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QOTD #95: What is your soap preference?

Discussion in 'Tilted Life and Sexuality' started by genuinemommy, Nov 17, 2016.


Do you prefer bar soap or body wash?

  1. Bar soap

    12 vote(s)
  2. Body wash

    6 vote(s)
  3. Don't care

    4 vote(s)
  1. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    What is your preference on soap?
    This includes all soaps.
    From soaps you use on your body and face to those you use to clean your dishes or clothes.
    What are your preferences?

    What led you to your choices?

    What soaps do you avoid?

    This stems from a conversation started by @GeneticShift elsewhere.

    For my body, hands, and hair,
    I use a bar of Ivory soap. It is the most mild soap I have found. I never react poorly to it. It happens to be inexpensive, which is a plus. When I'm really feeling fancy, I use a bar of Yardley.

    For my face,
    I use filtered water. I sometimes use toothpaste mixed with filtered water. A doctor recommended toothpaste as face wash when I was a teen. It leaves my face feeling fresh.

    For my dishes,
    I use Ajax. Orange fragrance. Tried a few different things over the years, but I always come back to this one. It's inexpensive, the fragrance is mild, and it's great at cutting grease. I also use it in my all-purpose glass cleaner, along with vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and water.

    For my clothing,
    I cook and whip up my own super sensitive stuff with Ivory soap, Borax, and Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda.

    Soaps that don't work for me:

    Bath: Caress, Dove, Irish Spring, Safeguard... probably others, but these are the ones I have vivid memories of not working for me.
    Face: too many to list
    Dishes: Don't get me started on how much I despise the lingering fragrance of Dawn
    Clothing: Anything with fragrance. Even many of the free/clear detergents make me itch.

    Dr. Bronner and Mrs. Meyers Clean Day aren't welcome in our home because they're one of the few things my husband is allergic to. Also, no soaps or toothpastes containing sodium laurel sulfate for him. Toothpaste with SLS gives him mouth sores that never heal.
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  2. martian

    martian Server Monkey Staff Member

    I'm very not picky. I use Irish Spring in the shower because it's usually the cheapest and does what I need it to (ie makes me not stink). My dish soap and laundry soap is whatever's on sale, or whatever's cheapest.

    I guess that's a very "guy" approach to the whole affair. I've never been one to get overly caught up in aesthetics though so I guess it's not surprising.
  3. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    If you got covered in hives from the wrong soap, @Martian , you would be picky.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2016
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  4. Japchae

    Japchae Very Tilted

    Ha ha... this is so apropos that I actually logged into the full site because tapatalk was being a pain.

    Face: I used to use an amazing handmade soap by a chick out of Jax, but she got squirrely with her product and then wanted us to purchase 16 bars at over $90. Yeah, no. I discovered Purity Made Simple from philosophy recently. I have incredibly sensitive skin and can't tolerate literally anything else that I've tried. Even Vanicream started making me break out in a rash. I can't bear the smell of Neutrogena bar soap after having my mouth washed out with it as a kid for cursing. It makes me nauseous.

    Body: Now that I don't have the handmade stuff, we started trying out new body soaps. I have to use no lanolin, no glycerin, and a few chemicals as possible. Sabon makes some great olive oil soaps, but they are super expensive. After finding pieces of actual rosemary in uncomfortable lady places, I threw a tantrum and had to find new soap. Of all the places, Whole Foods carries a brand called Good that has coconut oil-based soaps. We tried the volcano first and love it, so we'll try new flavors soon.

    Hair: After Accutane, my hair definitely needed richer products. I'm using Redken Diamond Oil shampoo and conditioner most days, Suave Clarifying a few times a week (since I was 17 ha ha) with a generic version of Aveda conditioner. My hairdressers want to kill me. My scalp is less sensitive, so I can be more flexible there.

    Household: I use All Free & Clear in my laundry with Downy Infusions Sage & Jasmine softener (I'm so sad this was discontinued). Downy is the only softener I can tolerate. Hubs' laundry is washed with Tide Sport and Nathan's Sport Wash and Bounce unscented dryer sheets. I accidentally threw some of my gym clothes in with his and revisited my Tide allergy mid-workout. Dish soap is easier because I can get it off my hands quickly, and I tend to use a scrub brush, rather than immersing my hands... Palmolive pure and clean or Dawn. I HATE Dawn, but with our water, few other products rinse clean. I use Dr. Meyers in the shower and on the countertops but rinse everything with water.

    I am incredibly sensitive to so many things, so a lot is just trial and error. There are few specific chemicals I know will cause a reaction that are used in soaps and cleansers, other than the sheep-based things. Zinc will mess me up in some things but not in others. It also depends on how much of the product is left behind on skin, items, or hair.
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    POPEYE Very Tilted

    Ivory, just plain pure soap. Use it to wash my everything. I don't like body wash, seems wasteful, and certainly nothing infused, perfumed, or with anything else in it.
    I still have some hair but I don't use shampoo either.
    Ivory bar soap.
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  6. Daniel_

    Daniel_ The devil made me do it...

    V whatever smells nice at Lush.
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  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I rarely use bar soap anymore...never at my own place.

    Body wash in the shower...hey, I'm a hairy guy (body-wise), it distributes easier...and it's less harsh.
    I've used this since I tried it years ago in my friend's shower that she had in it...it was a lot easier to clean with.

    For hand soap, I use a foaming kind. Again, it's less harsh...I wash my hands often.
    Lasts a long time, no dish needed.

    Besides bar soap is slimy in a dish, I hate that (just had to deal with it on my trip...didn't like it...dealt with it, still I noted it)

    I've just started using shampoo again...since my beard has gotten longer. Does better than my normal wash, strangely enough. (I guess the hair is a different texture than my body's)

    I buy nothing really special, just average products...even generic. But I do get what I want.

