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I wish I could.....

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by Innocentmiss, Sep 15, 2011.

  1. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    I wish I could be comfortable in front of crowds.
  2. DamnitAll

    DamnitAll Wait... what?

    Central MD

    The cello is pure sex. If I hadn't finally gotten hooked on violin ten years after I started taking lessons, I probably would've switched to cello.

    This is dorky, but I have an Excel file containing lists of goals and stuff I want to be able to do someday. Come to think of it, some part of that was posted somewhere on TFP 4.0. Funny that, but not surprising.

    As for what really counts, there are a lot of physical goals I have originating in a general desire to be physically stronger: lifting my own bodyweight in the form of a squat, a deadlift, a pull-up, etc. I'd like to be a better climber. I'd like to be more agile, be able to throw harder, hit harder, run faster and for longer distances. I'd also like to go through some self-defense or martial arts training.

    I'd like to go bike touring someday, though I'm not sure how far. I want to participate in a cyclocross racing event at some point. I'm looking to buy a mountain bike in the next few months (hopefully) and I want to go rip up some trails. I'd like to hike the entire Appalachian trail. On top of traveling to still-untouched areas of the continental United States, I hope to go skiing in the Rockies someday.

    I want to fix up my house—well, more realistically speaking, get it fixed up by professionals who know what they're doing; it's been abused by half-competent DIYers enough already.

    I want to downsize my material possessions. I have it in my head to catalog all the books and music I own into a digital library so I can get rid of books I've already read that I didn't want to let go of yet.

    I want to take drawing classes and create things for myself. I want to start writing again. After vowing to do it and putting it off for ten years, I'd like to finally redesign my website. In addition to featuring some writing and art work, I want to create a database of every piece of music I've ever played and put it somewhere on there too.

    There are pieces of music I want to learn: the Sibelius, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich violin concertos, the Fauré violin sonata and others. To this day I feel regret wondering what could have been had I been more serious with my musical training. As much as I love doing what I do for a living now, I want the courage to go audition for a conservatory, despite whatever might or might not come of it.
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  3. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher

    I want to go under 4:00 for the mile. Never going to happen, though. I'm too old and out of shape.

    Today? Hmmm, I think I want to go for good sushi with a good-looking woman and feel her up in a private dining room. Too bad I'm stuck doing lunch with a fat underwriter.
  4. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    There are lots of things I wish I could do, but as someone mentioned earlier ( greywolf , I think), I don't really want to put in the time for a lot of them.

    I do wish I had stuck with at least one of the many lessons I took as a child. I took piano, ballet, tap, gymnastics, guitar, jazz dance, clarinet, and...something else dance-related that I don't remember at the moment. I had fun doing all of them, but then ended up gradually dropping everything and concentrating on sports. Which was also fun, but not really a skill-set I'm using right now.

    Hmmm....so, for posting purposes.... I wish I was fluent in a foreign language. Italian or Danish preferably, although Spanish would be more useful.

  5. :D
  6. CoffeeBee

    CoffeeBee Slightly Tilted

    There are many things I wish I could do. Not all of them are physical things. Actually, most of them are not.

    I wish I could play the piano. I always found the music to be soothing.

    I won't go into the other things here, but maybe a future blog entry.
  7. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    I was trying and failing to play violin for many years. I'm a good electric guitarist, so made do with emulating Fritz Chrysler and Middle Eastern lyrical styles. A few years ago, I had epiphanies which enabled me to make the transition from fretted to fretless, and from plectrum to bow ... my violining was suddenly 'enabled'. But I needed to accompany my voice, therefore ... bazzowie, Viola! That's my roundabout way of agreeing with you that Cello is Pure sex: Violin has lots of sweetness, and viola is not cello but Feckkkkkkk, I feel its a step in the right direction. I've got a mean and nasty Cello Shaped instrument ... sold to me on eBay as a 'cello' ... I can't work it as well as the viola ... but they are both in the realm of 'the audience might see you holding a bow, but your really playing it with your pelvis'. On the Violin, I can go 'oooooh Lal la lal ... wheeeeeeeee!.... wibble wibble sob', but on cello, and to some extent viola, I can get to 'Oh Oh Awwwwwwwww Gaaaaaaaahd ... K'yeahhhhh!'.

