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The AD&D Thread! (and any RPG)

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by MeltedMetalGlob, Jul 2, 2017.

  1. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Darn pic...I'll fix it.
    Must have rolled a one on the posting skill check
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  2. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Ok, @Azharen
    Fixed...roll your pleasure.

    What kind of XP do I get for the tech work?? ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    OK. that makes sense now. Not a legal die, but I could be convinced, depending on circumstance. Also, 25xp for fixing a low CR issue. ;-)
    • Like Like x 2
  4. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    Since I'm the thread creator, I consider myself the DM for this situation!

    Now roll for "Level of Enjoyment." ;)

    Actually, "Level of Enjoyment" is a thing in my campaigns. You simply roll d20, and a high roll indicates total ecstasy, while a low roll points to stomach-wrenching nausea. I invented it back in 1993, just for kicks. The guys I was playing with were a little thrown off initially, (especially one guy who was a "rules lawyer"- he spent several minutes scrabbling through all the books to find LoE, to no avail.) but nowadays it's solidly part of my game.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
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  5. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    Kumoricon Update:

    Levi, my Fallen Aasimar TomeLock reached level 8 after eight hours of play during the AL Open on Saturday. Solved some pretty kewl puzzles. Failed at solving a bonus puzzle, but the way it was setup was kinda janky. No table completed the one we failed at. So I don't feel too bad. I instigated a Kiju fight. We were attacked by a magical T-Rex and I Polymorphed our Barbarian/Druid into a Giant Ape. Only thing missing were 3 tiny Asian girls singing in a seashell. Sadly we did not get to complete the Open adventure. The time was cut short with ZERO warning and we were 5hp from killing the last mob in our way. Needless to say, we were quite pissed; as were two other tables that were in similar situations. I did get some nice loot though: Drift Globe, Cap of Water Breathing, 10k xp, ~700gp, a cert to auto pass a failed death save and another cert that gives me two failed check rerolls.

    Kame, my Tortle Monk got to level 3 over two adventures. Cons usually have AL adventures specifically for that con. He got to ride dinosaurs and fight a coven of Hags. Saved a young girl from being eaten by zombie dinos. I rolled really well against the Hag Death Gazes and Polymorph attempts. Need to keep him under 5th until Xanathar's Guide to Everything comes out on the 11th. I used DM rewards to give Kame Insignia of Claws (+1/+1 Natural Attacks), earned a +1 Quaterstaff and a Bullseye Lantern with a Gem of Brightness as the light source. Having a natual AC of 17 at level one is SO GOOD. Can't wait to play at this Con again next year.
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  6. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    OK, weekly campaign updates...

    Tuesday: Twitch.tv Streaming Game - Ichirai, Protector Aasimar Assassin (3) / Monk of the Hand (7)

    This week was a Halloween One-shot. From the week before we wound up being surrounded by like 50 or so Celestials who are out to bring two of our party to justice for killing a Deva. We started off getting Time Stopped and Polymorphed into young Trick or Treaters by a recurring NPC who likes to mess with the party. We were sent some kind of demi-plane and were forced to go thru Halloween night, getting candy and avoiding pitfalls whilst avoiding a Candy Corn Giant. We managed to sneak back into bed after breaking curfew and avoided the giant. However we were given the option to fight the giant and win a prize. We luckily won despite sugary fist slams and exploding candy globs. We each won a piece of Efretti Candy that grants the Baneful Version of Wish. IE wording is of the wish is PIVOTAL. Then we were deposited back in our proper time. However, we were in a courtroom full of Celestials, my 3 other party members were at defendants desk and I was dressed in full Judge's Regalia at the Judge's Stand. That's where we left off. Should be interesting next Tuesday.

