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Star Wars: The Old Republic - Who's Addicted Yet?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by b2653009, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Wow, how many characters you got?! :D

    Are there any specific servers or anything?

    I don't know for sure since I don't have it yet, but I don't think there is anything wrong with the game per se. I don't think there are major issues that severely degrade gameplay. Though it is unfortunate if you can't get it to run smoothly on your hardware if it's a bit older, but many new games are like that. But many are improved with patches down the road (for both the game and video cards).

    Those who see the game for what it is, and especially those who see the game for what it could possibly be down the road, seem to be enjoying it. Look at Settie.

    It would probably help to be a Star Wars fanboy as well.
  2. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Lol I have quite a few characters created at this point. And I intend to make one of each type of player, as well, someday. But for now I have a smuggler, jedi knight, bounty hunter, imperial agent, and trooper. All but one of my characters is on the same server: The Ebon Hawk.

    And yes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the game. Yes it does seem pricey, but a good game that floats your boat will always be worth it. I HATED WOW, I couldn't see how anyone could get addicted to such a boring fetch and go game with no interactive abilities, cutscenes, etc. Cause thats the kinda gamer I am, a true RPGer like Bioware made me all the way back when KotOR came out. So this kinda came either interests you or it doesn't, its pretty simple. If you love Star Wars, and KotOR in particular, this game is your new crack. If you don't like Bioware games, and prefer games like Star Craft, you will probably dislike it.

    I was extremely hesitant about the game over the last few years, based off of what I saw and heard, and the fact it was an MMO and I NEVER buy those... but, this is a very different type of MMO, and its hell of a lot of fun to play. ^_^ For me, anyways. Speaking of, I should go back to being a smuggler and stuff illegal drugs into my companions on my ship..... bwahahaa.... >:D
  3. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    You answered your own question. The holiday season is the most lucrative time of year for game developers, just like a lot of other industries. This frequently leads to developers (or really, publishers) pushing stuff out the door even when it could benefit from a bit more polish.

    I'm intrigued by the idea of this game, but not sufficiently to get past the idea of having to pay a monthly fee to pay it. I just don't think I'll have the time or interest required to justify a continuing cost for a video game.

    Besides, I just picked up about a dozen new games in the Steam holiday sale (and still going) so I'm set for digital entertainment for a while.
  4. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I will find you. Only 9.3 GB left on the download.

    I was thinking of making a Jedi consular. It seems to encompass the kind of gameplay I prefer in RPGs and MMOs alike.

    I liked WoW, but for different reasons than many people, I think. I didn't mind the fetch-and-go aspect, though it got really repetitive in some of the expansions. I preferred the questing and exploration. I enjoyed quite a few instances as well. What I don't like about WoW in particular in MMOs in general is the "ZOMG EPIC DROPS," "LF HEALER, BE FULLY GEARED [or forget it]," ganking, camping, and griefing you get from anti-social types. I don't get the game being completely about jacking numerical scores and running the same damn raids over and over again to get the "rare drops" for your "toon."

    What caught my attention with this Star Wars game is the added immersion feel: voice acting, storylines, shared instances, etc. I'm sure much of the above stuff will also occur here, but I think there will be enough to distract me from it so that it doesn't seem like the world is populated merely with text-based NPCs on one hand and quasi-literate 14-year-old miscreants on the other.

    Also, I really enjoyed KOTOR in particular and the Star Wars franchise in general.

    I was never a WoW fanboy when it came to the lore. I always felt it was a smorgasbord of fantasy derivatives. It hits all the tropes, which is fine, but it tends to lose distinctiveness in the process, resulting in a rather contrived and overwrought fantasy world.
  5. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    "Contrived" and "overwrought" have never been more appropriate than when applied to WoW lore. The longer it has gone on, the worse it has gotten. Obviously there are problems working in 15 years of games (many of which were made in an era where story was much more difficult to convey), but the depths to which the lore have sunk are pretty unfathomable. Kung fu panda, anyone?

    I think if you enjoyed KOTOR you will enjoy SWTOR quite a lot. Everyone I've talked to has basically said that SWTOR is basically a sequel to KOTOR with a multiplayer component, but that the leveling process and the class quests feel very much like you're playing a single player game (not in a bad way).

    Do remember though that without WoW's polish and iteration on the fetch and go quest mechanic, BioWare wouldn't have been able to do what they've been able to do in SWTOR. Very few WoW quests follow that paradigm anymore, either, and the few that do feel noticeably dated.
  6. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Thanks for your feedback, Frosstbyte. I will probably really enjoy this game.

    Once it fucking downloads.... 5.25 GB left!


