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Visciously attacked when I got home from work.

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Borla, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    He thinks he's tough, eh? :p
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  2. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Look out! He's tenderizing you!

    He's a big ol' cutie, Borla, and seems well trained. Congrats. :)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks. :)

    He's a 120lb teddy bear. He likes to play rough but he won't even chase the bunny rabbits out of the yard. :p
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  4. PonyPotato

    PonyPotato Very Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    Looks like the two of you have fun together! His bark isn't as low as some of the other mastiffs I've heard. How old is he?
  5. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    wow hope you are ok?
  6. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    He's a blast. :) He's a Bullmastiff, he is 2 1/2. That was mostly a play bark, he does have a slightly meaner bark when he really does think something is amiss. He doesn't bark too much, but he definitely has a wide range of barks that all mean different things.
    I'm fine, though he's left some pretty good bruises and scratches before when we rough house. :p
  7. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    Daaaaaaaaaad. Pay attention to meeeeeeeeeeeeee. You've been gone ALLLLL DAAAAAY and I've been SO LONELY! LET'S DO STUFF!

    I get the same thing from my cat. Only minus about 110 pounds. Maybe I'll take a video one of these days for posterity.
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  8. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
    Does he react a bit differently to you when you have a camera or phone up to your face? As if he gets it's you in an olfactory sense but looks up and is not quite sure if it really is. I used to film our chihuahua Sparky and when I had the videocam up to my face, he seemed unsure about whether or not I was someone he was okay to ham it up in front of or bark at ferociously (well, he thought it was ferocious). I don't know how facial recognition works for dogs. Can they recognize a familiar face if the face is covered slightly by a camera?
  9. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Pretty much that. :p Though between the days I work from home, and the fact my wife works part time, he rarely has more than 2 days a week that he's home alone for more than a few hours at a time.

    I don't think taking a video of him caused him to react any differently, he was already going a bit nutty trying to get my attention. But I do know that he absolutely hates when I talk on the phone. I have a bad habit of getting up and walking around when I talk on the phone, and it makes him do much the same as he does in the video. My theory is because he doesn't realize I'm talking to someone else, and thinks I'm walking around talking to him.
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  10. davynn

    davynn Getting Tilted

    East coast U.S.A.
    Great dog, and 2 1/2 years is a fun age. Wishing you many more years together. Enjoy. :)
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  11. tasineah

    tasineah New Member

    Mr Wonderful comes home from work and he has to to spend a half an hour with the newfoundland, Bourbon and the chihuahua, Bartock, before he can relax and enjoy himself, lol. They fall all over him and beg for his attention. I love your big dog! He is a beauty!
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  12. greywolf

    greywolf Slightly Tilted

    Cute. Looks like a pushover... all bark and obviously no bite.
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  13. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I want one now. I like doggy wrestlin', but I apparently have allergies.
  14. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Thank you both. He's old enough that he's mostly out of the rebellious puppy stage, and listens well, but he's young enough that he still wants to have fun all the time.

    Kind of like my wife, but don't tell her I said that. :p

    Yeah, he loves just about everyone. I'm pretty sure that if we were gone and someone broke in he'd be wagging his tail wanting to play.

    That's too bad. :( I love big dogs, and always have.
  15. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I bet Stanley would get rough if he needed too. People see me rough housing and bite training my alpha GSD and they are amazed that I don't get hurt. Then if someone gets loud, they quickly learn to shutup.

    Stanley has always been an awesome dog..good to see more of him :)

    p.s. I want another GSD for SAR work, but the wife wants a Cane Corso. I have zero experience with Mastiffs other than goofing off with one an old friend of mine had. So not sure I'd want to jump into a Cane Corso since they need completely different training than I'm used to giving. I wonder if all Mastiffs are essentially the same in this regard? I can't remember from the old days, but did you train him as you would a guard breed or no?
  16. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    I definitely agree. He is not too property protective, but he's definitely personally protective. There have only been 2-3 people that I've seen him not like (and to be honest, I found them sketchy too) and he was absolutely on full alert. I don't know if he would actually get aggressive unless he saw someone being hurt, but I wouldn't want to be the guy testing it. :p

    He's been through Beginner and Intermediate Obedience classes through a local trainer who was awesome. He's the type where, if you are smart enough to communicate to him what you want, he'll do it. I think part of that is because we got him a week early, so he's very bonded to us and is always seeking eye contact. I'm told that makes a huge difference (dogs that seek eye contact ) in trainability. But no, he's not been specifically trained for protection.

    As far as Mastiff types, it seems that there is a little variation between types, but the same general traits throughout the entire group. In my experience, they tend toward dominance, so you really have to make it clear who is the boss. There were a ton of times, especially when he was 6-12 months old, that I had to force him to submit on his side or back because he was feeling his oats and seemed to want to surpass me as pack lead. I tried to be consistent and always put him in his place (never by striking, always by firm voice, submission, or proper use of a prong collar) and he's pretty much outgrown it.

    I could bore you with more detail if you want (and I think there is another thread or two here if you search), but I couldn't ask for a better dog. I'm extremely happy with him. :)
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  17. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I'm used to making a dog submit when necessary as I can't have a rogue GSD running around and tearing shit up. The alpha that I run through Shutzhund is very dominant unless I'm around and he also is a big eye contact dog. He's probably the easiest dog I've had to train. It's funny how mine and yours are big teddy bears and in a moments notice can switch up if they see something out of the ordinary or they get a bad sense of someone. I've been around dogs who didn't like anyone or were affectionate to everyone and that is not a trait I want in either sense.

    I'll probably end up getting another GSD (once I find the right breeder --some talks broke down a while back) but the Cane Corso peaks my interest to a very high level to say the least.

    Don't worry, you won't bore me, I could talk about this stuff all day, every day ;)
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  18. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I must confess. I watched American Choppers and when Big Paul's dog died, I got all misty.
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  19. Fly

    Fly music is the answer

    this is just freakin' awesome man.........Stanley loves you big time.......

    I bet you were smiling the whole time too
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  20. Borla

    Borla Moderator Staff Member

    Yeah, he's pretty smart about knowing how to act when. We have lots of friends with little kids. It's hilarious watching him play tug-of-war with them. A couple of weeks ago he had one side of the rope and there were three little girls pulling on the other end and he was giving them an even battle. Then later only one of them wanted to play, and he again only pulled hard enough that it was a fair fight. He also seems to sense that he can wrestle around with my young guy friends, but he's calm and doesn't jump when it's an older person or a woman who isn't instigating him to wrestle.

    As it stands now, if I ever get another dog, either as a companion for him, or after he's gone, I'm almost certain it will be some sort of Mastiff. :)
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