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Gadgets - what do you lust after!

Discussion in 'Tilted Gear' started by Innocentmiss, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. New iPhone gets announced on Oct.4.
  2. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I REALLY want a Sony Tablet S.

  3. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    Turned out it wasn't so "New" after all.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Redlemon

    Redlemon Getting Tilted

    New England
    Well, the insides are new. I suppose that you need other people to know that you have the newer model just by looking at it?

    I want an iPhone, but I don't want to pay the monthly charges for a smartphone. I also want it to hold 128 GB. I'll even take an iPod Touch at 128 GB, but neither of those options exist.
  5. Lindy

    Lindy Moderator Staff Member

    I want a Kindle Fire. And what a great name!
  6. Zweiblumen

    Zweiblumen Slightly Tilted

    I would still rather get an Android, for example the Samsung Galaxy S™ II, Epic™ 4G Touch has similar price tag as iPhone 4S but better cameras and batterylife, 16 GB + 32GB mem standard and has Android ;)
  7. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    If you want a droid.. wait for the Prime. Going to destroy the 4s and the Galaxy S II.
  8. Yeah, I'm pretty meh about it. Need a new phone, not sure what I'll do
  9. Baraka_Guru

    Baraka_Guru Möderätor Staff Member

    I'm currently lusting after my electric guitar, which is currently being repaired. The wiring in the jack became detached and it was in a desperate need for a proper setup. It's been years since I've had it working properly.

    This has me also lusting after my overdrive pedal (Boss SD-2), which, coincidentally, I purchased not long before the wiring on my guitar went. So I've had these things for years without having used them together much.

    Now that I'm learning the blues, I'm interested in playing around with the overdrive for something other than grunge. :)

    Here's a guy demoing it:
  10. EventHorizon

    EventHorizon assuredly the cause of the angry Economy..

    anything bluetooth. its a great technology that i think would save so many people ALOT of headache by getting rid of wires. my only complaint is the relatively high ping (or whatever the hell the bluetooth version of ping is).
  11. To keep this SFW, I'm not going to post a picture of what gadget I am truly lusting after....I'll just say it has bunny ears and takes C batteries.
    • Like Like x 3
  12. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    I'm going to assume this is made by California Exotics. :p
  13. RogueGypsy

    RogueGypsy Vertical

    Just for you-

    I own a couple and they cut like butta'.

    Lately I've been lusting after something that does not yet exist. Since the Ipad came out I've wanted a larger, 15"+ tablet, that will run any operating system, stream video in HD, 10+ hrs of battery, 100gig drive, 4 gig RAM, 5mp+ front & back cams w/HD video, wifi, any mobile plan, etc.... Basically, I'd like to remove the keyboard from a top of the line laptop, replace it with a touch screen and be happy as hell.

    • Like Like x 1
  14. BadNick

    BadNick Getting Tilted

    PA's on U SofA
  15. MSD

    MSD Very Tilted

  16. Arc101

    Arc101 New Member

    Thanks for the video clip of the Sony Tablet P, really interesting and I would like to have it but the price is far too high. Have not brought a Tablet yet as everytime I look at getting one a newer and better one arrives.
  17. Bear Cub

    Bear Cub Goes down smooth.

    These. The HOSS loudspeakers designed by Dan Neubecker. They use an omnidirectional midrange design that has really peaked my interest, has gotten rave reviews from those who have heard it (won a lot of awards in the Iowa show, which is kind of the Super Bowl of DIY speaker building), and is unique enough for me to want to try it. It is not however, as well known as the second set of speakers, the Poor Man's Strad designed by Troels Graevson, which is regarded as one of the best DIY speaker designs, period. Both are gorgeous, and thanks to a coworker whose father is an extensive woodworker, I'll end up building one or the other this winter.


  18. Python

    Python Getting Tilted

    Honestly, nothing at the moment. I think I've gotten everything I want for a while, which is probably the first time for me. I guess those fancy, shiny speakers above me would be cool to have though.
  19. Shadowex3

    Shadowex3 Very Tilted

    Well I've already got an arduino kit and I scored an HP Touchpad during the firesale which has effectively become my Star Trek Padd even with all of WebOS' quirks, interesting feeling to touchpad type my homework on the bus home but it's nice to carry a LOT less in books. A chronodot would be useful for a standalone arduinoclock but given how wired up my place is I figure I'll just go for a synching clock and not worry about the few seconds it might be off by the end of a powerless night.

    So I suppose for straight electronics I'm set but since we're accepting musical instruments here's one for my fellow classic rock lovers...


    If you know what this is, you know why nothing more needs to be said. When you want to play the golden oldies you just can't beat the real thing.
  20. thejuanald

    thejuanald Vertical

    I was holding out on moving to the iPhone4S so that I could see the Galaxy Nexus before I made my decision and boy am I glad I did. The Galaxy Nexus and the new Android OS are amazing and completely overshadow the 4S and iOS5. This thing looks amazing...plus LTE! I can't wait for November.