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Politics The 2016 US Presidential Election

Discussion in 'Tilted Philosophy, Politics, and Economics' started by ASU2003, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Certainly not the end of the world, maybe no harm done at all. But just so typical of the Clinton attitude that "the rules don't apply to us." We'll just do whatever for our convenience.
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  2. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam

    First, the e-mails aren't portion marked correctly. The Subject should have the classification level in it and every paragraph should have a mark that indicates the level it is at. Second, (C) is confidential not "classified". If the highest level of marking in any of these e-mails is (C), it is a complete waste of time. You can read what is at the (C) level above. (S) and (TS) information is where things get trickier.

    But, this is where the media and the political witch hunt doesn't want the public to find the truth. Only what they feel is right or wrong based on their biases.

    Now, why she deleted all the e-mails, were there e-mails about the Clinton Foundation and donations from foreign leaders, and what "classified" information is really in them (and did some foreign country access them) are the big questions. I would also question why computer security and procedures aren't a lot stronger at all of the different agencies.

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  3. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    And now...the State Dept. reopens its inquiry.
    The gift that just keeps on giving :rolleyes:
    That or some 'crat wants the limelight.

    Unfortunately, all it really does is distract from the multitude of lies and fraud that is Trump.

    Which is worse??
    Neglect and denial of emails...and some high paying speaking fees.
    Or outright criminal and civil fraud? (taxes, university, bankruptcies, false charity...and so much more) Much less complimenting or relating to Putin, Saddam, KKK, mob violence, etc...

    Uhh...I'm no Dem or Lib...but if you say email and fees...you're exaggerating a situation thru sheer spite and dislike.
    This is NOT the Red Sox vs. Yankees...rooting for a team or person.
    This is picking a prez...not your fav for kickball. (vs the icky kid)

    As the long skewerer of Trump, Doonesbury creator, Garry Trudeau, states...

    I don't see people going after Hillary, except for emails or other red herrings...Benghazi, Whitewater, Deathlists, Speaking fees and so on...
    Or the fact she stayed with her husband after he lied about getting a blowjob. (horrors!!) Or other flings...which he got caught at.
    Well, of course...the fact she's not charming (which she admitted to BTW, she's not oblivious to it...like Gore or otherwise)

    Welcome to America.
    Where we vote for the "fun" one. We like our guts and our gut feelings.
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  4. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    As a followup, this op-ed pretty much says it for me...
    Hillary Clinton: Ma’am Survivor

    Disappointed perhaps...but more like rolling my eyes on how a sophisticated and knowledgeable leader could let something like this occur.
    But you know what?? It happens ALL the time. Even now in my govt gig, mgrs and execs are doing the same damned thing.
    Simply - Something for convenience, neglect the rules.
    Are they evil? No. Are they incompetent? Not really.
    Just being human, stupid and presumptuous.
    A person used to getting things.

    But her ills by comparison to Trump's??
    A mountain to a molehill...he blows her away in sheer audacity by his abuses.

    She survives because she's never really done something wrong.
    Mostly just indiscreet or questionable.
    Like smoking pot.
    But the GOP and her detractors want to imprison her, to remove her, to PUNISH her for "what"??

    Foolish. yes.
    But what one of us hasn't been foolish??
    I know I have.

    But I certainly haven't done what Trump has done.
    I hope others don't either.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    From reading many of your posts, in this thread and elsewhere, its really hard to credit this assertion. Can you name even a few Republicans or Conservatives that you would support, approve, admire, etc., not ancient history like Abe Lincoln, but from your time as an adult of voting age?

    Hard to believe you are not philosophically a Dem or Lib. I just assume that when something quacks like a duck, etc.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.:cool:
  6. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor


    I can't speak for Rogue49 but I grew up in Alaska there is a very different dynamic with Republicans and Democrats.
    I voted for one of the best governors Alaska has ever had, Jay Hammond, and constantly voted for Arlis Sturgulewski who was the Republican rep for my district.
  7. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Nope...not a Dem or Lib...I'm a GDI - a God-Damned Independent.
    Not just a claim or rationalization. Nor do I love the Dems, it's just that currently they are more sane and less despicable than the GOP.
    I've taken every web-test under the sun and always land smack dab in the middle. (part libertarian, part progressive)
    I voted for Bush Sr...and I've voted for several GOP before.
    But that's not my criteria. I think for myself, study the policy, history and abilty of EACH candidate.
    And I vote for the best choice for me, the locale (nation, state, county, etc) and according to their ability to execute and make things happen.
    (this is why I voted for Clinton over Bush Sr., although I liked his policy better...he lost will and hid. I don't put you in a seat to sit on your ass...you're there to represent and do a job. Work hard.)

