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Refute Political Memes Here

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by genuinemommy, Jul 12, 2016.

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  1. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    Yeah, the picture used in this case seems to make this meme sardonically ironic. It would be more sincere if the image were, say, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Cornel West, or Elon Musk instead....
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  2. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Well...I guess you're not voting for Trump then... ;)
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  4. wye

    wye Getting Tilted

    Guns kept in the household are more likely to injure family members than intruders.[1]

    Household guns, and particularly handguns, are more likely to result in the deaths of residents and visitors than strangers[2] and are much more likely to be used in suicides than in self-protection homicides.[3]

    Assault victims possessing a gun are more likely to be shot than assault victims not possessing a gun.[4]

    Overall, firearms confer greater harm than protection to gun owners and their friends and families.

    1. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/01/defensive-gun-ownership-myth-114262?o=0
    2. http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM199310073291506
    3. http://www.docfoc.com/kellerman-198...nalysis-of-firearm-related-deaths-in-the-home
    4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/
  5. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Let's try something different for a change... :)

    **BTW, the numbers come from multiple elections
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  6. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  7. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    Beer and cigarettes, meh.
    Most people I know who got food stamps (including myself at one point) didn't have money for those.
    The rate of smoking has gone down a lot but since beer can't be bought with food stamps or welfare and since most of the people are working, is it wrong for them to pick up a six pack at the end of a hard week?

    As to the tattoos, I have tattoos, that I got when I was working and things were going well.
    Does that mean when things go to shit that I don't deserve to get food stamps?

    This entire meme is the standard, lets make assumptions about people who are poor and punish them, that has been around since Scrooge.
    We might as well bring back poor houses and debtors prisons ... oh, that's right we have.
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  8. wye

    wye Getting Tilted

    Alcohol and nicotine are highly addictive substances. The paleoconservative notion that government should consign impoverished drug addicts to starvation and homelessness is utterly barbaric and doesn't belong anywhere in humanity's future. Would you rather your government save money to give tax breaks than use that money to save lives?
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  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    The "welfare queen" and other similar concepts regarding those who live in poverty are among the most repugnant and misleading ideas to come from the right (mostly). Demonizing those who live in poverty doesn't help, especially when you consider the real causes of poverty in the first place.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  11. wye

    wye Getting Tilted

    Not her.

    She never lost six billion dollars. The State Department lost paperwork documenting six billion in payments already made. She took responsibility for the 2012 Benghazi attack, but losing four lives isn't as bad a record compared with previous secretaries of state who lost hundreds of people in embassy bombings. Apparently the State Department lost a laptop in the mail. I can't find any grounds to blame her personally for that, and I can't find any evidence that she lost four phones and three tablets.

    Finally, she legally deleted 31,000 emails which she deemed to be personal in nature.
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  12. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

    Did not think was a funny post so that's why I posted it here.​
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  13. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  14. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  15. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    • Like Like x 1
  16. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  17. Knight Templar

    Knight Templar Holy Warrior

  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    There's got to be some balance...
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member


    • Like Like x 1
  20. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

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