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Merry Christmas or Happy holidays

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ralphie250, Dec 10, 2011.


what do you prefer

Poll closed Jan 28, 2012.
  1. Merry Christmas

    21 vote(s)
  2. Happy Holidays

    11 vote(s)
  3. Don't celebrate the holidays for whatever reason

    0 vote(s)
  4. Don't really care

    24 vote(s)
  5. Other

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted

    I only want them to sacrifice their virginity....
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Monday I went to a "Christmas Concert" by the local community concert band, a group of musicians, adults, not school kids. About half way through the conductor stopped and said that it was time for us to don our "gay apparel," which mostly amounted to Santa style red hats. One of the hats was of Menorah candles. So, I guess it was a holiday concert as well as a Christmas Concert.

  3. Hektore

    Hektore Slightly Tilted

    Maybe I'm misinformed, but I always thought it was the case that 'Happy Holidays' came out of laziness, rather than political correctness. It's much easier to say than "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"

    Isn't it?
  4. bobGandalf

    bobGandalf Vertical

    United States
    Your first sentence says it all, in my opinion.
  5. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted


    • Like Like x 2
  6. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    ^^^ thats just pure awesomeness
  7. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I say "happy holidays," because if I don't say anything, it seems to upset the Christians who all wish me "Merry Christmas," even though I look Jewy as all hell and often walk around wearing a kippah. And some of the non-Christian non-Jews in my area have also apparently come to assume that if you don't say anything, you are disrespecting their seasonal holiday.

    To my fellow Jews, during the actual holiday of Chanukah, I will say a freylicheh Chanukah (Yiddish for "Happy Chanukah") or chag urim same'ach (Hebrew for "Happy Festival of Lights," another name of Chanukah). But only during the holiday: Chanukah is a minor festival, and people who make much of it for like a month are just falling into the Christmas assimilation trap.
  8. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted

    Found this over on tumblr. While I often do mean it, taking exception to which one I pick to say will kick me over to this right quickly:
    • Like Like x 2
  9. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I have no clue where Yiddish is from, but "freylicheh" must have been taken from the German "fröhliche" (from the verb "freu" derived from the adjective "froh"). They sound almost the same and the spelling is probably derived from Middle High German.
  10. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted

    Yiddish is from German. There's another Jewish language derived from Spanish called Ladino.
    • Like Like x 2
  11. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    I try to pick the appropriate one for whoever I'm talking to. If I get it wrong, at least I tried.
    I thought the traditional greeting was "Ramadan Mubarak." Did that jerk from Egypt screw it up for you guys this year or are they both used?
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    Both are used.
  13. bobGandalf

    bobGandalf Vertical

    United States
    Haha....well said!
    • Like Like x 1
  14. paddyjoe

    paddyjoe curious

    ROC boy gone south
    If you want to greet me with happy, or merry "whatever the hell holiday it is", then I am fine with it. Just say it genuinely and with a smile.

    It's all good.....
    • Like Like x 3
  15. Tophat665

    Tophat665 Slightly Tilted

    Hey, all you jokers here: It's three Ay Em on the East Coast. Merry Christmas!
  16. ashland

    ashland Vertical

  17. bobGandalf

    bobGandalf Vertical

    United States
    4:30AM on the East Coast....Santas been and gone......I peeked. Some things you just never grow out of ;)

    Merry Christmas to all!
  18. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    It's true. Yiddish is essentially a creole of Hebrew and Middle High German, developed in German-speaking areas of Europe between around the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. It was usually written in Hebrew characters, so the transliteration into Roman characters is both approximate and variable.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Another jew here, Hanukka very frequently overlaps christmas, and frankly I don't give two shits one way or the other. The only thing that offends me are the people obviously being confrontational when they show up and start doing the "Christ-mass for christ's sake!" thing. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's just a reaction to someone being a dick though and not to christmas in particular.

    If anything I usually go out of my way to actually say merry christmas instead of happy holidays, although I have developed a reflex lately when it's not actually christmas or christmas eve of saying "Happy Hanukka" in response to "Merry Christmas" and following shortly with "It's not christmas yet but it IS the middle of Hanukka, enjoy it in the meantime!". So far most people get a laugh out of the suggestion of giving them a loaner holiday until theirs gets here.

    You forgot the strep throat.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City