    Wednesday: Ravenloft via Roll20.net - Felix Bathory, Variant Human Pirate Life Cleric of Illmater (5) ; OH! He has a legit Pegged Leg

    Fun-ish adventure. We basically ran thru the 5e version of Baba Yaga's Hut. The party decided to stealth as the Bard was convinced he could parlay with the hag and get the Gemstone we were after. The party voted to go the chatty route. This meant I had to stay far enough behind the party as to not gimp the party stealth check. I am the only heavy armor user. Long story short, the chatty route failed after the Goblin Rouge backstabbed the Hag. The Bard luckily made his save against Finger of Death and Blight. I was busy a few rounds away dealing with animated scarecrows. The chatty half of the party managed to best the Hag and rend the gem from the Hut. I didn't really get to do a lot, but Felix was built to be a Utility Healer, so some games I'll have not a lot to do. Felix did get a Luck Stone from the Party Loot, so that was nice. +1 to ability checks is always a good thing. Debating on multiclassing. Might dip into Paladin. I think Pirate Paladin would be so much fun. ;-)

    Thursday: DMing Storm King's Thunder Content via Roll20.net

    OH MAN! So i'm running the part thru side content since I don't like the first few chapters of SKT. Right now they are in Cloud Giant's Bargain. Basically the party is on a infiltration / peace mission. The Prince of a Cloud Giant Clan, that is attacking the Sword Coast, wants to make peace. The party was hired to sneak onto the floating Cloud Giant Fortress and verify if the info is valid. This mostly a sneak and speak mission, FYI. The party eventually makes it to a sauna, where the Prince's Elderly Grandfather is bathing. The Gnome Rouge decides to impersonate the Prince, who's not been met, and fails his checks. When the Elder Giant asks the Gnome to step closer so he can see who he really is, the 1/2 Orc Barbarian rushes forward and attacks the giant. They party manages to get the giant to 1/3 hp. The giant then escapes using innate spells. That's were we left for the day. Next week is gonna be ... WOW!

    That was my Cray Cray Week in D&D. Hope you enjoyed the recap. :)
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  7. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 gr. of diplomacy

  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

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  9. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 gr. of diplomacy

    In addition to Vin Diesel, we can also include...
    • Mike Myers (actor)
    • Stephen Colbert (comedian)
    • James Franco (actor)
    • Jon Favreau (actor/director/screenwriter)
    • Dame Judy Dench(!) (actress)
    • Kevin Smith (actor/director)
    • Felicia Day (actress)
    • Karl Urban (actor)
    • Joss Whedon (director/writer)
    • Lexa Doig (actress)
    • Stephen King (author)
    • Wil Wheaton (actor)
    • Joseph Gordon-Levitt (actor)
    • Matt Groening (cartoonist/producer/screenwriter)
    • Sasha Grey (one of my favorite former porn stars)
    • Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson (actor)
    • George R. R. Martin (author)
    • China MiĆ©ville (award-wnning SF author)
    • Moby (musician)
    • Elon Musk (entrepreneur, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Motors)
    • Trey Parker (co-creator of South Park)
    • Steven Spielberg (director/producer/screenwriter)
    • Scott Stossel (editor of Atlantic magazine)
    • the late great Robin Williams (actor/comedian)
    to name but a few of our fellow (and lady) RPG geeks.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    Tuesday: Twitch.tv Streaming Game - Ichirai, Protector Aasimar Assassin (3) / Monk of the Hand (7)

    So today we had a Celestial Trial. Myself appointed as the Judge and the other party members as the Accused. So basically I am presented the dirty dealings all the characters have been up to since the beginning of our adventure. I passed judgement on the party members. I tailored the judgement to each party member. I made it so the Hellfire Lock couldn't Hellfire the party on purpose. I made the Cambion bend to my will when about to make an action that will harm himself or the party. Lastly, I made the Dragonborn unable to sacrifice innocent souls to a sentient weapon that possesses him. There is a MUCH longer story behind this. We are then attacked by demon spiders who are minions of one of the Old Gods. It was a drawn out fight. The Celestials were dying enmass to a Tarasque like creature in the distance. We eventually beat the group we were fighting. We noticed the plane starting to break apart and collapse. The Dragonborn opened a gate and we went back to the desert we were initially taken from. I felt the ties to the plane of my breatheren disappear. I fall into tears, then a rage. In that rage I swore to bring an end to the evil god, Xetrat. My alignment shifted from CG to LG. Also, the wings that normally only appear during my Protector Form sprung forth and were now permanent. As we rest in our Tiger Tank (Wonderous Item). The Cambion discovers a means to increase the tank's attack power and ballista are now a part of the tank's arsenal. We continue towards the tower and the second light crystal. We learned of a dome protected by gold golems who seem to be guarding a statue and giant ruby of some kind. The greed in the Dragonborn's eye was intense as the party voted to investigate the dome. That is where the session ends.

