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Politics Who's Gonna Win?

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by issmmm, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    rb...the numbers are still pretty good, particularly for Fox News on the cable side, although the SC debate numbers (1/16) are down from the IA numbers (12/15) a month earlier.

    Fox News killed the cable news competition last week with 5+ million compared to CNN (500k) and MSNBC (800k) in the same time slot (scroll down the link).

  2. roachboy

    roachboy Very Tilted

    i saw numbers from the same source, i think, that emphasized the decline with respect to december rather than the performance with respect to the other 24/7 infotainment streams.

    the question of news value isn't resolved by audience. if numbers mattered in an absolute sense, that old joke--eat shit, 2 billion flies can't be all wrong---would make of it a good idea.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    When will we stop calling them debates and instead simply call them "Shit Republicans Say"?
  4. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    We can't
    I its not politically correct. Even though it should be.
  5. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The debates are piddly shit.

    Wait until the estimated $1/2 billion of SuperPAC and other outside money really kicks in later this summer/fall.
  6. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    I continue to be amazed. The "inside the beltway"/pseudo intellectual crowd simply do not get it. Romney will not be supported by Tea Party conservatives. With the growing influence of the Tea Party movement within the Republican party at best the old guard establishment, who believes that only a moderate can win, the best they can hope for is a brokered convention. Romney's cap is 25% to 33%, depending on how many Democrats cross over and vote in Republican primaries. The only real choice we have now is Newt, he will win every state in the South including Florida, he will not win in the Northeast/IL/CA/MI, with the West and other states being a toss up. Daniel's may come in and save the day, uniting the party at the convention - this is going to be fun to watch. I feel for Democrats, they have absolutely nothing to get excited about. Obama, just like an NFL play-off team with a bye-week, he is going to come out of the gate with his base rusty and slow to respond to the challenge at hand - and if so, we may see a Republican landslide in November.
  7. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    Huh? Democrats are watching the the Republican primaries and debates with glee. Nothing Obama could do can match the carnage the conservatives are inflicting on each other.

    I think you'll find the Democrats ready to rumble when the time comes.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I think the possibility of having a crazy Republican in the White House is enough to get excited about.
  9. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    I am reminded of an old saying - That which does not kill you, makes you stronger. With that said you kinda sound like a pundit on TV. We have some old wounds in the Republican Party and we need to get them addressed and behind us. It is a healthy process. This did not happen in 2008.

    Isn't Obama getting further and further removed from other leaders in his party and any connection with people on a grass roots level? Does he even talk to Harry Reid? Is all he have to do is smile and give an annual speech to the Congressional Black Caucasus? Doe he not understand that the Boeing ruling with SC, has people pissed off? Is he really gonna straddle the fence on the pipeline from Canada for another 7 months? Is he going to even show up to a Lincoln/Douglas style debate if Newt is the nominee - I bet he gonna have some scheduling conflicts? Ready to rumble??? We'll see.
    --- merged: Jan 25, 2012 8:37 PM ---
    Last night one pundit on TV after the SOTUA made the observation about how Obama's grand visions from 2008 appeared to have been toned down and that now he is more or less just nibbling at the edges of real change. So, yes, one crazy Republican running against an incumbent nibbling at the edges of change. I think people want something to vote for, not something to vote against. Again, we'll see.
  10. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I suppose that's what happens when you try to please obstructionist Republicans. However, I think that's better than capitulating to everything, like a bad parent.

    Trust me, the Republican candidate will garner many votes against Obama. Many are already cast in a virtual sense.
  11. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Wounds in the Republican Party? The Tea Party is not a wound. It's a deadly virus which has prevented mainstream Republicans from
    entering the primaries. Huntsman was the only brave fool to even try. The Republican message is now one of extremism. The majority of Americans don't like acid in their morning coffee. That will be borne out in the results of the general election.

    If Obama's SOTUA last night did nothing, it indicated to his base that he might just hear them finally. Further and further removed from his party? Only in his past attempts to find some way to get Republicans to even discuss matters of vital interest to the nation. They respond to him with either a deaf ear or a club. I think he's had enough of that now. If (when) he wins the election, I fully expect he will have a mandate to move forward with his own agenda. You guys fucked up, went too far, shit the bed, jumped the shark, screwed the pooch. I could go on and on. Republicans are shivering in their shit-kicking boots after Obama's speech last night. Daniels, on the other hand, came off like what he and his friends are - doomsday prognosticators who have both the date and manner of apocalypse wrong. Where Obama was positive, with strong proposals, Daniels was weak and negative. Can't base everything on a speech but, head to head, I'd say Obama came out the winner in this message match-up.

