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What video games are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Tilted Entertainment' started by Ice|Burn, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    It's a bethesda game. Clearly the only reasonable course of action is installing another mod to help counteract the detrimental effects of the first one, maybe some homing weapons or the like.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
  3. Azharen

    Azharen Getting Tilted

    Springfield, OR
    Divinity Original Sin 2 drops next week. I'll let you know if it's good or not.

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
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  4. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
    Such a pretty looking game w/ great music! Wish they made it for mac or playstation. Have fun with it! :)
  5. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
    Should we make another thread for console games or just pop everything into PC Games? :)
  6. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    We're not busy enough to warrant two threads really. I've adjusted the title per @Baraka_Guru's prior suggestion instead.

    Normally I'd pm the OP of the thread before doing something like that but iceburn hasn't been around in years, so I think it's okay.
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  7. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
    Thank you @martian :)
  8. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    • Like Like x 1
  9. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    • Like Like x 1
  10. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
    :p lol. Fair enough. ;)

    This peasant played PS4 with Vienne Half-Elven (Breton) conjuration/destruction mage in Skyrim this week. I took the pretty Serana back to her father's castle and finished the 1st part of the vampire story Bloodline. J'zargo and I did not know she would be left behind if I did not take her father's "gift." :( *sniff*

    Have a wood elf Elswen Nightsky that may go the Vampire route, she's also going through the Dark Brotherhood quest line.
  11. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    Yep, that's me. It's such a shame how you can only get great games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted, Kingdom Hearts, The Last Of Us, Red Dead Redemption for PC.

    Oh, wait.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Good thing emulators are a thing.
  13. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    If you have a functional PS4 (or even PS3) emulator you need to go public with that shit asap. You'd be internet famous in an instant.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Magpie

    Magpie Getting Tilted

    Toronto Ontario
    I just finished Syberia one and two. I'm currently playing Realms of the Haunting and The Longest Jurney the first in the Dreamfall series.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Wildmermaid

    Wildmermaid Very Tilted

    Pacific Northwest
  16. Magpie

    Magpie Getting Tilted

    Toronto Ontario
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    I'm trying to play Knights Of The Old Republic. Heavy, heavy emphasis on the word "trying". First it wouldn't boot up unless it was in Win98/ME compatibility mode, then it would crash after character creation until I realised MSI's audio processing software (an EAX wannabe) was causing issues, and now it runs all fine and frickin spiffy... in a tiny little 640x480 window in the top left of my screen.

    Dammit guys, I don't have this much trouble making shit designed for the playstation run on my PC.
  18. Remixer

    Remixer Middle Eastern Doofus

    Frankfurt, Germany
    I only really have time for casual gaming now and then, so I mainly do League of Legends whenever I find a free hour or so.
  19. oldtimer56

    oldtimer56 umime

    East Texas
    Running Blue Stack 2, pretty good luck running it, it will eat my memory up after a hour or two. But least I can play my android games on a big screen....
  20. Taliesin

    Taliesin Slightly Tilted

    Western Australia
    Well I plugged my old '06 model xbox in today for the first time in a year and the overheating issue hasn't fixed itself yet. That's a shame because they don't offer parts or service for the original 360s anymore, so i guess I'll have to upgrade to the latest one or one s or whatever the current model is called.
    I've been reading this thread and all the talk of Elders Scrolls games last month has me wanting to play Skyrim again. I looked into it briefly and there is online Morrowind these days? I've been out of the loop for a while.

    After my failure with the xbox i pulled out my laptop and upgraded minecraft.
    I've started a new survival game and I got smashed down to one dot of health on my first night even though I picked a good seed with a village and a ravine right near where i spawn. I was too cocky and went outside right at sunrise. I was cornered by a burning zombie before I had a better weapon than a clump of dirt.
    But i survived that and now i have a nice set of iron armour to protect me