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IMPORTANT: TFP Service Provider Under Attack

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by martian, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Hey guys,

    I know things are a bit slow and a bit crazy right now. The reason is that earlier this afternoon our DNS provider, easyDNS Technologies Inc, came under DDoS attack. The attack isn't aimed at us directly but we're unfortunately caught in the net.

    As I am a systems administrator for easyDNS Technologies Inc, I can assure you that the folks over there are working hard on getting everything back online. In the meantime you may see a lot of slowness or the occasional timeout. All I ask is that you just bear with us.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Thanks, was getting a server not found response earlier.
  3. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Thank you, Martian!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I'm not bearin' with shit.

    get it fixed.

    jk :D
    • Like Like x 3
  5. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    thanks for the update! I noticed the issue. Hope all gets well soon.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
  7. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    Make them rue the day they messed with the great and powerful Oz!

    I mean Martian! Shoot your cartoonish doomsday weapon in their vague general direction, causing massive collateral damage!
  8. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Looks like things are back to normal now. I'll be keeping a close eye on things through the evening.

    The sad thing is there's no real way to fight back against a DDoS attack, or even know who was responsible. All you can do is mitigate as best you can and just ride it out.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    isn't there a way to prevent them though by only allowing a certain amount of packets per IP to get sent through within a certain interval of time before they are timed out? mind you this is coming from a snot-nosed entitlement college kid who can't spell "computer" without spellcheck
  10. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Not really. That will prevent a traditional Denial of Service, but most folks aren't sending from a single machine these days. A modern DoS makes use of botnets consisting of thousands of machines located all over the world. Many of them are home PCs that have been infected by a worm or virus and the owner isn't even aware of the issue. Sadly, these are frighteningly easy to find and use. There are websites out there where all one has to do is plug in a domain name and off they go. I've seen them, and before some wiseass asks, no I won't tell you where they are.

    There are ways to mitigate making use of traffic analysis and heuristics, but they're complicated and take time to dial in. We're benefitting from that now -- the attack is at least partially ongoing still, but our mitigation techniques are working well.
  11. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    Thanks Martian, I got a Stop Web Censorship ad when I came in saying the government was going to shut this site down, I thought it was a part of TFP, with all the new laws being talked about, so I stupidly gave my e mail addy. Needlessly to say it turned out to be what appears to be a fraudulent thingy in that it started talking about freeing Bieber and offering to videorecord me from prison. Now I have a "STOP SOPA" flasher in my upper right corner.

    I don't know IF it was legit or the "STOP SOPA" flasher is part of you or the spammer that got me.

    Just an FYI and sorta question.
  12. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    meanwhile, all pics and avatars have been black since noontime, for me anyway...

    what causes this and how is it resolved?
  13. aquafox

    aquafox Getting Tilted

    Ibapah, UT
    what browser are you on? That sounds like a side affect of the SOPA alert that was added to the site. Try clearing your browser cache or loading in a different browser.
  14. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    It is cynthetiq Read more:
  15. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    same one i've used for over ten years...

    i have no idea how to deal with a different browser...

    clear what cache?
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    I could only get it on my phone and I still have the stop sopa, but I'm preferring to read it "stop sofa" and get up off the couch whenever I see it. It working, ha ha.
    Thanks as always for all the hard work!!
  17. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    please help...

    i get really pissed at shit i don't understand, and i have no information about why i can't 'see' anything from admins...
  18. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    Stop Sopa is annoying the fuck out of me. Must it really be so flashy and so ugly?
  19. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    The SOPA thing is unrelated to our provider issues. Cynthetiq put it there, and you'll have to talk to him if you want it to go away.

    With due respect Phil, I've got my hands full right now working for the people who actually pay me to do this stuff, and I don't have time to hold your hand. A little patience would be greatly appreciated.