    Plus I avoid antibiotic soaps...no need.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2016
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  8. CinnamonGirl

    CinnamonGirl The Cheat is GROUNDED!

    Lately, I've been using Dr. Bronner's a lot. Lavender for laundry, eucalyptus for the dogs, almond or citrus in the shower. I also found a bar of handmade soap in Asheville that feels and smells amazing (banana pinepple scent.)

    Noxema for my face...seems to be the only thing that doesn't make me break out, or dry my skin to the point it cracks. I also occasionally use witch hazel wipes.

    I think we use Ajax for the dishes. The lemon kind.

    For special-ish occasions, I'll use Bath & Body works shower gel. Winter Candy Apple and Pearberry are my usual (I don't really like any of their new scents.)

    Hand soap is Dial foaming. Either pear or cranberry.

    Basically, I don't like anything that smells too..."rich"? I guess that's the word I'm looking for. I like fresh, clean scents. Nothing too cloying, nothing that dries my skin out (I have an especially bad time with Ivory and Zest for some reason), and nothing that bothers Eden or the dogs.
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  9. Chris Noyb

    Chris Noyb Get in, buckle up, hang on, & be quiet.

    Large City, TX
    What are your preferences?

    Body: Lever 2000 Original. I tried it decades ago, and still like how rinses off easily, the bars last quite a while and don't stop giving suds until the bar is really small.

    Laundry: Not picky. We buy the Wind Fresh (store brand?) powder from Sam's Club. My wife uses Woolite mostly, sometimes Baby ECOS, for her hand-washing.

    Hand: Not picky, usually the store brand liquid from Sam's Club.

    Dishes: Prefer Palmolive with Oxy.

    What led you to your choices?

    Hard to say. Cost and convenience mostly. My wife's allergies play a part.

    What soaps do you avoid?

    Liquid bath soap seems wasteful.
    Irish Spring because it makes my skin itchy.
    Dove because it's too oily.
    Ivory bars soap doesn't last.
  10. GeneticShift

    GeneticShift Show me your everything is okay face.

    Oh @genuinemommy, I'm so lucky you think I'm clever.

    I use Neutrogena RainBath body wash in Original. It smells nice and generic.

    For hair, Herbal Essences 0% in Herb and mint.

    For clothes, I'm obsessed with Gain.
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  11. snowy

    snowy so kawaii Staff Member

    Body soap: Oil of Olay body wash from Costco. It's vegetarian and mildly scented.
    Face wash: I double-cleanse, so I use Softymo Deep cleansing oil, followed by Cerave Hydrating.
    Shampoo: Tigi Resurrection. I've had these bottles for going on 2 years because I only wash my hair once a week.
    Hand soap: Method Foaming in Sea Minerals or Sweet Water. I can't use 90% of hand soaps.
    Clothes: All Free and Clear.
    Dishes: Dawn. I break out from using Palmolive, and Dawn rates the best across the board anyway. I've had to use other soaps due to various dishwashing jobs through the years, and nothing beats Dawn. It only takes a couple drops to achieve what other dish soaps need a teaspoon to do.
    Makeup Brushes: Doc Bronner's Baby.
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  12. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    Whatever is on sale.
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  13. Joelski

    Joelski Vertical

    Did that with Tide powder. Irish Spring hasn't been a problem for 30+ years. Before that it was Ivory.
  14. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Body soap: My first choice is Kirk's Castile bar soap. I tend toward oily skin, and nothing cleans me like Kirk's. It also works with hard water, like I grew up with from the farm well. I shower nearly every day.
    Face: Nothing special, usually Kirk's. Or I'll us some kind of liquid. Liquid soap is fine for hand soap or a light wash-up, but I don't like it in the shower.
    Shampoo: Suave apple essence, most recently. I'm not particular.
    Hand soap: Whatever... either liquid or the dregs of a bar soap sits by the bathroom lav.
    Clothes: Tide. I go with consumer Reports recommendation.
    Dishes: Dawn, but CR now recommends Ajax. I bought some, but haven't used it yet. Still have Dawn by the sink.
    Dishwasher: Whatever Walmart sells, also from CR.

    I'm fortunate to have no (known) allergies, except rap music.:rolleyes:
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  15. Freetofly

    Freetofly Diving deep into the abyss

    I have used Ivory bar soap forever.
    Herbal Essence strawberry,kiwi for the hair
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  16. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I started my new bottle of Ajax dish soap (that I bought a couple of months ago) after my Dawn ran out. Ajax seems about the same. Perhaps a little more concentrated, and I like the lemon smell. Works well on greasy pots & pans.
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  17. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    Glad it's working for you. It's currently my favorite dish soap.
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  18. ralphie250

    ralphie250 Fully Erect

    At work..
    I was raised using bar soap, when I got married my wife never bought it she always bought body wash. personally as long as it gets me clean im happy
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  19. Fangirl

    Fangirl Very Tilted

    Kirkland Body Soap (bar) in the shower. Has no smell and no added deodorants.
    ROC daily resurfacing discs/Noxema on my face.
    Generic Softsoap refills for hands.
    Kroger brand dish soap. Currently Sun Triple Clean laundry detergent.
    Have no allegiance to anything but the body soap and the face cleaners. Buy by price and value--whatever gets the job done.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2017
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  20. AlterMoose

    AlterMoose Slightly Tilted

    I dig Irish Spring (bar or liquid) or Alaffia coconut body wash, which is a decent price and doesn't have any extra chemically crap in it.

    For dishes, I don't much care. Right now I'm using Earth Fare brand clementine & lemongrass. Company loyalty and all that.

    I use Dr Bronner's castile bar soaps to make my laundry detergent.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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