    I like good EFFICIENT military and projection of power (I don't BS myself and call it defense)
    I understand the use of the death penalty and have even argued it vs. the opponents on this board (although it only needs to be used if it is OBVIOUS and the person will not be released EVER)
    I like weapons and approve of their use by responsible, TRAINED and cleared citizens.
    I love capitalism and think it's the best system (and proven) **although I know it's weaknesses and abuses and the need to regulate it to a balanced extent, it cannot be unfettered as much as I like the idea of laissez faire
    Etc, etc, etc...and so on...in "proofs" that I'm not to be "categorized" as liberal or FOR the Dems...and that I have "some" conservative values.

    But, like many, I'm not simply Black & White, I'm mottled, I THINK for myself. It's situational. I'm practical, pragmatic. I EVALUATE what is the best choice GIVEN to me. No one tells me, no spin works, no byline.
    If only more did this.
    If only more took the time, the effort.
    As the happenstance Lib/Dem character in "The American President" said, "Democracy isn't easy. You've gotta work for it"

    No I'm not simple. I'm complex. I cannot be categorized or labeled.
    I have so many sides to me, I'm basically a sphere. (geek joke)

    I've said I like Kasich, he's not a choice.
    I like some of Rand Paul's ideas, he's wasn't up to snuff
    I liked Christie, until he sold his soul.
    I even thought GWB got his shit together at the end and started making good choices for the situation...but it was too late and the damage was done.

    I do NOT favor or dislike someone due to their party. Although I'm VERY aware of who they bring in with them. This IS a very important factor. (like GWB brought in a whole bunch of tools and ideologues, even if he wasn't)

    The reason I like Hillary is because in reality she's a middle left politician who works hard when she gets in works with wall street and is strong on military and foreign policy. (and other classic conservatives agree)
    She knows how the system works on the inside and how to leverage it. Trained for decades.
    And she seems to care about the citizens...and has voted for our benefit. And balanced that with the needs of business and the nation. (a VERY hard balancing act)
    So what if she takes money, they ALL take money. (including Obama, Warren, Sanders, etc...) I'm not naive or stupid. It's how they they do it.
    Is there someone better?? Maybe. Likely. But they aren't a choice. In the current reality.
    Is she likable?? No.
    But that's NOT what I'm voting for.

    The reason I detest Trump. He's unstable. A liar with no comparison. A fraud. A user. A bully. An instigator. A supporter of ignorance, bigotry and more.
    He's unqualified. Unwilling to learn. In denial. Selfish to no end. Ignorant of the rest of the world. Unaware of the system other than what he can use for himself.
    And he's not even close to a classic conservative. (and they themselves know it, some are even brave enough to say it)
    He's a loudmouth celebrity.

    I like the Libertarian candidate...and I hope he gets to at least 15% to be allowed in the debates.
    He would be good vs. either Trump or Clinton. And give Clinton more to work on.
    But I also know his party is not ready for prime time and has some serious stability issues.

    But I also wish the Green party would also get sane and together to get up to 15% (but this isn't happening any time soon)

    I wish the GOP would pull itself back from the brink, get its integrity back. Stop selling its soul for votes and positions and saving face.
    I wish Dems would get a spine, stop being wishy-washy, get their words consistent. Stop being too corrupt. (there's always going to be some...but let's bring it down to reasonable levels so it doesn't dick over the public)

    It's not simple o clean.
    I'm not simple or clean.

    Does this answer your question??
    Prove something?
    Does it matter?

    Vote for the best for you and the nation, given the choice available.
    Not for personality.
    They aren't your friend...they're your employee.

    I don't vote for a leader, I vote for a worker.
    Who's going to get the job done.
    Who's NOT going to fuck up.