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  11. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    A little story about one of my oldest campaigns; but first a little backstory:

    The action all took place on a large island called Gelnor, this is the map:

    I'll call your attention to the southern central portion, where you'll notice the area marked, "The Wastelands"- when we started the campaign, I simply stated that The Wastelands are mystery; no one knows what happened there. The only thing anyone knows is that a terrible cataclysm occurred a very long time ago before the island became colonized.

    This was all during 1993-1995. I had no plan to explain what happened, but used the story as an excuse to display my photos of Yellowstone National Park whenever one of the PCs wandered close to that area.



    We were able to reunite most of the players for a reunion adventure around 2013, and for the plot- I told them an old enemy who had escaped their blades had managed to hide on the island, some 200 years earlier in time! So, the party used a time portal to track down this foe and engage him in a beautiful area they had never seen before.

    At the climax of the final battle, the villain tried to detonate a gnomish nuclear device to destroy the party, but they managed to escape back to their own proper timeline seconds before the explosion... and when they returned, they realized what had happened all those years ago to create The Wasteland.

    It's not often you get to pay off something you set up twenty years ago. (Not 20 game years, 20 ACTUAL years!)

    I'm nothing if not patient. ;)
    • Like Like x 3
  12. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    My monk while decent was getting a bit stogy and boring.
    So I decided to mix it up and kick it up a notch.
    I made him a Drunken Master :D

    Once I got to play him...it was hilarious.
    And it pissed off and confused the other players and characters. (which is what I wanted)

    Thieves don't like it when they're sneaking and scouting ahead for the group...and someone drunkenly and loudly slurs "HEY!! Where's he going???" :confused:

    He kicks ass though, the disengage allows him to not get hit as much, he's faster now...with 6th level he get's 2 attacks...so with Flurry of Blows that's 6 in truth...and with a high Dex, easier hit and higher damage.
    A friggin' Tasmanian Devil...ala Jackie Chan :cool:
    The new Elora's Dancing Shoes help...with Acrobatics (a flow or Kata is interpreted as dance)

    Much more fun to Role Play.

    Now I've got to tweak my cleric.
    His spells aren't quite right. (healing perfect, some good offense...but the rest, eh...although it was nice to blind a hell hound ;))
    • Like Like x 1
  13. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I just bought a used copy of the Dungeon Master's Guide, version 5.0. Should arrive in the mail in a week or so; I don't think I'll play entirely by the new rules, but I'm going to see what stuff I can incorporate into my own campaign. I would like to think I'm not too old to learn a few new tricks, although I still hold the opinion that 1.0 is still an awesome system.

    Oh, and only my fellow players will understand this one (not one of mine):

    Also, I wanted to relate a story about a fellow player I used to game with 30 years ago or so. We'll call him C.K., and our rapey DM loved this guy. When I say he loved him, he did not favor him or spare him from heaping helpings of indignities the rest of us were subjected to- oh, no!

    The reason our DM thought C.K. was great was because the guy never complained about anything his character suffered. Whenever the rest of us underwent some sort of humiliation, you can bet there were lots of curses tossed at our DM.

    Not so with C.K. The guy simply said, "okay", made the change on his character sheet and patiently waited for the next round of embarrassments.

    -He started out with a male warrior, and got changed into a woman after several levels. No problem! He changed the character's name to something more appropriately feminine, and never made any attempt to change his sex back.

    -He found a +4 sword, and managed to defeat several opponents in combat before the DM got tired of him hitting all his opponents, and flat-out told him" "That sword's too powerful. It's now just a +2." Hey, I'm sure our DM was totally justified! Where's my pencil?

    -He wanted an attack dog to accompany him, so he spent gold on a trained animal... and completely forgot he had it for most of the adventure. When we reminded him that it would be nice to have his dog help out in the climactic battle, he told the DM: "My dog attacks!" Whereupon our DM stated, "You never fed it. It's dead." Of course, C.K. simply shrugged and erased the dog from his sheet.

