Maybe Ted Cruze who took a flight out of the country actually dosn't care about me after all ??? Why did I vote for him ? Oh yeah he cooked bacon on the heat shield of an AR-15 haha, that was cool.
    More stories like that could turn the tide a little here and there.
    So maybe actual reality based tragedy without help from GOP leaders will change some minds.

    But yeah, on paper and in the previous election it seems we should be ok.

    If we see economic tragedy it'll be harder to turn minds because financial stuff is always a lot easier to muddy up reality over.

    Stress leads to desperate solutions. Like that crazy JFK conspiracy guy who just died on a motocross track. He had some financial problems and looked to clickbate gold coins, which had links to banking system failures, then (probably) illuminati bullshit and bang ! You're on Alex Jones site and one click away from a Christian nationalist site reading about pizzagate and furniture being a placeholder in a catalog for human trafficking of babys. Pulling up anchor on reality and floating off to the the shit show.

    The majority of voters I think will be more pragmatic. Most can't and won't leave their jobs and go all militia rioting.
    Most have jobs and families and will put that first and as we move towards the next election. The increasing looniness of maga should tire people out. If you have a family your already invested in the normalcy of day to day living and not total upheaval of known functioning society with no solid picture of what the goal even looks like.

    Taylor Swift and Barbie could help.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    The news media definitely magnifies the squeaky wheel by giving it too much coverage...because excitement sells.

    OTOH I'm pretty sure there are plenty of dedicated magatards willing to take up arms. 06 JAN 2021 is a good example. I can see people trying to block the motorcade transporting NPD Trump to prison (if he ever actually goes to prison).

    I seriously hope our government doesn't try to play nice with our domestic terrorists.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    There's more than I had thought prior to t's admin but I don't think enough to really overthrow the country now. Some say j6 was a rehearsal but if that's true it was a rehearsal and preview for the Dems too. I think we will be more ready-ish going forward.

    Obviously we have, probably an inevitable bundle of folks who spend their time "investigating" bullshit year round now. That will probably be a constant background noise as a normal thing like flat earthers.

    I still have a hard time thinking they'll be a real upheaval like "national divorce" civil war.

    Excitement sells like gas sells. We all want it so we can't totally blame the media anymore than oil companies if we keep buying gas powered cars.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    You can do both.
    Before when Obama was prez, he was an adult in the room, but he played too nice...
    letting the GOP sucker him and always trying to be overly fair.

    Same thing with the Dems now, trying to play fair and the high ground...when the GOP is playing vicious and unfair.
    Gotta play hardball, punch some noses, call (repeatedly) when someone is being a lying POS.
    Arrest corrupt players, or investigate those that are seemingly seditious.

    You CAN be an adult, doing your job, executing for the public, working for the citizens,
    but still not be suckers for bullies and come out hard on those twisting the rage machine.

    You can be a gentleperson when the opposition is being a gentleperson.
    but if they're being threatening, then punch back. (within the law)
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  8. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    The Dems have a day. :)
    Or the GOP had a not so good one. :confused:

    Voting trends were positive, IMHO.

    Let's hope it keeps going into next year.
    Because I don't want crazy in power. (and I do mean crazy, y'all made your bed...even many the non-crazy are complicit, allowing it to happen.)

    And let's hope that the Dems don't fuck it up. :oops:
    I'd rather have pathetic than crazy.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
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  10. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    I'm putting this here because it's about the Democratic party in general ;).

    Nancy Pelosi was just on ABC this week (that's how they spell it). I have a great amount of respect for her, but the Democrat leaders need to ask her to stop doing live interviews. She said many very sensible things, but there were several times when she floated away into the clouds.

    Don't use Pelosi as a face for the Democratic Party.
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  11. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    As Republicans Publicly Face-Plant, House Democrats Are Feeling Good About November

    No you idiots, don't relax, don't assume...work HARDER. :mad:
    Get out the vote
    Get the word out there
    Fight more

    Drive them under
    You want these maniacs now in charge of the GOP to go away.
    Make them rethink how they got here.
    There's too much damage to repair.
    Too much risk still.

    Do NOT let up.

    This is what y'all do all the time, you waffle. :rolleyes:
    Go after them hard as they would to you.