    There's a movement in Stravinski's Rite of Spring where the lower string section is going "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah F'k'Yeah! F'k'Yeah! yeah yeah yeah yeah F'k yeah! yeah F'k yeah! yeah yeah F'k yeah! yeah yeah yeah F'k yeah yeah." Then other instruments do a little 'diddle diddle.' It 'impacts' me with the solidity of a well-oiled road-gang's sledge-hammers.

    It happens in the first few seconds:

    And OHHHHHHHHHH ..... Lissen to these cellos - again, they feature most strongly in the intro

    These are both played 'Pelvissimo'. I once heard a pelvisissimo version of Rite of Spring which differed from Led Zepplin only by the absence of electric instruments and Bonham.

    But for some of the sweetest and weirdest Cello Sex ....

    It's like being licked by a cat with an infinitely long tongue: it starts by exploring a major theme with some of what must be some of the slowest, smoothest strokes in the musical universe .
    At 6:50 it showers the listener with the first Climax, and after a short breath, returns to foreplay which becomes, somehow darker at 8:04. It stays at that level until Taverner ramps it up at 8:54 with, I gotta call it 'blue-light weird' and exploration into a wilderness of possibility both empty and full, distant yet intimate ... loosening us up every which way until at 11:33, the initial Blue-light weird theme reprises to that sudden showering Climax at 12:00. At 14:12, there's a very brief return to blue-light and seamless transition back to major theme to conclude. I reckon an instrument of lesser size and fullness could not have carried this; indeed, at the risk of getting a bit silly, I'd say this was fifteen minutes of 'rolling around in Chello' which, though played mainly in its highest register, never lost wood :D . This is one of my favorite pieces of all time. Shit ... I just realised ... my funeral ... it'll definitely be played during the meditation in the middle. The 'carry-out' of me in my coffin will be definitely done to the Natacha Atlas piece or Zepplin's Kashmir.

    ... er ... :eek: .. where was I? :oops:

    Your 'cello is pure sex' comment also jolted me into another connection, based on my previous post, which I got directed to by the notification of your 'like': 'Improvising is parcour for musicians'.
    Music 'moves' me ... not just in terms of feelings and emotions ... but in terms of direct physical senses of acrobatics. A gypsy viola takes me on a physical as well as an emotional ride .... now let's imagine that there ARE some fundamental ground rules of harmony etc ... by which I mean melodic and harmonic routes which made sense to a culture and therefore kind of mulched down to give the appearance of rules, which the next generation added a layer of modern variations which, in turn became incorporated in tradition. THOSE are the Buildings ....... and when improvising well ... There's the beauty and patterns and trails the 'parcour' musician blazes .... I Watch parcour runners on youtube .... and whilst the buildings and walls do not change shape ... the runner redefines them ... they can never be the same ... as if a witch and warlock have flown across the face of that land doing a 'crop-spray' spell ... transforming the landscape beneath them as they passes; turning it into golden scintillations of enhanced meaning.

    I believe a beautiful improvisation leaves 'dents' in the buildings ... new trails become nicely worn grooves, and that last year's Xtreme becomes revered springboard for the XXXtreme of this year. I also believe that, whilst Violin knows how to run, cat-like, along walls and do toe-heel slides down stairwell railings, Viola and Cello are panther and leopard, and know how to add full-body slam-slides and hell-charges at walls to get maximum leverage in any direction. "Give me a cello large enough, and I can move the Earth". Cello moves my Earth. K'Yeah.

    I'd need to have some of my life over again to develop what's needed to do parcour in the city, but I intend to achieve it with the viola. And, DamnitAll, I certainly hope that you will achieve, as well as your other dreams, your musical ones :)