    -C.K. wanted one of those Drow mini-crossbow pistols, and spent heavy amounts of gold to acquire one. When he finally got his chance to use it in ranged combat, he rolled to hit and missed his shot... and the DM promptly informed him that since he missed, the bowstring broke and the weapon was useless. "Okay", was C.K.'s reply and he pulled out his trusty +2 sword (which used to be +4), ran past the remains of his attack dog and past the mirror which showed him now to be a woman.

    Lord, I don't miss those days. :rolleyes:
  14. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Your old DM sounds like a douchebag. Hopefully, there was something positive so you kept playing with them in charge.
  15. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    When he wasn't a DM, he was a stalwart companion, so it was just D&D that brought out something in him. Also, I likely make it seem like gaming with him was a constant nightmare; we actually had a blast, at least for 15 year olds. You just had to contend with his quirks, which were far better than other DMs I had to endure.

    I myself was a lousy DM for my first few years. Whenever I got outsmarted (a regular occurrence) I tended to get petulant and sulky. If anyone dared to mock me because they figured out my puzzles, I immediately went for blood. If the PCs didn't want to fight the climactic battle with the young dragon and slew it with a poisoned arrow, you can bet that the dragon's parents would show up with a squad of goblin sharpshooting archers armed with poison-tipped arrows. (Yes, I too was a big dick back then.)

    Of course, I got nothing on four other people that were even worse.

    One, we'll call T.P., based all his adventures on a series of books he was reading. He adhered to the story faithfully, which meant the PCs were pretty much unable to explore or do anything out of order if it meant violating the storyline from the book. Anyone who read the book and knew what to do was not allowed to participate (this alienated a few people, who left the game) because that would be too easy.

    If that were not enough, T.P. insisted on bringing along an NPC who was his personal character, a fighter-thief with a 19 in intelligence. This NPC was the star of the story, and all the glory would go to him. In one final battle against an ice witch, the dice rolls determined that he went to zero hit points before the battle was over. Well, T.P. wasn't having any of that! Just as the battle was nearly won, his NPC suddenly sprung up from the ground and delivered the killing blow to the ice witch!

    I also wanted to mention that T.P.'s Dungeon Master screen was a custom job that totally obscured his view of us. After awhile, we started using d4 to roll "to hit" instead of d20, because he couldn't see what the hell we were doing anyway! I imagine T.P. would have been fine in a room by himself, so in love with his NPC and his rigid storyline.

    One guy's kid brother (he was 4 years younger than us) played with us and wanted to try DMing. He spent weeks crafting an adventure and we only spent about two hours on it, total. Not because we finished it too quickly- because he managed to slaughter all of us with nonstop waves of enemies. We never even got to the main stronghold; our group was killed to the last man by the fourth or fifth room, running for our lives until we encountered the man-eating plants he put there to prevent escape.

    We all sat there in stunned silence.

    It was a first; we'd never experienced such a total and overwhelming defeat. The kid was genuinely surprised; he hadn't expected it to happen. (But he never DM'd again.)

    Another goofball was D.D., who strongly believed that a good DM should expend every effort to wipe out PCs at low levels, and if they survived, it was okay to ease up on the pressure. His adventures (using that term loosely) were usually high risk, low reward with zero emphasis on fun. I think he envisioned lots of political intrigue, but couldn't pull it off.

    A typical scenario from D.D.: The PCs, aided by a large retinue of troops, board a ship to attack a stronghold on an island. D.D. would make sure a storm struck the ship, wiping out a portion of the troops and forcing the PCs to abandon their magical armor to avoid drowning (you could carry one weapon in the water, but had to make dexterity checks to retain the weapon). By the time the survivors reached the island, everyone had lost their weapons and the backup troops had all perished. Attacking the castle was now out of the question, the real issue was surviving on the island with nothing.

    (I imagine this could potentially be an interesting adventure, but at the time it seemed like a bait-and-switch tactic.)