    Which pundit? Nibbling at the edges of change? Did you even bother watching it, Ace? Obama dove in and took big bites, challenging the congress to do the right thing and stop screwing us around.
  12. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    Sounds like an excuse to me. Leaders get stuff done.

    Virtual votes are good, it gives my actual vote more power. For Obama's he is gonna have a problem if Apple releases a new Iphone or if a Call of Duty Game comes out on election day - those enthusiastic young folks have very short attention spans, but they will be with him in "virtual" spirit.
  13. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    I agree, in a climate where the Congress is unwilling to cooperate with him in "getting stuff done", President Obama needs to exercise his executive order privileges more liberally.

  14. Aceventura

    Aceventura Slightly Tilted

    North Carolina
    The Tea Party is a result of the party establishment ignoring the true conservative base in the party. They will yield or be defeated. McCain did not speak to Tea Party interests in any way. Republican's in power during the Bush years spent too much money. In this regard they have failed us. Romney looks good in a suit but has little substance and lacks real conviction in my view. They are spending too much time trying to cozy up to moderates. We simply need someone to proudly state the conservative message.

    He got Obamacare passed without Republicans, so why is everything else dependent on Republicans??? Past Presidents got legislation passed, it took work but they did it. Clinton got some stuff done, why can't Obama. Bush got some stuff done, why can't Obama? Is this excuse gonna get people excited to vote. Heck, next year Republicans are gonna control both Houses of the Legislature. What is he gonna do then, if he happens to get re-elected?

    Someone on Fox news, I was listening not watching.
    --- merged: Jan 25, 2012 9:43 PM ---
    If you are planning on doing something that is wrong, why would you expect my cooperation? Why don't people see the difference between disagreement and being uncooperative?
  15. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Git 'er done!

    Yeah, you know what? The best leaders are dictators. They get all kinds of shit done.

    What are you talking about? I'm referring to people who have, in a sense, already voted. There is nothing short of disaster that the Republican candidate could do to convince a certain set of voter to not vote against Obama.

    And if Obama is going to have a problem with an Apple or Call of Duty release, what's going to happen to the Republican candidate on Election Day? Isn't it hunting season?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Hmm..sounds a whole lot like '08, when the Republicans were so confident and claiming victory because there was no way a black man would be voted into office and those young people wouldn't actually show up on election day.

    Silly conservatives.
  17. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    The battle is not for the Tea Party wing or someone proudly stating the conservative, often bordering on extremist, message.

    The battle is for the Independents, who while they may generally lean marginally right, are not Tea Party supporters or hard core conservatives.

    In addition is the strong possibility of a "proud" conservative (extremist) at the top of the ticket , who wont attract those Independents, dragging down equally extreme Congressional candidates.
  18. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Extremist, as I said. If you truly believe that the Tea Party represents true conservatism, you are ill-formed. True conservatism does not include the right wing, anti-social and pro-religious agenda being pushed by a majority of Tea Party activists and congressional Tea Party representatives. It's this particular aspect of the movement and its rabid pursuit to destroy lower and middle class social safety nets and delegate private behavior that has the rest of us gripping the arms of our chairs. In the eyes of the Tea Party true conservatism is a handful of corporate dictators calling all the shots while sitting at the right hand side of a fundamentalist Jesus.

    I'm not on board with the inevitability of that outcome. I think it's just as likely Democrats will pick up seats in both houses of Congress and governorships.

    A pundit is a pundit and will offer a view in keeping with the news agency's media message machine. You appear too smart to have fallen for it.

    So you admit there is a lack of cooperation? ("why would you expect my cooperation")

    The difference
    Disagreement is a state in which compromise flourishes.

    Being uncooperative is being uncooperative.

    Vegetarian Democrat - I'd prefer an apple but I'll settle for any fruit. I'd be willing to accept a vegetable or dairy product.
    Carnivorous Republican - It's venison or nothing.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. redux

    redux Very Tilted

    Foggy Bottom
    Who's gonna win? I'll tell you who wouldnt win the Republican nomination today if he were to run on his record of:
    • doubling the national debt
    • increasing the size of the federal government
    • raises taxes after lowering taxes
    • raising the federal gas tax
    • signing extensions and expansion of numerous environmental regulations
    • signing comprehensive immigration reform legislation that provided amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants.
    • selling arms to Iran
    • being an aggressive supporter of the Montreal Protocol (international treaty to protect the ozone layer)
    • demonstrating a willingness to compromise and build consensus
    Reagan wouldnt stand a chance in the toxic environment created by the extremists in Republican party.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    You forgot the $160 billion he spent to bail out 747 failed savings and loan institutions.