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The TFP Health Club

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Mister Coaster, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    More water and less beer - my problem is that beer is sooo tasty :(
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Meier_Link

    Meier_Link New Member

    I'm a little ashamed that I've gotten off my regimen. For the last oh 2.5 years I've lost a lot of weight and become significantly fitter. I did the p90x thing with the door chin up bar (hasn't broken yet!) Weight lifting (Stronglifts 5x5) and recently mainly just running and doing a couple sets of pushups/chin ups. Started off at 220+ bottomed out at maybe 155ish and I've been holding pretty steady at around 160-165 for the last year probably. Diet is a big thing. I tracked calories for a long time, which really gives you an idea of which foods you should avoid and what's good for you. I've also low carbed, low fatted and carb loaded. Just about any diet will work if you stick with it. The low carb thing seemed to be most effective for quick weight loss, especially with most of the calories coming from fat, not protein (seems counter-intuitive but that's the way it works for me.) I just got over being sick with pneumonia and I haven't run in about 2 and a half weeks. Couple that with my intake of beer and cookies and candy and my pants are starting to get a little tight. I think it's about time to rededicate myself to being healthy.
  3. SuburbanZombie

    SuburbanZombie Housebroken

    Yes. Your body needs the water to break the fat stores into usable forms for energy.
  4. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    crossfit is awesome. i started it about 4 months ago. the comradery and atmosphere is really positive.

    i've been powerlifting for about 2 years now so i definitely understand the jean problem. it's getting pretty annoying, but i love lifting too much to stop. maybe i should just cut back the calories and lose a bit of fat.

    i'm 190 at about 15% body fat, but i'd like to be around 175 lbs and like 10% bodyfat. watching calories sucks though :(
  5. Mister Coaster

    Mister Coaster New Member

    The Canyon
    I had a tough week because I had a flare-up (for the first time ever, mind you) of GOUT! You may have heard that it's pretty painful, well you have heard correctly. Apparently, I'm still paying the price for my bad eating & drinking habbits in Sin City, my doctor thinks that system shock was enough to bring on the gout. It finally felt good enough today for me to hit the gym for the first time in a week.

    All my other numbers (BP, cholesterol and triglycerides were all headed in the right direction, and he took me off one of the 3 meds that I was on for BP. Not surprisingly, one of the listed side-affects of the medicine is... gout.
  6. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We're now underway. It's day two. So far, so good.
  7. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    Well, now that the excess of Christmas is over (back to work today), I better also do some exercise.
  8. Mister Coaster

    Mister Coaster New Member

    The Canyon
    Checking in again here. This morning I was 241.5, so the weight loss machine is rolling along its rails again. After that gout flare up I had gained back the ~10 lbs.

    It's almost time to buy new pants! Current stock of clothes are 40" waist, many with the "big guy" comfort waistline, which gives another 2" or so of give. I was in those 40's - and they were tight. Now I need a belt to hold them up - and I'm on the last notch of the belt, need to punch another hole in that.
  9. thetemplar

    thetemplar Vertical

    my waist is up to an 37 from a 36...and I'm pushing 215...time to cut out the sugary drinks..eat better and work out everyday..I'll keep you posted on how it's going
  10. Mister Coaster - Gout is indeed a bastard to live with. I was told its down to how acidic you are - I am high - and that being on water tablets as the third of my BPmeds was making it worse as it was concentrating it. If I dont keep the bp down, theres a high risk of my brain blowing again - off for tests tomorrow - feels like I cant win either way. Congrats - the rest of your joints will be joining in with your feet as you get older - unless you can find a solution.
  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    We've been using an app called "MyFitnessPal" that helps us track our calorie intake. This is particularly good for my husband, as he's never used any similar program, and doesn't have any clue as to the calorie content of certain foods. Has anyone else used this app?

  12. thetemplar

    thetemplar Vertical

  13. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    I'm familiar with the "Eat This, Not That" franchise and David Zincenko's work in general (Editor of Men's Health, writer of the Abs Diet, etc), but that book is not particularly helpful for us right now, as we don't go out to eat a lot. My husband is a vegetarian, and we're both eating vegan right now, but even before the chance to the vegan diet, we didn't go out to fast food places/quick service places often.
  14. Mister Coaster

    Mister Coaster New Member

    The Canyon
    I, as well as my doctor, are hoping that it was a one-time thing that was brought on by the combination of the alcohol, red meat, mushrooms and water pill I was on. Apparently that was a perfect storm for a flare up. As I get more in shape, the BP should go down, my goal there is to be off the meds entirely. I haven't really read up to much about gout... is it one of those things that when you get it once, you "have it" for life?
  15. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I was supposed to ramp up my cardio after Xmas, but I seem to have gotten an infection in my knee. Dang, I guess a longer layoff is needed. Will address diet first.
  16. Mister Coaster - I think its something some are more inclined to get than others - it seems if you are prone to gout then you are also likely to be hit by arthritic problems. The joy of decomposing on the hoof I guess. I had hoped to ask a farrier for advice on it last year - well - they do feet dont they, but he didnt come to the rescue open day where he usualy does a demo and asks 'any questions.' Someone suggested to me drinking bicarb would reduce the acidity levels - if it tasted more like strawberrys or chocolate cake I might be more eager to give it a go. Off for my bp test in a bit - see if its gone up now I am not taking water tablets.
    This seems to explain it. Seems when you have got it you have got it - but you dont necessarily have to keep it.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Mister Coaster

    Mister Coaster New Member

    The Canyon
    Well, if Jim Belushi is championing the cause, how can anyone say no?
  18. I had a big long post written out, but decided that it would be better fit to post it to a blog (which I have). The long of the short of it is, I am going to start working out more and eating less, but I don't have much of an idea of how to begin. I'm going to throw myself under the bus to see what happens. Updates to come.
  19. Phi Eyed

    Phi Eyed Getting Tilted

    I stumbled upon another app that tracks your calorie intake, similar to Weight Watchers. So far, it has been working for me to stay within my range. It's called Fitness Buddy.
  20. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I haven't worked out in a month, and I'm going nuts and feeling slack... Tomorrow I'm going to the gym, even if I have to lift little pink dumbbells