    You can relax after the wins.
    And even then y'all got work to do. So much to fix.

    Make America Sane Again. :D (and Safe)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    • Like Like x 1
  13. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

    Make America sane again ??
    What is the most sane era in U.S. history ?

    The Dem machine is spamming my txt and email. Not letting up there. Once last election and once so far this time I got some shaming language...have I turned republican ?
    I wrote em back listing my donations, national and local down ballot donations in other states races and said if your gonna try and shame me cause I don't have cash this month then yall can fuck off !
    I'll always vote D but don't ask money after flipping me shit like that.
    I don't know anyone that donates anything at all. My D friends just vote. Anyone else I know isn't really R but just not paying any attention at all and may mention some R points but generally non political and probably not even voting.

    Anyone pushing negative talking points on Joe...man I don't get it. The alternative is literally non representative 'government'

    MAGA, according to Bannon is preping an army of sycophants to populate appointed positions across the board. All the crazys in prison for J6 stuff will get a pardon and form a neo SS police force like little Ronnie has going on...
    We already have folks traveling out of state for Healthcare fearing cops asking them if they are going for an abortion. How fucked up is that ? How does that even work ? When did you start getting questioned by cops traveling state to state ? Is that real or not ?
    I don't know...the reports this weekend about Joe, his papers and gafs just aren't a thing. Pointing at that is like pointing at a a guy with a lit match while your standing next to an erupting volcano showering you with molten gobs of rock. Ya know ?

    Robert Hur can go fuck himself. He can't get to where he is without being smart enough to know this.
    Just the pandemic not being a 'leadership moment' and loosing 800,000 people to deliberate misinformation is a mountain of reasons not to push orange jesus and his flock. But he still has a mountain range of other reasons his whole family is only qualified for orange jumpsuits.
    Bleach drinking, vaping, enemas, tactical nukes in hurricanes...
    Doesn't Hur remember any of this ?
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  14. boink

    boink Slightly Tilted

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  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Certainly just to say, WTF???

    I know Garland is under the gun now, but I'm sure Biden's admin and aides are going to put the DOJ under the spotlight now.
    Can tell you this, the DOJ/FBI is full of conservative sympathizers. (NTTAWWT...)
    But, there's been some questionable foot dragging.

    Maybe not a conspiracy, but some overly careful or overly "fair" tiptoeing around certain things.
    And not aggressive or firm enough.
    Especially with foreign influence or domestic terrorism or radicalism.

    Now they let thru this hatchet job.
    methinks, Merrick was distracted by his hospital stay/health...and someone else let it thru. (when the cat's away)
    MG is just giving some of his staff, too much benefit of the doubt.
    He needs to be more of a hardass.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    See Jim Jordan's reaction when a Democrat dares the GOP to impeach Biden — CNN Politics

    And hilarious
    * watch the video

    Yes, it IS all a show and scam

    Your taxes dollars at work (or waste)

    Now if the Dems were smart
    They’d get the media to hype this

    Let it become a mantra
    “The GOP is scamming you”
    “The GOP is wasting your money “
    “The GOP are playing games”

    Dems should be screaming this from the rooftops
    Again and again

    Stop being polite
    Put the spotlight on the stupidity
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  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Senate Democrats Launch Probe Of Foreign Payments To Jared Kushner’s Firm

    Uhh...how LONG did this take to start up??? :rolleyes:
    The kid was setting up bids all the while he was "representing" the US during Chump's term.
    This makes anything that Biden's kid did supposedly look like Chump change by comparison.
    He's a snake, his whole family is.

    Dems put some damn fire under y'all asses!
    Should've done this 5 years ago. Much less after Chump lost and the kid wasn't an insider anymore. :oops:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  19. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    Good lord, that extremely questionable investment fund truly is old news.

    New info has surfaced?
    Better late than never?
    Done to smear Agent Orange 45? [Yes, that could be a factor]
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  20. pig

    pig Slightly Tilted Donor

    The hard part of being a Democrat, especially at the national level, is you're basically beholden to the same wealthy oligarchs that completely own the Republicans. They only own you for maybe 90% of your soul, but basically all of your soul on things that might dismantle the economic orders that keeps them wealthy.

    Pull the string on Jared's money and who knows where the trail ends?