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Star Wars: The Old Republic - Who's Addicted Yet?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by b2653009, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    At this point, we could use a Sith Inquisitor DPS.

    Settie's character is Jillanne.
    highjinx is highjinx.

    I can't recall mine at the moment. I need to log on tonight and figure out some stuff. I'll report back.
  2. dippin Getting Tilted

    created an inquistor there, named dippin. I parked it in the rest area and will work on it later.
  3. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Okay. My Sith warrior is named Husraka. I'm currently parked at Dromund Kaas, so whenever you guys are ready.
  4. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    FYI, my friend posted a few more TOR videos on her YouTube page. Go check em out!
    Aaaand, I'll try to make time to play tonight, level up my imp agent. Baraka, if you go to the republic fleet, you can take a shuttle back to Hutta, and play with me? :D And if anyone else is playing tonight, LET'S KICK BUTT! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I came from Korriban, for I am Sith. Know your place, agent. :p

    But seriously: Can I get to Hutta from the same shuttle bay? I've never tried.

    As for tonight: I'm not sure. I just got two freelance reports to edit. If I play tonight, it won't likely be until after 10 p.m. Will you be on late?
  6. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Yes, SITH. I know my place, but I doubt you know yours. ;)
    You should be able to get to Hutta. Though, stupid me, I meant Imperial Fleet, not Republic. I'm just so used to typing that out...lol. The elevator that you used to get onto the fleet main level, is where both shuttles are. They're side by side, just select the one going to Hutta, not K-land.
    I merely suggested it because you guys can help me level up fast on Hutta, so that maybe by the weekend, we can do the first flashpoint. :D
    Playing late works for me. I'll message you around 10 to see if you're good to play.
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    That's what I thought. I was going to try that tonight, but I thought I'd ask.

    It's a good idea. I want to get the experience of playing in groups too. I've only been in one group, like, evar. It was for a 4-man instance on Coruscant. I haven't even quested in a group.
  8. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i haven't grouped yet either; i've just been skipping heroics. didn't get to play much yesterday but i should have time tonight. iirc you guys are est so your 10pm should work as my 7. i'll friend request everyone when i get home.
    --- merged: Jan 18, 2012 8:11 PM ---
    uh oh...

    http://kotaku.com/5877245/star-wars-the-old-republic-patch-11-breaks-high end-pvp

    apparently there's a new patch today. i took away from this article 1) that i better go home @ lunch to start my download, and 2) i'm really glad we picked empire.
  9. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    ya this looks really bad for a new mmo. they have to do roll backs or something.


    live coverage of the mayhem
  10. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Damn, that is bad. That'll discourage a lot of players.
  11. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    well it's hard to say how bad it is. it really only affects higher lvl players. plus when someone posts a viral live stream things can get blown out of proportion. that guy had 800 viewers in 10 minutes and over 8000 in an hour. i'm sure it is a huge problem, but forum posters tend to make small problems sound game breaking. time will tell.
  12. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    Oy. I need to keep up. Been playing my Jedi Sage up to level 38 now. Having a blast healing thru warzones and flashpoints, but im sick of new players pulling multiple groups so im healing the entire party instead of just the tank. ok bitching done. So gimme a rehash.

    What server?
    Republic or Imperial?
    I was thinking of rolling a smuggler/imp agent
  13. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
  14. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i'm now up to ~18 and about to go into space i think. i haven't seen anyone on. still playing?
  15. Stan

    Stan Resident Dumbass

    I did my first EV raid Sun/Mon healing as a Sith Sorceror. I pay my WoW bill quarterly; but I'll be canceling WoW. I was just holding out to see SW end game first.

    The story line is compelling and I rejoined a former WoW guild that I really liked. I'm enjoying SW:TOR.
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    At this point, I'm just going to hold my character at lvl 10/11 until Settie figures out when we're going to play. The idea is to progress together. I'm playing other characters in the meantime.
  17. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach

    ok. i could try to do another toon; i don't mind seein another story. no pressure, but if you're in some other guild or are on and want to quest together, let me know as i don't really know anyone else.

  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    All my guys are on Ebon Hawk. I will be sure to friend "highjinx" on each of them so that I can contact you. Also, let me know about any other toons that you're running. I have about six characters (three on each faction), none of them above level 15 yet.

    I'd really like to group more on quests in this game.
  19. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    great that's what i want to hear. i like that companions make it so you can run a 4man with 2 players but it's a lot more fun when you regularly group together and can implement voice and stuff. i'll make somethin new today and post the name on here.
  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    How many toons can you make? Is there a limit?