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Star Wars: The Old Republic - Who's Addicted Yet?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by b2653009, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    So I got to play beta for this game, and I'm really glad I had the opportunity. Before beta, I was highly skeptical of this game's playability. I didn't see how Bioware would take one of the most beloved game series and change it so drastically, without pissing off KotOR fans, like myself. Luckily, the game is AWESOME. Highly addictive, as the title suggests.
    I preordered and got access to the game this afternoon. I played tonight for about 5 hours with friends, and created a few characters, and leveled up a Jedi Knight to level 7 before the servers were shut down for maintenance. See how addictive it is? Its 3am and I didn't get off the game without good reason! XD haha.
    So, I'll be playing this game for a good while, and my friend has set up an Imperial guild, called The Dark Defenders. If anyone on TFP is interested in playing, message me, and we could play together sometime.
  2. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Must...resist....the Dark Side.....

    Sent from my X10a using Tapatalk
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  3. streak_56

    streak_56 I'm doing something, going somewhere...

    C eh N eh D eh....
    I've seen the previews.... and I'm really impressed, I'm not one for this "type" of game but I definitely will think of picking it up.
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  4. highjinx

    highjinx "My phobia drowned while i was gettin' down."

    venice beach
    i'm resisting for now. i enjoyed the beta.. i thought it was like wow but with dragon age/mass effect cinematics instead of quest text bubbles.... but i have too much of a backlog of games to start a new mmo. i'm also curious about the new mmo "the secret world" coming out in april, so i'll probably make a choice then between the 2.
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  5. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    The Secret World does look like fun, I hope I get into its beta testing. :)
    Baraka...you should join the dark side, my friend. Its....delicious. :D
  6. Frosstbyte

    Frosstbyte Winter is coming

    The North
    The stuff I've been able to dig up about Secret World looks absolutely spectacular. I can't say for sure I'm ready to dive into another MMO, but if I do, that's definitely going to be my pick. It looks amazing.
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  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I admit I am susceptible to influence in giving in to the Dark Side.

    If you can convince me with 10 reasons why this game is better than WoW, I just might do it. :p

    Please note that I'm indifferent to end-game content and PvPing.
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  8. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Ok, here goes:
    1. It's made by Bioware. :D <3
    2. The game is based off of Star Wars lore, without the painful George Lucas scripting or influences. Its KotOR based, more than you know, and more than I know! There's a lot of Revan/Bastila quests and plots to follow, some shocking, apparently. Besides, everyone loves KotOR.
    3. Extreemely customizeable. You can customize every damn thing in this game, your companions, you, your storyline, your family tree (yes, you can create multiple characters and make brothers/sisters from a legendary family line!), your abilities. Its intense, and it helps you forget that millions of people are playing the game. It feels more like a RPG D&D based single player game, and less like you're a one in a million nobody with no real role.
    4. You get your own spaceship, and can beef it up to fight in nasty space battles! ZOOM! (I'm in spaaaaaaace!)
    5. There are more planets to explore than I have fingers. :D That's a lot of explorin'. A LOT!
    6. This game is more age appropriate for adults. WoW has preteens playing it, and its kinda....preteen itself. Star Wars TOR is definitely made for adults. There's stuff in the game kids just wouldn't get. (And shouldn't, aka, drug addictions, sex, murder, politics, the list goes on...)
    7. The variety of characters and species you can play is phenomenal. Certain alien types give you certain buffers to certain classes. The species type also customizes the class storyline. For example, a sith inquisitor Sith alien is brutal, a purebreed born for evil and domination. And, a sith inquisitor Rattataki alien is born a slave, angry, and frustrated at always being threatened by their master(s). The have quite the "cake or death?" situation. Its awesome.
    8. Going back to classes, they are also extremely varied. You can be a fighter, all lightsabers and force abilities, a sage with pure force abilities, a good alien diplomat with high charisma and a wicked trigger finger, or a big guns kinda soldier, all rockets and 'splosions! And both the Republic and Imperial side have two choices within these general classes, which are suited to their alignment.
    9. The game has multiple Flashpoints, which are team based battles that tie in your storyline to the storyline of the galaxy: the battle of the Republic versus the Imperials. Your choices in these team fights greatly affect the storyline you play.
    10. You can change up your game play a lot. You can be a really evil Jedi, concealing your evil within the Jedi Council, yet corrupting all you meet in the galaxy, or be completely neutral, which is that naughty and nice mixture you can see in KotOR 2 frequently, or be a really sweet and nice Sith Lord, a real contradiction, which is fun to play. Or you can go traditional Imperial = Evil Sith Lord, and Republic = Goody goody Jedi. :D

    *waves hand* You are impressed by my list, Baraka.
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    • Like Like x 1
  10. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

  11. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm going to post this in its entirety because it's related to the request I made of Settie . (Basically Star Wars: The Old Republic vs. World of Warcraft.)

  12. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    *yawns* Wow, 4:30am, and I just got off the game. Started only at 1am though, so not as bad as previous nights. But still, wow, gonna be tired tomorrow. :D
  13. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I've committed to buying the game tomorrow, using a $50 gift card I got for Christmas.

    Let me know what to do to find you a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
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  14. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    So...Thumbs up? Down? My life was getting sucked away by WoW so I had to cut myself off. I'm afraid of getting addicted again.
  15. Team Edward

    Team Edward New Member

    My bf just bought this game. Whatever. I'll probably play too. Looks fun.
  16. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    After watching a few hours of gameplay on YouTube, I wanted to buy this.
    Then, after reading a lot of disappointed/unfavorable game reviews on Amazon, I'm leery of getting it.
    $60 to buy it, then $15 a month to play, and you can't play offline? Seems weird.
  17. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I had to check the Amazon thing out.

    Yeah, people, this is an MMO with a monthly subscription. Many of the 1-star reviews are people who are pissed off because they thought they only had to pay $59 and nothing else.

    You'll have to weed through those to get to the reviews that actually talk about the game itself. And from there, you have to weed through the reviews that compare a newly released MMO to one that has been in play and development for seven years (World of Warcraft).

    Look for the reviews of people who haven't rage quit because they didn't get what they expect from a game in this category or don't realize that updates are currently in the works, which is what much of the $14.99/month goes towards.

    However, I've read there are performance issues for those with slightly older hardware, so you might want to look into that. I would imagine they'll fix that down the road as well.

    If in doubt, wait a few months or a year to see where things are at.
  18. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    That's how MMOs work.
  19. b2653009 Slightly Tilted

    Send me a PM with your character creation names, and what sides you chose (Imps versus Repubs). And I'll give you all my character names in return.
  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Thanks, snowy and Baraka_Guru.
    After reading your posts, I went and re-read a bunch of reviews and saw what you were talking about.

    I know developers want to take advantage of the holiday season, but why do they always seem to rush games that could use a lot more tweaking and testing?