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What's Good on TV right now?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Japchae, Jul 28, 2011.

  1. cj2112

    cj2112 Slightly Tilted

    I must admit, it made my day when I read that Sons Of Anarchy was picked up for another season.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Oh hell, yeah!
    I'm fairly certain that unless a ratings apocalypse happens in the next 2 years (doubtful) that showrunner Kurt Sutter (a/k/a 'big Otto") will get 7 seasons to tell his story from beginning to end. I'm just sort of freaked at how soon 'Clay's' (Ron Perlman) true colours are being shown. How do you stretch out for another 40 episodes his twisted tale, specifically how is is gonna survive the ire of the club, old lady 'Gemma' (Katey Sagal), and more specifically, step-son 'Jax' (Charlie Hunnam)?
  3. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    Unfortunately for us DirecTv subscribers, they might be getting rid of F/X.
    Then no more SoA or Justified. :(
  4. Jetée

    Jetée Getting titled

    I really liked reading your entire reply, Fangirl. It summed up a lot of the thoughts on various programs I've entertained myself with, without even knowing I thought such things.

    Since I just found out about this thread, I'll leave in my own reply (posted just this past week, elsewhere, where only half a dozen people on the web know of its existence)

    I just started my marathon session of season 4's Breaking Bad last night. I only watched the first two episodes from this past season, but it has been pulse-pounding since the first frame. I didn't know I only missed the season finale by a week or two, but it seems like years since I last saw Breaking Bad, so I thought to seek it out yesterday. [-- to note: currently, I just finished viewing episode eight, entitled 'Hermanos', and I have been punching the air and throwing mule-kicks at how spectacular this season is. I'm over having missed its inital run, though it would have been much more exhilarating watching this story unravel over weeks, instead of the two-eps. per day rate I'm working on currently.]

    In response to Dexter: I thought that season five of Dexter was the weakest of all, but it was still heads above most other shows on network or cable (at the time). My favorite seasons were 4 (Trinity killer), season 1 (Ice-truck killer), and seasons 2 & 3 flip-flop from time-to-time for me (season 2's best moments involved Sgt. Doakes, and season 3 had frickin' Jimmy Smits as Dexter's would-be 'apprentice'). That said, the first episode of this newest season was especially tired and weak, in my opinion. I can't really even remember how it began, or how it ended, it was so pathetic. It really gave me a bad feeling that this would follow last season's downward trend. But... in the past few episodes, I've come around back towards 'giddy anticipation'. The Debra as 'SuperCop' angle has reached new heights, Dexter is still trying to find balance between his normal adopted identity and the inner dark passenger of his, (it's much easier to do this when you only need to take care of 1 kid, as opposed to 3. Plus, somehow my favorite television crush, Aimee Garcia is around to pick up the slack.) and while the new-duo baddies didn't seem too menacing to begin with, the way the last episode ended, it was mind-blowingly gruesome (yet awesome). [-- to note: I have not yet seen tonight's episode, so the last line refers to last week's ending.]

    (... continued)
    I'm going to turn this message around, and try to keep this short: while at first, I didn't think the premise of the show held much content, I have got to admit that Showtime's Homeland has got me hooked, and I'm tempted to say its the best new series of the fall. Riveting. It's got a great cast, superb direction, plus writing, and the bonus of it all is that it has Morena Baccarin back in a featured role. (I can't get enough of her) The actor that plays Sgt. Brody, too, I've loved all the series in which he's been involved (Band of Brothers, Life). I can't wait to see tomorrow's episode.

    Oh, and as a bonus: these are the shows that I am currently in the midst of watching (I don't have a television anymore, so it's strictly finding the free time to stream these when I get the chance)

    The Mentalist (I joined the bandwagon late to this series, like just three months ago, but it captivates my interest with each new episode)
    Modern Family
    Happy Endings
    Raising Hope
    Person of Interest
    A Gifted Man
    New Girl (I have one more ep. to decide whether or not this show stinks)
    Parks and Rec (I'm falling behind on this, despite it being very witty)
    EDIT: forgot to include Sherlock to this list. Looking forward to the new season.

    Breaking Bad
    The Closer
    The Shield
    The Sopranos
    The Unit
    * the above couple of series I'm planning to marathon in order to quickly catch up and/or finish outright.

    - - -
    Last bit:
    Even though I didn't originally think that Homeland was going to be anything worth my time, let alone my possible favourite new series of the fall, the only new addition that might have me changing my opinion is the much anxiously-awaited premiere (for me) of NBC's Awake.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    That just sucks.
  6. psykosis

    psykosis Getting Tilted

    Great White North
    I'm a sucker for Fox's music shows, so I'm watching X-Factor right now. I know, I know. But it's a guilty pleasure...

