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Just noticed the Mayan countdown clock

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by pan6467, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    Very cool. Already this place has a feel to it that is one I remember having many moons ago. And no that is not a hidden code to go feeling my hidden moon. Trust me it's bony with soft tissue and very tight. 5 AM I need sleep, on the other hand this is like finding an old friend and catching up.... what to do? I think I shall ponder over a cancer stick.
  2. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I'm still waiting on the rapture...
  3. BadNick

    BadNick Getting Tilted

    PA's on U SofA
    I had a pretty decent rapture a few days ago and came back here to see what time it was, but obviously it must have just been a preview rapture since the clock is still ticking.
  4. Cypher

    Cypher New Member

    I find it a little discerning. Like what if its true? and we all look at it like a giant clocktower that hangs over us and dictates our impending doom.
  5. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    This was supposed to have happened in 1977/1981/1982/1989/1992/2000 just to give some of the more recent years thrown out there by Pre-Trib "prophets" and others who must be wiser than the rest of us.

    This interesting website gives dates all the way back 500 AD when people have claimed the rapture was going to happen.
    I actually read/glanced through 88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988 back when it was still selling copies and also remember reading the Pre-Trib horror stories and "classics" like Late Great Planet Earth which did quite a bit to discredit Christianity and especially prophesy for those that believed the foolish things they were touting.
    For the record I am a postmillennialist and a preterist but that is a topic for an entirely different thread.
  6. If true, then we should party like it's 1999.

    Oh hell, we should anyway. Why take the chance?
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    What if the Mayans were really just predicting the time when we'd all get our shit together?

    I mean, that's more realistic than it taking this godsdamn long for us to wreck everything, right?
    • Like Like x 2
  8. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    At the risk of burning someone's cross, I regret to inform you, the Mayan calendar has nothing to do with Christianity or The Rapture.

    On the other hand. The end of the calendar does coincide with the alignment of the sun, all the known planets and the center of the universe. Magnetically speaking, this could have an affect on our planet that could resemble the end of times. Very high tides, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions that will likely leave lasting change on the surface of this rock.

    Just sayin'
  9. uncle phil

    uncle phil Moderator Emeritus (and sorely missed) Staff Member Donor

    pasco county
    and it maybe just could stop clocks? :)
  10. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    this is very true and admittedly I was wondering even further off topic for this thread. It crossed my mind and I had to at least nibble on that one though.
    I never have given much thought to this subject in the past but it certainly is fascinating to examine what developments the Mayans had with astronomy and other areas.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. Speed_Gibson

    Speed_Gibson Hacking the Gibson

    Wolf 359
    To wander just a bit off topic again, I have wondered before about putting such a clock on my website but not enough to try to look it up. My motivation was/is a countdown to the next presidential inauguration when Obama hopefully leaves office.
  12. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Actually the only reason why it is the clock that it is because no one had a better idea. The Mayan clock is just a placeholder until someone defines a better one. For a few days it was how long until World's King leaves Colorado.
  13. pan6467

    pan6467 a triangle in a circular world.

    It makes for good, fun, interesting (to some) discussion. Personally, I find it weird that we are at such turbulent times in the world politically and economically. It's almost as if the whole of civilization is on the verge of falling apart. While times like these seem to have come historically in cycles, it hasn't been until now that we have the technology to instantaneously know of events in even the smallest least populated of areas. Some say "Global warming", others claim, "the changing of climates", and so on. Yet, we see earthquakes of greater magnitude damaging more and more land and peoples than ever (this could also be explained that there are more people and it is a global economy (whether we admit it or not), so an earthquake and tsunami following it hitting Japan or Haiti will of course show more damage than the same things did say 500 years ago.

    While Earth is going through a PMS cycle, it has affected the people where one grouping has been shoved the Book of Revelations down their throat for a lifetime and thus through mass hysteria trying to prevent it, they do in fact set up the very foundations for it. Meanwhile, other groups are looking scratching their heads thinking that group is totally nuts.

    Economically and socially we are seeing that Europe and American influence over the world is also in decline and that China is increasing. So the Mayan Calendar may just be about the Western World losing it's dominance which to some would be the end of the world. Now, the problem there is are the leaders mad enough to decide if they cannot have control over the world would they just press the button and nuke everything. Which in the past when Europe declined to the US that was never an option.

    Politically, we are fractured, which is nothing new however, again are the leaders crazy enough to push buttons and release mass destruction if not total destruction? We are told here that Iran and North Korea are very close to such a thing. Iran vowing to wipe Israel off the map, North Korea just desperate enough due to a starving over populated country to not care. While here in America, enough social unrest and political tensions with (arguably) an egomaniac as president, who could see the unrest and war overseas as an opportunity to halt/suspend elections and cause true chaos by putting into an executive action martial law.