    But enough about me and my thoughts...this is not the rogue board.
    As much as I write and post, I just like to yibber-yabber, sometimes excessively (as others have pointed out before and will again, til death)

    What does everyone else think???
    I truly want to know.
    Promise I won't categorize or label.
    We're interested in the novel, not the cover.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
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  8. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks for your good discussion. Re-reading my post, it sounds like an inquisition. I apologize for that.
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  9. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member


    Not at all. No worries. :)
    Actually, I do realize that at this time I may come off as leaning one way. But it's a matter of circumstance, not philosophy.
    It's all about the facts and the real deal for me. That's my focus. I hate it when spin and rep supplant actual actions.
    If the GOP would stop putting up schmucks for candidates, I'd be able to vote for them more and champion them.
    The Libertarians actually have a sane and good one this time, as far as I see so far...hopefully he stands the testing.

    And thank you for your own words...you've got an interesting perspective. :cool:

    ** @ASU2003 I posted an answer to your cybersecurity question in the IT security thread, so it won't take away from the politics (and add one more post of my ugly mug here)
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  10. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Looks Like Email Non-Indictment Was A Polling Non-Event

    Pretty much like all the investigations :rolleyes:

    People like the team they like, Yankees vs. Red Sox (and everyone that hates either...or could care less)
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
  11. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    So Bernie finally formally endorsed Hillary yesterday. He did a good job biting the bullet, and though I wish he were the nominee, I at least respect that he held off full endorsement until he could extract concessions about policy both put forward as proposals by HRC and in the Democratic Party platform. He made the best out of a rotten situation, did so effectively and with class, and with any luck, maybe it will even help....
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  12. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I'm not quite sure why he did. Unless she is going to announce him as her VP pick. I'm not sure he will be holding any rallys for her before the Democrats convention.

    Why not wait until the convention and have her become the nominee to endorse her?
  13. redravin

    redravin Cynical Optimist Donor

    He did it because he always said he was going to, just like she would have if he had won.
    That's why it's a party.
    He also got one of the most progressive party platforms that the Democrats have had in decades out of the deal (which was really all he'd planned on in the first place).

    That and the idea of Trump winning is disgusting.
    • Like Like x 2
  14. Derwood

    Derwood Slightly Tilted

    Columbus, OH
    He did it because she caved to his demands for some say in her platform. See how she suddenly supports free college tuition?
  15. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    I thought there was a SCOTUS thread somewhere in politics...
    But, I'll put it here since it involves our favorite male nominee.

    Did Ginsberg step out of lines or go overboard with her statements on Trump???

    There's no law saying that justices have to remain quiet. (some haven't before...)
    Perhaps she feels passionate about it to have to say something.
    And all she has to do is recuse herself, IF his stuff goes all the way up to the Supreme Court. (now THAT would be interesting...)

    Many "experts" are saying she should STFU (much less, Trumps own retorts)
    Do we have unrealistic expectations of our figureheads???
    They're human too...
  16. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    Yes, RBG shouldn't of said anything to the media about it. It just gives the right wing media more talking points as to why they need to stop Hillary and prevent the SCOTUS from turning liberal for the next 30-50 years.
  17. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2016
  18. rogue49

    rogue49 Tech Kung Fu Artist Staff Member

    Actually, god knows what's going to happen in the GOP convention,
    But it looks like Trump is the guy...but they certainly aren't going to be unified.

    However, it's the Hillary that appears at the Dem convention that will make the real difference.
    If the lame version comes out...she won't inspire, voters will go "meh" and disappear. (kind of like a mid-term) The GOP has a chance then.
    If the good one appears...the Dems will be energized. The GOP will languish...may even be smothered.

    It's hers to lose.
    She better make her mark.

    It's not the GOP convention I'm watching, that's all saving face.
    It's the Dem on I'm curious. Not because of platform or policy...but to see if she can go "Obamaesque"
    You never know with her. She's not consistent.
  19. ASU2003

    ASU2003 Very Tilted

    Where ever I roam
    I am hoping that she picks a VP just as left wing as Mike Pence is on the right. I think if she picks some moderate Democratic Party insider she will alienate a large group of progressive voters who will vote for the Green party. She needs to pick someone that will fight for the blue collar workers. I think she will win or lose it based on who she picks, even though the media doesn't for some reason.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2016
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  20. Levite

    Levite Levitical Yet Funky

    The Windy City
    I don't know if that will definitely make or break her-- not with Trump running. But generally speaking, I completely agree. She needs someone legitimately progressive and relatively charismatic.