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Long Gun in Your Vehicle?

Discussion in 'Tilted Weaponry' started by ChrisJericho, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    After starting to shoot a rifle this past year I have realized just how much more effective they are compared to pistols (huge understatement there).

    So I would like having one close to me a much as possible.

    In my vehicle I already have an emergency type plastic tote box filled with supplies such as first aid kit, food, water, fire extinguisher, fire making material, space blankets, a few boxes of 9mm, flashlights, batteries etc and I'm considering throwing some sort of rifle in there.

    I don't think it would be another $1500+ tricked out AR15. I would want something that I don't care if it gets a few scratches on it from the canned food or is exposed to the cold in the winter/heat in the summer. I'd probably either get a rock river AR or some sort of AK47 variant.

    One thing I was thinking about is that one reason why I like .223/5.56 for my current rifle inside my house is that .223/5.56 starts fragmenting when it hits drywall as opposed to the bigger, heavier calibers such as 7.62x39 tend to keep penetrating more and thus would be more of a liability in a home defense situation. However if the situation arose where I had to pull a long gun from the back of my vehicle perhaps the barrier penetration that the 7.62x39 round offers would be beneficial, especially if a bad guy is firing from behind vehicles or wooden fences.

    What is your "trunk gun" system comprised of?

    /end mental masturbation
  2. fflowley

    fflowley Don't just do something, stand there!

    So you want the ifle because you anticipate getting in a shootout somewhere, with someone?
    I think if shit like that goes down it's happening way too fast to be fetching a rifle out of the vehicle. It's going to have to be your carry pistol or bust.....
  3. My trunk rifle is an old Romanian SKS with 200rds of steel-core on strippers, carried in an old Chinese chest-harness adjusted to fit me. I prefer the 7.62x39 for this because if needed it can crack or penetrate an engine block or cinderblock wall, which the .223/5.56mm usually cannot. Additionally, I've had multiple reports from Iraq/Afg. vets of 5.56mm routinely skipping off of, or being badly deflected by, automobile windshields. What I -really- want is an AMD-65 like The Folks roll with. That little folding stock makes it evem shorter than an M4gery, and the dual grips make it easy to use in tight quarters.

    Additionally, the good ol' Box o'Truth tests showed that standard (ie non-frangible) 5.56/.223 does -not- fragment upon impacting drywall. It will tumble and deflect like any spitzer rifle round, but even "Original Recipie" 5.56 will not fragment or break up, and I'd imagine that M855/SS-109 would be even less inclined. It is still quite deadly after penetrating multiple layers of drywall, OSB, etc.

    As for getting to it if needed- granted, it would take time I might not have. However, this is one of those situations where if you need a rifle, you -really- need a gorram RIFLE. Hence why on long trips, the rifle and ammo typically ride in the backseat covered with a throw blanket.
  4. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    God dang, its good to see you post The Dunedan. Folding Stock WASR 10/63 n' food n' water n' blankets n' junk. Nuff said.
  5. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    I saw those AMD-65's on atlantic arm's page and I was a bit wary of them since they only cost $519, but they're actually good?
    --- merged: Dec 1, 2011 5:22 AM ---
    centerfiresystems has them for $400.
  6. The AMDs are, as they say, tits.

    For an AK, they're very accurate. I'm talkin' 2-liter bottles at 250+ accurate, even without a workable cheekweld. Like the whole Kalashnikov family, they're as reliable as sunrise. With the stock folded, they're only 5" longer than a "Draco" AK PISTOL, and significantly shorter than any non-SBR AR-platform rifle. The only real problem is that, thanks to AG Gonzales of the Bush Regime, they can't have the original Hungarian barrels, and the US-made replacement isn't chrome-lined. Waaaaah. Unless you're shooting tonnes of corrosive old Warsaw Pact surplus as opposed to the far more common Wolf and Barnaul, this is hardly a factor.

    As far as I'm concerned, the AMD is unbeatable as a car rifle. I'd love the additional ass of a 7.62 NATO, but without getting into SBRs or $1500+ FALs and HKs you just won't find anything nearly so short and handy.

    If you have a chance at an AMD, jump on it.
  7. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    In the item descriptions on both centerfire and atlantic it says that their models have chrome lined barrels. This would be beneficial for me since the ranges in my area require brass cased ammo and the only affordable variety right now is the surplus yugo corrosive. I can pick some up at a local store for 19.5 cents a round though so that is very attractive.

    From what I can tell from googling around people don't have much faith in the rear sling mount and usually do some sort of modification, any thoughts on this?

    Also who are "The Folks" ?
  8. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Apparently "The Folks" means Blackwater/Xe. If they were or are still using them that's a major seal of approval, especially for a $400 gun. I'm heavily considering it.
  9. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Why spend all your time and money training on an AR only to have an AK in your car? Get a budget AR ($600).


    Why carry a scary "assault rifle" in your vehicle when grandpa's lever action will easily handle most rifle situations?

  10. ChrisJericho

    ChrisJericho Careless whisper

    Fraggle Rock
    Well I'm also thinking about getting palmetto armory's basic AR for $600 and supplementing it with M855.
  11. KirStang

    KirStang Something Patriotic.

    That thought crossed my mind. Maybe get a cheap ML2 and MOE foregrip and mount a flashlight.
  12. Norinco Sks with folding stock and two 30 round magazines. Or whatever I have in there from my last range trip.

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