    Otherwise, I'm watching The Wire right now on HBO Go, and I also love How To Make It In America. I've watched Dexter from the start since I loved the books (still do). I watch House every week too. My favorite two shows though have to be Archer (I cannot quit rewatching to catch all the little stuff. It's hysterical.) and Top Gear (the UK version). Archer has been absolutely stellar, and I've enjoyed every episode. Top Gear UK is also great even if it has become a little formulaic over the years.
  7. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    That's what the intarwebz are for.
  8. spindles

    spindles Very Tilted

    Sydney, Australia
    I've just about finished watching the Top Gear USA second season. I'm starting to think that the UK guys are starting to phone it in a bit 17 seasons is a long time to produce consistently good TV, but I have really been enjoying the US version. I really disliked Adam Ferrara in the first season, but he is growing on me. The second season was a lot slicker and the host interaction has been a lot better. I'm not 100% sold on the idea of a professional race driver as a host, but he certainly brings the goods.

    Also, I just watched the first episode of homeland. Clare Danes really does seem a little psycho :) Still, I'm hooked.

    Lastly, I'm a way behind, but I've just started watching The Walking Dead (from season 1)(without my wife - I think zombies might be freaking her out a bit) and am enjoying this. edit - I find it a bit weird - the lead guy is English - the accent just sounds wrong! I first saw him in a UK series called Teachers - it is a mildly disturbing look at high school teachers :)
  9. psykosis

    psykosis Getting Tilted

    Great White North
    I'm an addict. Even if the product really tanks in the UK version, I'll probably still watch. I watch now for the cinematography as much as the hosts. Some of their shots are just beyond amazing, particularly when they are testing a new exotic on the track.

    As for the US version, I was skeptical of the first season. The second season was MUCH better. I think they should just cut the "star in a reasonably priced car" segment out of the US version. None of the interviews are smooth, and it feels like a tacked on segment to fit the Top Gear mold.
  10. hotzot

    hotzot New Member

    Louie with Louie CK.
  11. Beavis and Butthead return tonight.

    I'm hoping that I won't be disappointed.
  12. I used to like Muffin The Mule.
  13. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Sons of Anarchy is seriously freaking me out. Season 4 is incredible.
    Also, American Horror Story has become really scary. Jessica Lange kills both figuratively and literally. Denis O'Hare is totally rocking the brain-cancer addled, family murdering, human torch and that 'thing' (Frankenstein giant baby with razor sharp teeth) in the basement is the king of all horrifying 'things in the basement.'
    The killer in the rubber suit is just strange, tho'.
  14. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    This has been, by far, the best season of SoA.

    The ending of the last Dexter may have very well turned a mediocre season into an edge of the seat thriller.

    On the lighter side of things, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia seems to be redeeming itself this season after a pair that were so-so at best.
  15. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Yeah, Dexter's Doomsday Killer storyline was just not grabbing me. Every time they focused on that I felt my interest ebb. Bringing
    the Ice Truck Killer a/k/a 'Rudy' a/k/a Dexter's bio brother, 'Brian Moser,' back in 'ghost' form is a good idea seeing as though they dispatched with him way back in season 1 and could potentially get some good stuff from him and Dex working as a team.

    Though the second half of Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy is what turned me on to the show, Season 4 as a whole, is surpassing even that--really great at this stage in the series that it feels fresh and exciting.
  16. Daval

    Daval Getting Tilted

    Anyone watching that show Grimm? Is it any good?
  17. Arc101

    Arc101 New Member

    Eureka and Big Bang are as many have suggested brilliant.
    Also am addicted to Australian Masterchef - Do not like any other version of this show, but somehow the Aussies have made made it better than anyone else and as a Brit it hurts to say that Aussies are better at something than us !
  18. dippin Getting Tilted

    Breaking bad and the wire are easily the best tv dramas I've ever seen.

    Dexter used to be good, but then they decided that making him into a super hero would extend the series further.
  19. Daval

    Daval Getting Tilted

    Is the Australian masterchef viewable online anywhere? I'd check that out....
  20. Magpie

    Magpie Getting Tilted

    Toronto Ontario
    The shows I'm watching that airs on TV right now are:
    1. The New Girl
    2. Pan Am
    3. Once Upon A Time
    4. Grimm
    You'll notice that all these shows air on CTV except one. The New Girl airs on City TV.