    All those things coming together at the right time and it could be a fuse to a huge tinderbox. That as stated above with all the planets, sun and the universe as a whole perfectly aligned, it could light the fuse enough to set the tinderbox on fire.

    Is this a scenario that could possibly happen? Anything is possible. Is it a rational possibility? All depends on the rationality in a very irrational world. It could be any or all of the above or it could be none of the above.

    I am a firm believer that mankind and ONLY mankind controls his destiny. Whether it is puppet masters or group consciousness.

    In the end it could just be as some hippies want to believe that when the Mayan Calendar hits zero, the negativity in the world reverses and we enter a whole new age of reason and positive energy and thoughts. Or maybe the aliens are coming back to enslave us, since the conditions would be right for intergalactic travel due to everything as we know it being perfectly aligned. Maybe the dimensions and alternate realities will be perfectly aligned also and thus EVERYTHING comes together at once and we have a great sneeze (a Douglass Addams reference).

    It's all in perspective and how we look or rather how we have been programmed to believe. One must admit, the times they truly are interesting to live in. It all makes for fascinating speculation and conversation. With some sci-fi, some conspiracy, some intrigue all in the mix. I guess in the end we will see what we will see. Could just be the Mayans had 1 too many hippies smoking funny herbs and spices and decided they were done got lazy/apathetic towards keeping mankind's time and decided that when the calendar got to zero whoever was here would simply start a new one. Just like winding a clock. Just like as is man's nature, we wait till the last possible moment believing nothing will happen before we decide we better do something.
  14. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    How about we change it to my next visit to NYC - 12/6-8 (dates are a little fluid at this point) - and avoid having something negative on the front page? Or we could change it to New Year's Eve. Or the next time I get to boot a spammer.
  15. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    sounds good to me :)
  16. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

    The closest we'll get to a "galactic alignment" happened 13 years ago and none of the phenomena you're describing have causes related to magnetism.
  17. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    I'll have to go check my source on the date of the alignment, yep, it's a Solar alignment that occurs. The planetary alignment was in '98. Good catch.

    I beg to differ with your assessment of 'causes'. Isn't it the gravitational pull of the moon that causes tides? Strong pull = bigger tides. Magma, also a liquid full of minerals, is susceptible to the same forces. Move enough magma around and you get eruptions and earth quakes.

    Isn't the rotation of the earth due to magnetism? And isn't the continental plates drifting what causes earthquakes, the drifting caused by the rotation of the earth? Seems to me, the engine of the universe is magnetism. Without it, nothing happens.

  18. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    How about we get rid of it based on the simple fact that the Mayans didn't predict an apocylpse and their calendar doesn't end in 2012? It's simply the end of an era, and the archeologists that published what became this silly end-of-times movement partially translated something that essentially said one of the gods was coming back on that date. Westerners imposed their cultural bias of end times upon that when the translation implies more of a party than a disaster. And when the folks that are actually Mayan experts and can read the language are villified by those that want to impose their own assumptions and culture on it, it makes the whole concept even sillier.

    If you believe that the Mayans predicted anything approaching a disaster in 2012, I think you're unread and haven't bothered to do the most basic research beyond what you want to believe. In other words, a flat-earther.
    --- merged: Nov 3, 2011 2:24 PM ---
    Yes, you're exactly right. But gravitational effects diminish very quickly with distance. That why astronauts experience weightlessness only a 120 miles or so above the Earth's surface. The gravitational effect of the rest of the universe on the Earth - at least in a nonconstant way - is miniscule at best. Jupiter does not influence tides on Earth.

    Rotation is due to spin imparted during formation. When the Earth was forming, it spun with the rest of the system. The spin is more the result of gravity than anything else and the iron core PRODUCES the magnetism, not the other way around. The core is essentially a giant electromagnet spinning way down there. Since the core spins faster than the crust, that produces currents in the mantle, which forces the continental plates apart, which causes earthquakes, among other things.

    Gravity is the engine of the universe, not magnetism. Magnetism is a result, not a cause.
  19. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    You mean Saddam wasn't an Anti-Christ?

    (drops rifle, leaves Iraq)

    You mean Usama wasn't an Anti-Christ?

    (drops rifle, leaves Afghanistan)

    You mean Dubya wasn't an Anti-Christ?

    (drops rifle, leaves Texas)
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Well, since the_jazz has shot my Mayan plans all to hell, how hard/easy is it to change the countdown clock, cynthetiq?

    If it's easy, could you change it to countdown to Nov. 8th or the 11th?
    CoD: Modern Warfare 3 comes out on the 8th, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes out on the 11th.

    Or are the dates too close to not even bother? :)

    /can't be the only one anticipating these