    Still one more guy (I don't remember his name or initials, I was only there briefly as an observer) devised a campaign where experience points were only awarded to the PC who delivered the killing blow to a monster, whereupon that PC would not only gain all the experience point value, but also a set of powers (I think psionic ones) transferred to him.

    I believe this campaign was influenced by the Highlander movies. The problem with this approach was that it encouraged the PCs to backstab one another to gain experience points and extra powers, sometimes literally after the combat vs. the monsters had ended! (One guy got up to use the bathroom, and when he returned his character was already dead by the hand of his own party!)

    Some time later I asked one of the players how that campaign was going. He replied that the DM realized what an unsustainable world he had created, so eventually blew up the world a la Beneath the Planet of the Apes style!

    • Like Like x 2
  16. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    I like to use miniatures in my campaign, and when I do, it's all about spectacle.

    That said, I look for miniatures that are going to make an impression on the players. Just recently I picked up a miniature of the villain known as Demogorgon, and I was honestly expecting a bit more than what I received. The plastic piece does bear a close resemblance...


    Now you might think that's pretty good, and I would agree... except for this little detail:


    Yup. Ol' Demogorgon is not much taller than a typical human fighter!

    But here's where it really makes a difference:


    The Big Guy himself is no match when compared to a Vrock (a rather weak demon who usually serves as a henchman for dudes like Demogorgon) or a bone golem (a mindless construct) or even an Eldritch Giant (a major hassle for the heroes, but should still not be as nearly a big a threat as Demogorgon himself.)

    • Funny Funny x 2
  17. Love that this thread exists! Long-time gamer, and grognard since about 2007
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  18. MeltedMetalGlob

    MeltedMetalGlob Resident Loser Donor

    Who cares, really?
    @rogue49 posted on FB an interesting video on a new sport, "Dodgebow":

    This reminded me of an episode from my old campaign; we had a player named "J.R.", who was running the cleric*- he was quite the schemer, both in the game and in real life. In one of his crazy ideas, he came up with some off-the-wall plan to heal PCs in combat from long range, since he couldn't always be within touching distance for his Cure Light Wounds spells...

    Long story short- he invented Arrows of Healing, which SHOULD have resembled the missiles you see in the above video. Instead, he used regular arrows which set off a healing spell whenever they struck a target. In my campaign, arrows did a bit more damage than the usual (1d10 instead of 1d6) so you can imagine the reaction of his fellow adventurers when they would be down to a handful of hit points and abruptly be struck by friendly fire, only to gain a few more hit points!

    Fighter: Shit, I'm down to 8hp!

    -J.R. shoots him with an Arrow of Healing-

    DM: Okay, you just took 6 points of damage.

    Fighter: WHAT? You dick! I'm on YOUR side! What the FUCK?

    DM: It's okay, you also got healed for 8 more, which puts you at 10hp.

    Fighter: (to J.R.) Hey, asshole- did you ever think of taking the edge off the goddamn arrow before you shot me with it?

    So yeah, his plan wasn't exactly the most brilliant, ever. Needless to say, he was not popular.

    *- I know clerics aren't allowed edged weapons, but at the time I was experimenting with clerics being allowed to use the same weapon their god uses. Also, J.R. was one to abuse a privilege whenever he could. I have more stories about him, but I'll save them for another time.
  19. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    Gauging interest in a Play by Post 5e D&D game.

    I found a bot seems to work pretty well on Discord. I'm willing to start a campaign if I can get 4 - 6 players. I have all the relevant player material. If the players want to KISS, I'll keep the source material to just the PHB, DMG and MM. If the players want to go balls to the wall, I'll open up all WOTC material. I'll run it as a homebrew, so ppl don't have to worry about Organized Play Rules. I'll close the table at 6 players and go over the rules at or before that point.

    ~ Azharen
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  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    @Azharen I'd be interested in being a player in one.
    I ran one here long ago, it was fun (The Tomb of Velix, I think it was called...basically a playoff of Ravenloft)

    ...although it was a challenge to have players post consistently and in a timely manner. (but I'd promise to get on once a day at least)

    I'm open to the whole WOTC and homebrew type you're describing.

    @MeltedMetalGlob may be interested...he's a big RPGer.