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Steve Jobs died

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by the_jazz, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. cynthetiq

    cynthetiq Administrator Staff Member Donor

    New York City
    I don't believe mr. Cook has the same drive of perfection and vision. I don't think that exists anymore in the tech industry. The greats have pretty much moved on, and now it is the second stringers.
  2. Fremen

    Fremen Allright, who stole my mustache?

    E. Texas
    No, there is another. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
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  3. He quite literally changed the world. He showed us that technology does not have to be cold and hard but rather soft and inviting. He was proof that there still is innovation in the US, not yet a property of a foreign country. He had a clear eyed vision of a future and he pursued it.

    But in the end, he was very human. No more suffering, for this I'm glad.
  4. Joniemack

    Joniemack Beta brainwaves in session

    Reading, UK
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  5. Zen

    Zen Very Tilted

    R I P
  6. Plan9

    Plan9 Rock 'n Roll

    Shit, I need to buy $25k in Apple stock while it's low.

    /stock market operated by feelings
  7. Charlatan

    Charlatan sous les pavés, la plage

    While I think there are many that are innovators in technology business, there are very few that are as iconic (or iconoclastic) as Steve Jobs. There was a cult of personality around him that was propped up by millions of Apple fanboys. Most of the other men and women who are responsible for many of the great tech we use today will remain nameless to most of the end users.

    Recognizing that, what Jobs did, as a corporate leader of a very innovative company, changed how we use technology at a very personal level. Great design. Stable platforms. Fonts! Are just some of the things I am happy he was involved in bringing to fruition.

    He leaves very big shoes to fill and I hope his influence (especially in design) will continue to make waves with the people who bring us the tech that is such a part of our everyday lives.

    Job well done, Mr. Jobs.
  8. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Very Tilted

    Yucatan, Mexico
    Wow, just didn't think it was that bad. I wish his friends and family the best in these troubled times.
  9. Jove

    Jove Slightly Tilted

    I feel like upgrading my phone to version 4. Or buying something Apple related. Or I could just raise my coffee mug to the dude.
  10. genuinemommy

    genuinemommy Moderator Staff Member

    With all his riches and fame, Steve Jobs saw the world as many in his generation: do what you love, work 'till you die. We follow in the footsteps of giants.
  11. Random McRandom

    Random McRandom Starry Eyed

    While Jobs was known for being a tyrant in headquarters, I think there's a reason behind his madness. He had a vision and he wanted it executed in the manner that combined style, function and appeal. He brought Apple out of the ashes to create a company that has a fan base that many sports teams would envy.

    As far how Apple will be now that Jobs has died, I think people will be quick to panic with Jobs' death, but Jobs wasn't an idiot and I'm confident that he's left a core group of people behind that are just as driven and just as creative to keep Apple relevant. These people will probably be more than capable and the death of Jobs will most likely motivate them to move Apple forward bc they know the world is watching and expecting a collapse.

    Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ~~Steve Jobs
  12. psykosis

    psykosis Getting Tilted

    Great White North
    well said. I agree completely.
  13. Seer666

    Seer666 Getting Tilted

    Well, it's sad that he had to deal with such a horrible disease, and it's a shame that he died. As for Apple, eh, don't care. Until they acknowledge that when I buy an electronic device I own it and can put whatever the hell I want on it, they won't see a penny from me. They could go bankrupt in the morning, and I really wouldn't give a damn.
  14. OldBoy

    OldBoy Vertical

    I think maybe history will remember him among the great modern inventors, like Bell, Edison, Ford, even Gates, etc. Apple owes him practically everything. They'll be fine, but there won't be another one like Jobs.
  15. Indigo Kid

    Indigo Kid Getting Tilted

    Those of us who attended several symposiums in San Francisco sponsored by Apple, get what Steve Jobs was about. He did talk to the users, shake hands and ask questions and act truly interested in our ideas, gripes and all that Apple was or could be. He even took time to take photos with us who really didn't know him but wanted to learn more at Moscone Center every year they launched new stuff. And often Apple provided free lunches. Unheard of at most gatherings of this type.

    Just saying.
  16. Carbonic

    Carbonic Getting Tilted

    I don't think it's possible to talk about Steve Jobs without talking about Apple. Yes, this is a human tragedy at its core, but Apple is the result of his talents. Recognizing the human loss without recognizing that person's skills rings hollow to me.

    I have a love-hate relationship with Apple. I love the attention to detail and the focus on the end user, but I hate the methods Jobs often employed to reach his goal. Regardless, I greatly admired his vision. It's not that Apple innovated and created new technology - as much as Jobs liked to claim otherwise - but he led Apple to refine and perfect many existing technologies and ideas that already existed. He saw what was possible and pushed others to make it happen.

    When Jobs stepped down as CEO of Apple back in August, Vic Gundotra (Google's VP of Social) shared a story about Jobs which I think exemplifies exactly what made him special.

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  17. I heard on the news last night that Westwood Baptist is planning to demonstrate at his funeral.

    Boy, do I wish pancreatic cancer was contagious.
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  18. Cayvmann

    Cayvmann Very Tilted

    Although I never got the whole draw of Apple products, including the Mac, I believe the world is not a better place for his passing. Innovators are always in short supply. RIP
  19. Daval

    Daval Getting Tilted

    iSad - RIP Mr. Jobs.
  20. the_jazz

    the_jazz Accused old lady puncher