    I checked three places for physical copies today. No dice.
  7. ace0spades

    ace0spades Slightly Tilted

    Anybody here experience any friction with the mods in SW:TOR? I found this blog that just started up and it seems like there are some pretty weird things happening. Albeit this may not be true... But if so, banning someone then preventing them from canceling their subscription? Shady.
  8. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    well i broke down and started yet another mmo game. here we go....


    i rolled a trooper on helm of graush
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm skeptical. It might be fake. There is even a disclaimer on the blog about the authenticity.

    * * * * *

    Overall, I like the game so far. From what I've seen (I'm lvl 15, though I haven't done any group play yet), it's pretty smooth this soon after launch. I've noticed a few minor bugs, but they don't impede gameplay.

    The environments are beautiful. I'm running on medium with no AA, no shadows and it still looks good. My machine isn't that great (Intel Q6600, 2 GB, Vista), but my video card is half decent (ATI HD 6850 1 GB). I might be able to boost the graphics a bit, but I haven't played around with it yet. I'm hoping they'll improve the performance of the engine (and I hope video drivers will improve performance as well), but I'm not holding my breath. It runs well enough for me to enjoy it, and that's all that counts.

    Coruscant can only be described as science gothic. It's huge without feeling laborious. It's labyrinthine without feeling repetitive. Otherwise, the outdoor environs are breathtaking and at times sublime.

    I'm one of the recent 2 million who quit WoW out of boredom. From what I've seen thus far (I don't even have my own starship yet), I won't be bored with SW:TOR for a very, very long time. They've taken the tedium out of gathering and crafting, and quests feel like they're important even if they aren't really that different from WoW questing. They all feel relevant, rather than simple errands or menial tasks. All interactive NPCs have voice actors and cut scenes, which make the game come to life.

    Heck, the Star Wars universe comes to life: the setting, the music, the sound effects, the races, the Jedi, etc.

    If you are even a moderate Star Wars fan and are looking for a game to really enjoy for its scope (and further future potential!), then look into it. If you enjoyed SW:KOTOR, you'll probably love SW:TOR, especially if you like MMOs.

    If you are a Bioware fan, you might want to see their greatest achievement: the largest, most detailed game they've ever attempted, and pulled off. If you look at the production of this thing, the thought of how many man hours they put into it is astounding.

    The game is big and will only get bigger. Ten days in: 1 million subs and over 60 million logged gaming hours. Do the math. On average, gamers are gaming many hours.

    I have seen why.

    I'm one of them.

    (I'm doomed.)
    • Like Like x 1
  10. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    i'm loving this game at the moment as well. i just hope when i hit 50 there isn't a huge exodus out of the game like so many new mmos. the leveling feels insanely fast. re-rolling alts only holds the population for so long.
  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Have you seen this yet?


    Given the initial success, I can only assume that future developments are already coming down the pipeline to keep things going.
  12. samcol

    samcol Getting Tilted

    well that certainly is good news.
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    When I read "Guild Capital Ships," I scorched my shorts.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Hyena

    Hyena Vertical

    Got a Jedi Sage and Commando on Wall of Light server

    Guild Capital Ship. giggety
  15. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Do any of you care to make a republic or imperial TFP guild group? We'll all play together on a particular server, play certain parts? It looks like we have at least four of us playing now, and four is a great team number ;) Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  16. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I will! If we can decide on a faction/server, I'll start the process. Though the only server on which I have a currently eligible character is on The Ebon Hawk on the Republic side.

    If you guys are patient, I will start a new character anywhere else and play through until I get to the fleet, where I can create the guild.
  17. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I've got a couple established characters, but I was wondering if you guys want to start off new characters from scratch, and play together that way. Its the best way to gain social points and teaming up can really blitz through the lower levels. Then we can pool together our money collectively to make a guild. I just need to know whether you wanna go Imperial or Republic, I already have some servers in mind for either. Lets Vote!
  18. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Great idea!

    I vote for Imperial, as I've already tried out a Jedi and a smuggler. :)
  19. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    I also vote imperial. I'm in another imperial guild, but that's a RP guild, so its no big deal. Also, I've been playing my Republic characters a lot since the game launched, I'd like to be legitimately evil for a change ;)
    Also, we should play some PVP with this guild. PVP is insanely fun in this game, and this is coming from somebody that used to HATE pvp in Guild Wars (go figure -_-)
  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Envy, I has it.

    Looks like I'll have to save up for a while to buy a decent enough laptop to play this with. About a year should do it. *sigh*

    Do any of you guys have recording capabilities?
    I've been enjoying watching people on YouTube play theirs, but it would be so much better if we could watch you guys. :)