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Tilted Automotive

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by AlabamaMan1968, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
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  2. BadNick

    BadNick Getting Tilted

    PA's on U SofA
    That's a good find AlabamaMan. I was thinking along those lines before I read down to your post since I've used that method on my OBD1 1995 Toyota and it works well.
  3. DAKA


    The local PepBoys could not do it, I have dropped it off at a shop nearby that charges $60 to diagnose it
    I just can't get into doing it myself...
  4. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    i never did buy that bus i wanted :(
  5. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    $60.00 is not a bad price. We charge $100.00. to just diagnose it
  6. DAKA


    Seems that the carb is partially "blocked" of the 2 barrels only the drivers side seems to be spraying gas....I found a rebuild kit and I'm going to take the carb off a friend says he can rebuild/clean it out...(fingers crossed)
  7. Just making sure I am getting the correct information, Do you mean the throttle body, not Carb? Because your 95 SHOULD be fuel injected, and that would make it a Throttle body, unless there has been a modification to the original vehicle. If you have a fuel rail system, then the throttle body won't have anything to do with fuel. A throttle body injection system has either one single, or a pair of injectors. Good luck and don't forget to come back and let us know the results!
  8. DAKA


    It's a 94, it does have a carb, when you look down the barrels only one side is getting gas, I hope that cleaning it out/rebuilding it will solve the problem. Then I need to figure out why it "hunts" (Idle goes up and down about 2-300 rpm)
  9. Don't jump to conclusions about the carb, DAKA. I believe you have a 2-stage carb, that is, with a primary and a secondary. It would work like half a 4-barrel. There would only be fuel to the primary, except under hard acceleration, when the secondary would kick in.
    Isuzu carb.jpg
    There's more diagnostics to do before breaking out the wrenches. Even though it's carbed, there are still sensors and electronic controls that could be causing your trouble.... pressure regulator, mass air sensor, manifold absolute pressure, etc. Many OBD1 systems had blind spots and would fail to set codes for some problems. Fuel delivery issues can be particularly vexing.
  10. DAKA


    Well then, where to start? There are a bunch of sensors, and a lot of vacuum hoses...
    I have tried to buy a repair manual for this truck (1994 Isuzu Pickup) but there does not seem to be one for this particular year, the stop at 93....after that I'm told that its a Chev manual...but there isn't one that is specifically for the 94 Isuzu !!
  11. Good find Grumpy! Thanks
    --- merged: Oct 16, 2011 2:00 AM ---
    DAKA, Make sure you have had the codes flashed and looked up. That is really the first place to start. a bad sensor or wire could cause an issue with an electronic fired carb.
    --- merged: Oct 16, 2011 2:09 AM ---
    OK, I know, 3 posts, I should have just made one....lol... DAKA, I have looked up a 95 isuzu Trooper and it shows to be a fuel injection type with a throttle body on it. Now you know your own truck, but according to the Isuzu website, the 95 came as fuel injected. Now the throttle body looks very similar to a carb. If you have the chance, would you be able to snap a photo of your carb/throttle body so that I may see what you are meaning by only allowing fuel out one barrel? Thanks.
  12. DAKA


    HEY ITS A 94. I think these are the last ones with carbs.
    Been a long time since I even lifted the hood on any cars, and only then to check oil/coolant/w/s washer/trans fluid.
    My X5 doesn't even have a trans dipstick, and the newer ones don't even have a crankcase dipstick....s**t you don't even get a friggin spare tire with some new cars...you get RUN FLATS what a crock
  13. Short of putting it in the hands of a certified mechanic, you may want to post your problem on a vehicle specific forum, such as: http://www.isuzupup.com/ .

    Driveability problems can be the toughest for the DIY to solve.
  14. DAKA, Although they may be hard to find, EVERY vehicle has a means where you can check your engine oil level. Some may be difficult to locate, but they are there. Now as far as transmissions, there are ways to check fluid level with them as well, but they can be even more complicated than engine oil checks. No manufacturer builds a vehicle that is incapable of having fluid levels checked. Otherwise even the technicians wouldn't know what to do. I thought your Trooper was a 95. I am not sure where I got that from, so I apologize for that. I will do some more research and see what I can find out. I know how frustrating it can be. That is the reason I chose this career path: To learn and help others.
  15. DAKA


    Thanks, my Isuzu PICKUP is a 94 with 166,000 miles...needs a few things but NO RUST anywhere, and an almost dent free body! It does need a paint job however. First priority is to get it running well.
    As far as trans dip sticks ... none on my 06 BMW X5, and IIRC there are NO ENGINE OIL DIP STICKS on the newer BMW's...they have an "idiot light" that supposedly tells you if your oil is low.
    I really appreciate any help, clues, or advice to get the truck running...right now it is basically undriveable.
  16. As I had mentioned before, It would be needed to know what trouble codes you have stored. When you paid your diagnostic fee to the local shop they should have given you an invoice/workorder copy that stated what codes were stored in your truck. Any reputable shop will do this. Once I know the code, I can be better equiped to help you. Obviously not being able to put my hands on the truck itself is a hindrance, but I will do what I can. Codes are a first step in ANY attempt to diagnose an issue with an OBD1 or OBD2 system. Even knowing that no codes were stored at all can be a help, but not having a code is different from not knowing if there IS a code or not. I looked up your BMW, and it seems that BMW is going the stupid route, and HAS removed the dipstick. Stupid move in my opinion, but I now stand corrected on my earlier statement.
  17. DAKA


    On the ISUZU,posters on the m/b are recommending a Webber carb changeover, after which they say I can remove all the vac lines except for a carb to dist vacuum advance line
  18. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    you would be suprised at how many transmissions are coming without a dipstick, or they are making it so hard to check that the average joe cant do it himself
  19. Webber makes a good carb. You just have to be careful. Depending on what state you live in, you could be breaking the law by disabling emission devices.